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Everything posted by ncfcrulz

  1. To be fair all it probably won't work. We only have 5 votes in a day in one of the thread. Across the 3 days you need like 40-50 in each poll otherwise you are putting through games to final with like 2 votes lol! Can't overly extend the timeframe as the further into the month you go the more people are unconsciously persuaded to vote for games they have played in May rather than April etc. So I think it's probably best to abandon it as I just don't think the volume gained is going to be enough:(
  2. The answer to this I think is simple - Trophies and Achievements MOST of the gaming planet care about these and enjoy collecting them. No matter how strongly you feel about it the other way, you are in the minority if you dont like them. Because of this anyone that has all 3 consoles (which I believe is a suprisingly high number) is going to buy cross platform games on PS4 or Xbox One as they have this feature. Thus game sales are low and developers lose faith in Nintendo I dont think we will ever see the days again where COD etc is released on Nintendo as that is not the correct market, but games like Final Fantasy (Mainstream, not spinoffs), will only come if there is these features added to the console. Personally I was always a PS3/4 Mark however if they release trophies/achievements onto Nintendo games and a game is cross platform the Handheld aspect of a home console would sell it for me. Playstation debateably has it with the Vita but not to this extent we are seeing with the Switch. Nintendo has a golden opportunity here for a couple of years to use their new functionality along with the introduction of trophies/achievements (which is needed), to be able to get back on par with the big guns
  3. Thanks, hopefully they are fine with it. The threads will soon disappear into the aether when the month is done. Ran it for 3 years for PS and some of the results were very intriguing. For example I fully expect Zelda to win this month but for how many months will it remain on top? So long as we can get 30+ votes on each poll which judging by the amount so far after 1 day which is a work day and people arent home yet we should hit and it will build month on month
  4. Appreciate the comments. What I have done is just based on experience to be honest. When I started the PlayStation one there was a game called Warhawk which was a small indie production and didn't get included. That month people were in uproar it wasn't included! So ever since I have included all games to ever be released. The first month is always heavy but going forward you typically end up with 15-20 games. If mods are happy then in forthcoming months I'l just do 1 thread with 3 polls on it run using a poll website such as poll monkey that would probably work
  5. Shouldn't prove much of an issue and from previous experience on a playstation site will attract new visitors to the site so hopefully mods will be fine with this. With their being 3 semi final polls it is necessary for them to each have their own thread as you can only have 1 poll per thread. Could run polls offsite and only do 1 thread but I do not want to take traffic away from the site so that's a no go
  6. Im new to Zelda! Had a Gamecube and N64 way back but been a PS3/4 Mark for the past 10 years! Now coming back into Nintendo, loaded this up for an hour and wow I wish I had never left! What a game this looks! As stated only an hour in and just activated all the towers - I take it now I can kind of go do what I like?!?!
  7. I am a little disappointed in the tournaments... I played a 8 race tournament yesterday and was doing great with the chance on the last race to go 1st on the leaderboard... However last race started with only 8 of us rather than the 12 for the first 7 and as such there was not enough points available to be able to take 1st. Wasnt keen on this. Also what are the benefits of winning tournaments? This game is a good example of where trophies/achievements could really propel Nintendo
  8. THIS IS SEMI FINAL 3 OF 3 – PLEASE DO NOT VOTE IF YOU HAVE PLAYED NONE OF THE GAMES IN THE POLL. THE TOP 4 AT 23:59 07/05/2017 UK TIME WILL PROGRESS. Nintendo Switch Game of the Month Poll – April 2017 Structure This is how it works. The idea is to vote for the game you have played in the respective month and ENJOYED THE MOST. Games eligible for the months poll will have to meet one of the following criteria Released in that month Released in the previous month (To give games released late in the previous month a chance) Finished 1st-12th in last months poll Previously finished 1st in any poll for the previous 6 months Previously finished 1st-3rd in any poll for the previous 5 months Previously finished 1st-5th in any poll for the previous 4 months Previously finished 1st-8th in any poll for the past 3 months This structure typically gives 20-30 games each month that a player can choose to vote for. These are then RANDOMLY split into 2 or 3 semi-final polls with the top 4 or 3 respectively going through to the final poll Each poll lasts for 3 days with the semi-final poll being released on 1st of the month (Except for this month…) The winning game of the final poll will become the Nintendo Life Forums Switch Game of the Month and qualify for the end of the year championships. At the end of the year the top 10 scoring games across the year and any monthly winners will compete in a final poll for Game of the Year. Admin The only thing I ask is when you vote just put a comment in the thread to keep it alive and fresh! REMEMBER: It is important to vote ONLY for the game that has given you the most enjoyment in the LAST MONTH. THIS IS USUALLY THE GAME YOU SPENT THE MOST TIME ON IN THE LAST MONTH (Use this as a tiebreaker if you enjoyed 2 games equally) If you did not play a game in any of the polls or all the games you played you disliked please abstain from voting
  9. THIS IS SEMI FINAL 2 OF 3 – PLEASE DO NOT VOTE IF YOU HAVE PLAYED NONE OF THE GAMES IN THE POLL. THE TOP 4 AT 23:59 07/05/2017 UK TIME WILL PROGRESS. Nintendo Switch Game of the Month Poll – April 2017 Structure This is how it works. The idea is to vote for the game you have played in the respective month and ENJOYED THE MOST. Games eligible for the months poll will have to meet one of the following criteria Released in that month Released in the previous month (To give games released late in the previous month a chance) Finished 1st-12th in last months poll Previously finished 1st in any poll for the previous 6 months Previously finished 1st-3rd in any poll for the previous 5 months Previously finished 1st-5th in any poll for the previous 4 months Previously finished 1st-8th in any poll for the past 3 months This structure typically gives 20-30 games each month that a player can choose to vote for. These are then RANDOMLY split into 2 or 3 semi-final polls with the top 4 or 3 respectively going through to the final poll Each poll lasts for 3 days with the semi-final poll being released on 1st of the month (Except for this month…) The winning game of the final poll will become the Nintendo Life Forums Switch Game of the Month and qualify for the end of the year championships. At the end of the year the top 10 scoring games across the year and any monthly winners will compete in a final poll for Game of the Year. Admin The only thing I ask is when you vote just put a comment in the thread to keep it alive and fresh! REMEMBER: It is important to vote ONLY for the game that has given you the most enjoyment in the LAST MONTH. THIS IS USUALLY THE GAME YOU SPENT THE MOST TIME ON IN THE LAST MONTH (Use this as a tiebreaker if you enjoyed 2 games equally) If you did not play a game in any of the polls or all the games you played you disliked please abstain from voting
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