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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    This is a long text. Is the lvl of your character only dependent of your on-line play, or do you transfer it from you single player (OK, that wouldn't make sense, as you would clear the campaing quite easily after you lvl up in online)?
  2. Splatoon

    Is anyone playing?
  3. Wii U General Discussion

    I am hoping for one title, but big one and it would be enough, as it would leave me with enough money for Xenoblade.
  4. Mario Kart League 2015

    It doesn't really matter, was more a joke and to make te embrassment little lesser then it was .
  5. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    I can't get it first day as I am waiting to see what will be on eShop and if there is not something big, I will order it, but it will take up to 12 days to arrive here. But I am happy that here will be few people I will be able to play with.
  6. Wii U eShop Thread

    I hope my Xenoblade money will not be gone because of this .
  7. Mario Kart League 2015

    My nephew is complaining about the first one . He had 8 points after 2 races, but then got disconnected and didn't race the third, and then competed in the last one and only got one point. Also in the last race of third GP he got disconnected.
  8. Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains

    OK, thx, so not worth it for me.
  9. Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains

    Can someone tell me why is it good to have the adapter and use the GC controller? Can I use it on all games? EDIT: They won't ship it to Bosnia....Damn
  10. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Damn, so just me (I am only talking about first few days-weeks, I know that people will play it later), and with my lack of opportunities to use the TV it will take some time to give an opinion.
  11. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    It seems you and me will be the first here to give an opinion about the game .
  12. Wii U General Discussion

    Can we expect some offers on Black Friday?
  13. Wii U General Discussion

    I thought so. I could get it for 5,30 pounds, so that's why I was thinking of getting it, but will probably not.
  14. Wii U General Discussion

    It actually goes to easy inside (I use not the mobile phone earphones, the standard ones, or at least I think they are standard). Btw. I have just intruduced my wife to MK8,...., guess I'll have to make food myself from now on. PS Does any of you guys know if there are enough people online on COD: Black Ops 2? Wii U version of course.
  15. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Great, so there will be "few" people from here.
  16. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    Yeah, you guys probably use the eShop far less than me, because you have normal prices. But at least I have all of my games installed now and ready to play. The only physical copy I have that I care about is MK8 (I've just sold ZombieU and am trying to sell Batman AC and FIFA 13), everything else is digital.
  17. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    I am only sorry that I will, probably, not have enough money for FAST: Racing Neo to get after XCX (I will get it, I hope, but at a later date even if I am not a great fan, but they really did put a lot of effort in it). I should have preordered XCX, but now it's to late to make any big savings so I will wait to see what they offer on the eShop (I still prefer the physical version, I want the box ). I hope few people from this forum will buy it as it seems that there will be online play, so it would be nice to team up. Btw. Why don't you get a smaller HDD and you can still use it later for other things?
  18. Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)

    How many of you guys are going to buy this game?
  19. Wii U General Discussion

    It's interesting, I couldn't find any in the shop. I have the "normal" ones (for mp3 - what are these) and they don't work.
  20. Wii U General Discussion

    What kind of headphones do I use for the game pad?
  21. Wii U General Discussion

    I agree, I haven't finished that game yet, the final boss is left, have to do it in the next few days . But I love all Super Mario games.
  22. Mario Kart League 2015

    I played GP 2. I have unlocked everything now, so it should be better next time . Btw. I have just found out that the "-" button puts a map on the screen, that would have helped before .
  23. Mario Kart League 2015

    Also, I need to practice it on higher CC, I like to play it in order, but still haven't finished 50cc courses as I want to play it on TV, but don't have a chance to often. I will try to unlock all tracks as soon as possible and then practice on higher cc's.
  24. Mario Kart League 2015

    Sorry guys, I was exercising and instead of looking at the first picture, looked at the 3rd so my nephew kept choosing the wrong track. Also, I don't think that he picked a good car (combo), but the biggest problem was that we haven't played most of the tracks at all or more than one or two times, so we had problems while driving. But, we will improve with time , we will practice before next league. PS I've just seen what happened. It's not his fault (my nephews), we just didn't open that cup, so we couldn't click on it. PPS Com. error, second time this evening.
  25. Mario Kart League 2015

    No, only he will be playing, but it will be my account.