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Everything posted by Maestro_

  1. A gothic horror game (Saddness) for Revolution [Exclusive] http://http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/332 "All I can say now is that it is going to be a gothic horror [game], which will scare not with the amount of blood but with sheer atmosphere. Imagine a game in which you do not use guns or knives but you will have to protect yourself with the objects you find exploring the ground -- a stone, a stick, etc," he said. "Some examples of using the controller - you swing a torch with it to scare the rats off; you slit the throat (controller as a piece of glass or a knife); if you want to climb the wall you will have to hook a rope over the piece of a wall sticking out (controller serving as a lasso). And this is only the beginning." :wink: Edit: Now I fix that link... Edit2: Sorry my poor english.. Edit3: That link doesn't work at all, so I copy them here: Exclusive: Sadness Announced, Raid over the River Details by Shawn White (03/06/06) Earlier today, Polish developer NIBRIS provided Revolution Report with an exclusive update on its Revolution projects. According to NIBRIS' Project Manager Piotr Orlowski, the studio has been busy as of late preparing a demo of the DS Raid over the River for E3 in May. He also mentioned briefly that the Revolution version might make an appearance during the show in one form or another. Orlowski could not confirm recent reports concerning the inexpensive nature of the Nintendo Revolution's SDK, but did say that they "are very happy that Nintendo thinks very reasonably about third-party developers." Additionally, he noted that although the team is working on Raid over the River, they are simultaneously developing the previously announced gothic-horror project, now under the working title of "Sadness." According to Orlowski, Sadness is "only for Revolution." Moreover, exclusive information and materials about this project will be provided to Revolution Report as soon as possible. First screens of Sadness will apparently be placed on NIBRIS' Web site towards the end of April. Revolution Report will continue to keep you updated on the status of NIBRIS' titles.
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