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  1. Thanks for the welcome! I hope I get to actually play it! Allthough Metroid Prime 3 is supposedly available to play on the floor so we'll see! I think the retail thing is just like the media press conference, but with retail focus. We'll see! I'm going to try to post stuff from it if I can get Wireless Access. Guarana: You can keep track of E3insider.com That's from ESA so there should be some live stuff there. I'll also be posting e3 stuff throughout the day on my sites.. It's going to be nuts.
  2. Hey all.. Just wanted to clarify something for everyone.. The pictures of the Invite were posted from my site, but I have found out that somehow I got an invite to a Retail Conference later on in the day. It's the same thing, but for retailers... I got in through some of my retail ties which is why so unfortunately my info will be behind..
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