Why can't I use legendaries in competitive?
I wanted to do an online battle with Groudon and Shiny Latias, and it wouldn't let me, saying that there's something wrong with my team.
And as soon as I take the legendaries off, it lets me battle.
But that's weird cause:
1. I battled people with legendaries before.
2. I saw a lot of videos on youtube with youtubers doing online battling, and they used legendaries.
So if they can, why can't I?
Well what I did wasn't really soft-resseting.
More like "soft-running"
I heard that it's possible to just run from the Lati@s of the Eon Ticket and it'll stay there.
Look what I've gooooooot
Took me about 3 days of soft reseting(not non-stop, obviously), but it was worth it.
(Sorry about the photo quality. My camera sucks. This was the best shot I could get. Yes, there's been worse)
Still trying to get that Shiny Latias, but for after that, I have a question.
If I maxed out the green bar in the super training(aka I fully trained a pokemon), would Zinc or thoose kind of stuff still have any effect?
Anyone know if the Eon Ticket Lati@s(Latias in my case, cause I have OR) are shiny-locked or not?
I know that Groudon,Kyogre and Rayquaza are, but what about the Lati you get with the eon ticket?
I'm planning on soft-reseting for Shiny Latias, and I want to know if I'm not wasting my time(I don't want to spend hours and hours soft-reseting and then be told that they're shiny locked)
If I got the ticket, but I'm too busy right now to do the event, I can still do the event AFTER March 2, right?
I know the code ends tomorow, but if I already have it, I can do the event when I want, right?
And it will be available everywhere?
Even Europe that pretty clearly doesn't exist in the eyes of Nintendo?
EDIT: What would be the best place for a secret base?
EDIT 2: I'm having a Special Altaria. Should I keep Dragon Pulse or get Draco Meteor from Move Tutor? Draco Meteor only have 5PP.....
1. Yay! Once again, Europe doesn't exist (Except UK)
2. What does the Eon Ticket do, and can we actually get it in-game? (Cause the page said that if we already have it from the game, we can't get it again)
Have you guys heard about Serena's Fennekin event?
It says it's shared serial code, so it's basicly like the Unova Starters one, where you can just go online and find out the code, right?