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About serenitytom

  • Birthday 10/16/1981


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  1. He never said things like "astonishing graphics", "visor" or "my friend's friend's hamster's brother works for..."! So I still believe him - and there are not many I believe to. Guys like Osoko Tanaka, Kiyoishy, Seriousgamer,... are fakes - I think you guys are with me in this point. Some things big tac has said for E3 did not come true. So what did we expect of E3 06. We all thought, that we would see Wii/Revolution in all it's glory. But we did not. I think that Nintendo wanted to show everything. But when Sony delayed it's PS3 launch to November, bigN simply couldn't reveal everything! Sony would have been able to implement it in their PS3. Nintendo itself said several times, that what they are doing with revolution can be simply implemented and it already exists, but it has never been used with videogames. They also said, that they would never ever give Sony or Microsoft the chance to steal their idea for Wii. I don't think, that the controller is it, because N showed it off at last year's TGS. So they gave both Microsoft and Sony the chance to copy the controller. Now it's August, only 3-4 months to go till PS3 and Wii launch. So both, Wii and PS3 will go into mass production soon, if it hasn't started yet. I think that we will now more on Wii's secrets after GC in Germany. The title "Wii prove our promise" says all to me. I think, that they will show off more games, eventually some new Controller changes or Nunchuk-attachements, how they will use wiiconnect24 and perhaps metroid/zelda/mario,.... in a more advanced version (especially graphics wise). Mario at E3 already looked awesome, the same with SmashBrothers. So I think that there is a lot of room to upgrade the graphics in Zelda, Metroid, Exite Truck,...... Maybe the trailers of Disaster day of crisis and FF-Chrystal Chronicles were ingame (to be honest, I don't think so - but who knows). I'm not that shure about the revealing of launch date and price - maybe they will wait till the time of TGS. So I am really looking forward to Wiis launch! Can't wait! And maybe I'm getting a PS3 too (don't flame me!)
  2. Hi guys, I'm newly registered here, but I visited this forum almost every day for several months now. By the way, sorry for my moderate english! I read every post from "big tac" and found it very very interesting. One of the few trustworthy persons in the internet. But since E3 2006 he didn't post. Where has he gone?? Is he posting anywhere else?? Did he change his username?? Don't you wonder too?? Maybe he doesn't post due to some NDAs?!? There was one thing I didn't get till today. The clue with that "3d rendering per camera" or something like that.... If you are reading that "big tac", please let us know what has happened to you. You must not post something related to Wii's secrets,....
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