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Posts posted by Deathjam

  1. It's down alright! Was just about to get spoilered, and then the site turned suspened.


    It was spoiler galore down there. A teeny tiny bit of me was a little sad that these things wont be a surprise for me when I get the game BUT I spoil tons of things for myself all the time and have done for years like christmas presents (always pretended that I was totally surprised though) so that guilty part of me is very experienced :heh:


    Anyways, still waiting for the site to come back up.

  2. Confirmed to be in the SSE only or also playable, is it known at this point?


    Even though it hasn't been confirmed he's blatantly gonna be playable. Have faith! Can't have a badass like ganon in the game and make him unplayable, especially after melee.


    EDIT: is it just me or is the brawl central site down for others too?

  3. Didn't the DS go through a phase like this where the games weren't exploiting it's potential and it was seen as being just a novelty? Look at it now. It's overflling with quality original titles that I know I have missed many a gem and would not be able to play them all.


    I expect and expected the Wii to go through the same thing. Soon games like SSBB and Mario Kart will arrive, games that you will be playing for years to come. That is a nintendo speciality, i mean im still playing SSBM now. If double dash was better, it would be the same for that but alas it's not so. I don't think you get that sort of long lasting pleasure on the other consoles. Nothing kept my attention like SSB on the PS2 and xbox.


    The wait is exhausting, but it's a nintendo trademark that has generally been worn down a bit. Even though we are still third best, efforts are being made to address this. Nintendo has come far and with this new console, I feel that patience will be key to enjoying it.


    Sadly that said, there is quite a bit of quality available on the other consoles that a gamer should not miss out on. I only have a Wii, but I can't miss out on stuff like Street Fighter 4, MGS4 and DMC4 now can I. This gen you really need more than 1 console to experience some great gaming moments but a Wii should be included in all those combonations as the best moments can come from only this console imo, such as getting your ship to move for the first time in MP3. Was almost like really being there. No other console can give you that feeling.


    If you don't own more than 1, you may be missing out, but as long as you are satisfied what does it matter anyways and you will be saving a heck of a lot of money =3

  4. Did you know that samurais used to 'test' their blade on the peasants. they could be complete bastards at times too.


    Anyways, nintendo's worst thing is that we have to put up with them defining how we play rather than it feeling like they are giving the customer what they want. It works when nintendo get it right, but with when they get it wrong it's painful like the obvious friend code and hard drive space.

    Also, as i don't own any of the other consoles, it really feels like im missing out online play such as CoD4. There is almost nothing on the wii that attracts me to online play and I hate having to wait for smash bros being the first to have such an attraction. There aren't enough online options at the moment.

  5. Maybe it's a new lyat wars game. God knows we need a new one after star fox adventures. Never played it, but it, along with a lot of other cube games lacked the appeal and special factor that it's N64 counterparts had.

  6. the last game that made me this obsessed was KH2 for me




    byebye Killer Kirby! stop by and give us your friend code when brawl comes out!


    Heh would have been really eager for KH2 but someone gave it to me as a present! So i played that while waiting for FFXII. Still haven't completed both of them ¬_¬


    Also the recent update is why I love Smash Bros. A game really worth your cash. Still playing melee to this day and never have I had so much fun and laughter from one game. Just the other day, a friend of mine and myself were attempting to beat the time record set for challenges 50 and 51. Took hours but even though it was Rock hard, we didn't give up till we had done them. Ganon with his ridiculous power was my way forward while my mate used fox for a highly tactical, hard=fought battle.

  7. *Continues to await Ganondorf confirmation*


    Same. Seems like may have to wait till the game comes out before we get that confirmation. If there is no more delays, then its due out here when? February? March? I am so tired of waiting. Think it was Final Fantasy XII that last had me so eager for a game.

  8. None. Just got Endless ocean and Super Paper Mario. Come friday I will have access to Smash Bros Melee, MP3, Zelda: TP, Red Steel and RE4 (left them in london so I can study for exams in leeds). Man I really want an online game for the Wii. tired of hearing how great CoD4 and Halo4 are online. =(
