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Posts posted by Alan77

  1. The thing everyone needs to remember is that people have prob pre-ordered more than 1 wii each. How many of the 7000 that play have allocated out won't actually be sold because people will go elsewhere? You might find you do get one because a load of people cancelled theirs. I've pre-ordered in PCWorld and Game so I'll obviously cancel one (prob Game) and some lucky punter will stroll into Game on launch and pick one up without pre-ordering probably!!

  2. I assume they'd have to. As long as I didn't open it they'd have to refund me.


    Yeah I know I would like to think you could but I swear I read they don't do refunds on hardware... I might be wrong. Obviously if it's faulty they'd have to. Best bet is as stated above, check both shops have one and cancel one!! Or, get both and flog one on Ebay for vast sums if they do sell out.


    The other option is to sell your pre-order to someone who really wants one on launch day (maybe a small child crying outside the store!!:D )

  3. Haha, ok, the plan now, is to go GAME in the morning and get the Wii and games...then i'll go wooloworths...if they don't have any i'll cancel my order and keep the GAME wii, but if they do and i've been charged i'll take the other Wii back to GAME, lol.


    Not sure you'll be able to get a refund on the Wii....

  4. Question (sort of on topic)...say I keep my GAME pre order and my Woolworths one...what if Woolworths do get me one on release...can I get my deposit back off GAME after the Wii has been released?


    Yes - That's exactly what I'm doing. I ordered the bundle at PCWorld online because it was a good price but also in Game in town. If PCWorld don't email me to say the order is shipping a few days before release I'll head to town and pick it up from Game. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. You can get your deposit back from Game (or use it to buy a remote or something...)

  5. You just know that Red Steel will be one of those games that has it's score 'revised' in a few months as 'better' games come out. Mags do that a lot with review scores (is N-Gamer the new version N64 mag?) if so I seem to re-call a lot of review revisions in that mag (which is fair enough I suppose given the passing of time) but you just know that the game was prob never worth that score in the first place!!!

  6. My mate just rang me this morning to say he had a letter from GAME telling him that they will be unable to fulfill his preorder. He can either wait on the off chance that they will be allocated more stock or get his £20 back.


    I've not had a letter yet, but will be very disappointed if I do as I ordered mine on 29/9 a few days after they started taking preorders. He preordered over 3 weeks ago so anyone who ordered around that time or since would be wise to contact their local store


    Good luck


    What number was your mate on the list tho... If he was number 100 then it's understandable, if he was number 10 then that's worrying!

  7. All this worry about not getting a Wii because of huge pre-order numbers is crap. I bet most people have pre-ordered more than 1 Wii (I know I have) and therefore there will be pre-orders cancelled on the day. I bet you could stroll into town and get one pretty easily without pre-ordering. Play having 7000 pre-orders is (if even true) down to Play being the first place to offer pre-orders. I bet everyone also went elsewhere and, if Play can't fulfill orders then people will get it from their 2nd/3rd choice.

  8. What the hell is wrong with the Excite Truck setup for Mario Kart?


    I'm sorry, I just don't know what you're afraid of. Seems to me you're scared of the Wii... What is the added value of Mario Kart on the Wii with a traditional setup? How can Nintendo sell that on their new console? You sound exactly like the people who are scared of Zelda Wii because of the swordswinging.


    Brawl using the VC setup is quite dodgy too, but I suppose considering they tried to use the Wiimote for it and it didn't work, this is for the best. Fighting games might be a genre not suited for the Wiimote, but racers most definetely are.


    I'm just stating an objective view. I'm not scared of anything, if I was I wouldn't have pre-ordered 2 Wii's (to make sure I def get one at launch!) I'm just voicing an opinion that I think quite a few people are feeling that, as I stated above, as long as the Wii-Mote is used well it will be an amazing thing but I just don't want to see games made to fit the remote that don't suit it. Maybe MK will be brilliant with the remote, who knows but I only use this as an example as it's a massive franchise and I would hate to see it lose something or turn out to be a poor game because it was forced to fit the remote. You even back up what I'm saying yourself: ''but I suppose considering they tried to use the Wiimote for it and it didn't work, this is for the best''. Exactly. As long as this attitude is always applied everyone will be happy.


    I have high hopes for the Wii and am really looking forward to it but I think your idea of cramming reworked remote controls into every game regardless is a little naive.

  9. Yeah really could you have imagined trying to control your Kart with the touch-screen on the DS.. would have been terrible. That's what I mean by doing something for the sake of it. Some games just won't work well with the new remote and some games will be revolutionised by it.... I think Nintendo got it right with the DS and I think they'll get it right with the Wii if they stick to a similar blueprint.


    That's rubbish honestly. All Wii games have the motion controls in them 'for the sake of it', everything shown can be played via a normal control setup or via mouse/keyboard. The whole point of the Wii controls is that we control games differently, and every game that can use the Wiimote in a good way is better than an unoriginal game using the VC setup.


    Roll on more Excite Truck controls, I'm certain playing racing games is much nicer that way. Seems to me you haven't understood the Wii yet, like you ironically said in your first post.


    I'd feel ripped off really if Nintendo didn't use a new setup for MKWii really.




    I bet you'd feel more ripped off if the control scheme ruined the game because it wasn't appropriate!!!!!


    NO game should ever have something put in for the sake of it.. it should only be included if it enhances the game. I agree with you when you say 'every game that can use the Wiimote in a good way is better than an unoriginal game using the VC setup' - that goes without saying but undoubtedly there are also going to be poor examples of wii-mote usage and that's what I was referring to and also what I think some people are worried about. I'm thinking mostly of third party cash-ins and first-party titles that everyone knows and loves (MK, SSB etc) that don't really suit the control scheme. I don't want to see them just having some half-arsed controls tacked-on etc


    I don't see how you can say 'I'm certain playing racing games is much nicer that way' until you've played it.... some might do but others might not.

  10. The change to Monkey Target does sound disappointing.:nono: I think for most people it was the thing they liked most about the game. It was awful in Monkey Ball Adventure tho.... They'll prob be some new minigame in there that will become the new 'champ' tho.... after all there's about 50-odd games in there!! :hehe:

  11. Yeah and it'll be better for it.


    My hope is that Mario Kart uses it too (I'm a massive MK fan!!) as I really wouldn't want some type of excite-truck control scheme just for the sake of it.


    As long as the remote is used well and wisely the wii will be great.

  12. Good Thread.


    I think the reaction to the Wii (and I think someone else said this also) is like that of the reaction to the DS. People were worried and excited by it but didn't 'get' it totally. People needed to get hold of it and play it before they realised the potential. It was also seen as something that could be a total gimmick but looking at it now it's completely blown the PSP away and, more significantly, replaced the Gameboy as the number one handheld.


    It will prob be similar with the Wii and all the fears will disappear once you've played it for a few weeks/months.


    I only hope that, like the DS, not all games will be altered to fit the control scheme. I think Mario Kart DS is a good example where the touch-screen isn't really used much and the game is better for it. If the Wii follows that path (no innovation for the sake of innovation) it will be fine.

  13. My only fear is that the Wii games are too simplistic. I felt the Gamecube lost something over the N64 because it was more 'American' (i.e more big explosion thrills and special weapons etc) than previous Nintendo systems. Things such as the special weapons in Mario Tennis and the slightly simpler basic control scheme and lack of shortcuts/increase in weapon use in Mario Kart DD are good examples of what I'm on about.


    I hope that there are still some proper classic Nintendo games in amongst all the 'Family games' like wii sports and the like. I think the DS MarioKart was much better than Double Dash and like the direction that the DS has gone in as opposed to the direction the cube was taking.

  14. I ordered from PC World. Zelda, MOnkey Ball and xtra remote for £259.99. This is best deal at mo. They state that they will get order to you for launch.


    If you order online anywhere you should get a conf email to say it's been shipped so should be OK online.


    Guy in Game said they won't match other stores deals and set games can't be swapped. I will prob now cancel my order with them.


    PC World is also currently the cheapest for games £34.99 and remotes (couple of quid off)


    I don't understand why anyone would pay full price just for the privelige of pre-ordering... seems steep to me. I haven't paid £40 for a game for years!!


    My only worry is delivery now. Fingers Crossed.
