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About ukballer

  • Birthday 01/08/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
    Oxfordshire, England
  • Interests
    Basketball, Gaming
  • Occupation
    Uni Student


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii (Soon)
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, PSP, PC
  • Favourite Game?
    NBA 2K7 (Non Nintendo) Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart DS: 1847-9476-2667
    Pokemon Diamond: 3136-3890-8507

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  1. Well obviously thats not the only game I'm going to get. Right now I don't even know half the games as I'm new to Nintendo and stuff. Not that your opinion would change mine, but anyway.... Thank you the others for replying.
  2. Hey guys. I'm getting a Wii for christmas hopefully (as long as parents can find it), and was wondering exactly when the release date is for Pokemon Battle Revolution in the UK? This is one game I intend to ask for or buy myself, but I have obviously been looking in the wrong places as I can't find the date anywhere. Also, will the UK version have Online play as well? Sorry for the noobish questions, my experience with Nintendo consoles/games is limited, but soon to grow! Thanks in advance. : peace: EDIT: Ok I found the release date for the game on the release date sticky thread (I feel daft for missing it). 7th December, so I should be able to get a copy for christmas. Final question though, will it have online play like the US version?
  3. Ok thanks. I mean like I said I didn't know a great deal about the Wii so didn't actually know if the games required jumping or not. I'll probably give the Wii Fit game a miss though
  4. Yeah, I mean my knowledge of the Wii isn't too great right now, but getting there. I've always been a Sony guy, but have moved on to better things . I guess I assumed all the games required the physical movements. But from reading your posts it seems it will be fine. Except the dancing games XD. Thanks guys, much appreciated.
  5. Ok sounds good, thanks a lot for the quick reply! I think I'll order mine later on now
  6. As you probably guessed from the title I am a wheelchair user. Just recently I have wanted to get a Wii, but I have my doubts about whether I would be able to use it or not. Obviously being in a wheelchair limits my mobility, but I have long arms and have no problems using them. Would being in a wheelchair make it difficult for me to use a Wii or do you think it wouldn't be a problem considering I have no mobility issues using my arms? Obviously I can't jump around and stuff, but on videos I've seen of people using the Wii, virtually all the games only require arm movements, which would be ok with me. I don't want to splash out on something I will find hard to use, so if you could give me any ideas/advice that would be great. Thank you! : peace:
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