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About sunnyssj2

  • Birthday 08/20/1985


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Goron_3 ur gettin it 23rd? mine's coming on the 21st, I doubt they'll set it up for us, they just deliver and get lost I pressume. We shud celebrate and hav a online game in HD xD
  2. Nope, no phonecall yet I've put all games on hold till i get that blasted tv.
  3. lol sagat i was cheerin you on, I the was asian guy shouting "Go on Link!", u were pretty focused on the game so u prob didnt notice me, nice 2 see ppl using link for a change. A lot of ppl are sayin Link is a lot weaker in this game tho
  4. like i mentioned b4, I cant stand choosing pit, my forward smash didnt even kill u on 160%. I prefer sonic or marth, u relied too much on Ike's forward smash, thats y u felt ther was an unfair speed advantage, my bro can knock me silly wen he choose's Ike, it's all about how u play him. anyway, i'll give u my brawl code and we can go a few more rounds if u like, u seem pretty confident
  5. I was that "someone playing as pit" lol. I remember you had to fight one of my brothers in the first round. It was silly that you couldn't use unlockable characters, I prefer sonic, then marth as my second, pit is crap but i didnt hav a choice. some good players there though
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