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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    There goes my hero. Seriously, where is this "glitchy game play"? All I can see that looks at all undesirable, game play-wise is going through the little water thing that throws you off. That and the current absence of Nightopians, which honestly would make me cry.
  2. Have you seen it in Strikers? If it's a male, how does it explain the huge breast protection things that she and the other two females wear?
  3. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    Haha, nice Pedro, it really is tons better with that in the background. I have all the NiGHTs music in my iPod, it's so great. Try playing a bit of of Jackle's theme on the boss part. 'Works a charm.
  4. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    *Self censored* That's fantastic! However, I'm not sure I like the look of the strange shift in perspective. That said, I did let out a little fluid.
  5. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    Is there a Youtube version?! I'm on my Wii naked Aand can't reach a PC! Fuck it, I'll run down naked for this anyday.
  6. Mario Kart Vs Smash Bros

    Hear hear
  7. Mario Kart Vs Smash Bros

    I'd like to know this source. Master Tim, I've seen him around recently. Fired!
  8. Rumor Control - IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat

    It always was third person.
  9. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    Blondes = popular in America (Note that even the woman in the picture is blonde) Black gangsters with guns = popular in America. (See GTA) Also, as far as I'm aware the main Humans were blonde in Sonic 360, and Maria in Sonic Adventure 2 was Blonde. How can I draw comparrisons between Sonic and NiGHTs? Because they're both made by Sonic Team. Maybe saying blondes are generic wasn't the right way to describe it. Sorry for not putting thought into a one line post.
  10. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    You could get a chainsaw controller for the Cube version, but all I see is the CPU with chainsaws. Is it actually possible to get one?
  11. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    Yeah, I used all my bullets, including tons of magnum ammo and the time ran out, then I used the knife and it only took a minute. I was chuffed.
  12. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    Note: "Same probably goes for this". What game do you think I was talking about? That's right. It was called making a relevent example.
  13. According to my Melee save I've played it over 1000 hours. Is that normal...? o.O Or even possible.
  14. Stars Cat Update!

    Haha, I never thought of that. Nice.
  15. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    Yep. Sega made Shadow the Hedgehog to appeal to Westerners, same probably goes for this. You can't say he wasn't generic either.
  16. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    Is the anything different on proffessional that isn't in normal? And is it worth selling everything for that awesome sounding infinite launcher?
  17. I reckon Pit will start raining arrows as a final Smash.
  18. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    It looks like SEGA have gone for the generic way out and made the dreamers blonde.
  19. No More Heroes

    I can't wait for this. Looks like it could be a Wii game that could work us up a little sweat.
  20. I'm on the ball today.
  21. Speaking of Brinstar Depths, Bowser is stood on it in one of the shots. I hate that level. Also, why does Bowser look Grandaddy. Edit: Oh, it's Melee. Why the hell has he got no teeth? Srsly.
  22. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

    Hohoho, looks like I'm gonna win the bet, everyone will owe me a random Gamecube game! Woooooooo!
  23. I've actually personally learnt the techniques anyway, but I'm not a big fan of them. However, the average gamer simply won't want to look on the internet and turn the game into a chore because some people are annoyingly using them constantly. Really, when you think about, it's more likely that the techer is the sore loser, going to great lengths just to beat people. I could just hold this view because I play against the computer and newbs, I might actually enjoy teching when I finally get online and get some tasty competition, but I'll always be one of the little men at heart, and I'll always look on scornfully when a techer poons a helpless noob.
  24. Well...exactly. The vast minority of players are going to go on to internet to find out how to excecute these techniques, and it isn't taught in game, so the people who do nerd out on the internet and sit learning them will be spoiling the game for others. As you put it, it needlessly "takes their fun away", which is why I find it so crap. Atleast for snakers, again, as you put it "it's a cheap technique that ANYONE" can do. Hell, they could even learn it mid-race and make a glorious comeback. Relevant quotes: "Advance techs are much harder" (Pretty much impossible to discover yourself without extensive outide guidence) "Ruins their fun" (Great, selfish bitch :p) "Snaking is easy." Exactly. Just to set it to vibrate and finish you off, by this regard, snaking is much less cheep than Smash's harsher equivelant.
  25. We all know that alot of people will see Advanced techers as the Motion2000 of the Smash world, just like when people got pissed off at snakers in Mario Kart. Although they may do it with good intentions, not everyone will think that way.