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Everything posted by gmanprime

  1. I hate wii sports

    I bought a wiimote seperatly and a nunchuck to go with it. After watching 10 year olds playing I can really see why they needed the wrist trap.
  2. I hate wii sports

    Not a joke. My brother just brought over three of his neborhood friends and there Mom is coming over in a minute. This is turning into a party. In my first post I wasn't really bothered, but now I am not joking nor am I being sarcastic.
  3. I hate wii sports

    Holy flip I am a regular.
  4. The Reviews Thread

    Yeah. They never got into the tanklike control of todays fps. Even Metroid Prime did not do well in japan.
  5. I hate wii sports

    They say that it is still fun. They even said that they like the simplicity.
  6. I hate wii sports

    They won't let me at it. They have been playing 3 hours and are like a pack of raving rabidds. Mabe if I can get Zelda into the drive it will turn them off to gaming again.
  7. Here are what many of the "critics" on this forum thought last January. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3785 Highly recomended.
  8. Your a god-send. Time for another four hour romp.
  9. I need help. I would never do this normally but I need to get past this part of the game. I probably just missed somthing stupid but please help. Seriously. I am ashamed to say I but I got stuck in the forest temple. I have looked for over an hour and still havn't figured out how to get the boss key. Please help. There is no guide on the net for me to go to. Edit. I posted at ign, but they made fun of me.
  10. The Reviews Thread

    It is so much more thatn any of the other zelda games have ever been. Nothing about the story feels tacked on. This is the best game experience I have ever had, and most sertently out leagues The Ocorina of Time. I am five hours into the game and I am loving every second. The graphics look nextgen. (Yes I know it is gamecube)
  11. Those hd shots are from one of the worst looking areas of the game I have seen so far. The first Dungeon is beutilful. I know it is cube graphics, but it does look next gen. I got stuck in the first dungeon for about a half an hour. It was actually really satifying that I actually had to think to camplete the first dungeon. All the puzzles are very clever and will have you thinking why you didn't see it in the first player. There is actually a number of puzzles before you leave your home town.
  12. me too. What a day I spent 4 hour playing an just barely got to the first temple. This is going to be one heck of a ride. My Wii was actually running 13 hour today. My family who do not game what so ever fell in love with wii sports and monkey ball.
  13. dead Wiis

    unlucky. I have played 13 hours today and no problems have arissen thus far.
  14. The Dreams thread

    I have been hearing a lot of people saying that they are dreaming about the Wii, so this thread is your haven to get your nightmares and fantasies off your chest. Nightmare: I walk in to game stop at 11:00pm. The guy at counter greets me and says that he has been waiting for me all day. Then he hands me my Wii without paying for it and I walk out the door. Doh! I forgot Zelda. I walk back through the door and somehow there is 4 Sony fanboys holding the place hostage with handguns. They kick me and I fall to the ground. They strip me of my Wii, and place it on the counter. Then they let me go. By this time the cops have appeared outside the store with mega-phones to try and reason with the fanboys. I call the criminals on my cell phone. I didn't know the number but I did it anyway. They tell me that they want 5 ps3s and a copy of guitar hero 2 or they will start killing hostages, and I relay the message to the cops. They refuse. It did not even seem odd that they were considering the Wiis as hostages. Before my dream was done they had destroyed every Wii in the store and every copy of Zelda, leaving happy feet hapily perched on the shelf.
  15. Launch Live on gamespot

    I know more thatn these guys. How so you fire the arrows? What is the sonic game called? They don't even know if it is region free. Fools.

    Calm down. Take a deep breath, and repeat in a level tone. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks. I don't need another dvd player. It is about the games not the gimmicks.
  17. Wii Hardware Discussion

    My local target has 48 wii units for tonight. That is a freaking lot. Wasn't sure where I should put this.
  18. The Reviews Thread

    No game is perfect. All that it is saying is that the controls won't necisarily impress. I am off to nap for 2 hours. I will need some energy for the wii. I hve never taken a nap since I was 5 or sick, and i am 16.
  19. The Dreams thread

    You know solitanze. There is one thing that I actually like about you. You never get angry when people ruthlesly bash your opinions(including me). Not to mention it is really fun when everyone can't stand someone and that person runs around pretending that nobody hates him. You spice up the forums. I mean it. Take it easy on him guys. He is probably only like 9 years old anyway.
  20. The Dreams thread

    That happend two nights ago. The controls were not even functional.
  21. The Reviews Thread

    GI gave it zelda 10/10 and in my opinion they are about as unbiased ass it gets. Edit: I acidentaly wrote the word ass.
  22. Wii lines...NOOOOO

    I pre-ordered at gamestop. Today I went down there and paid for everything. I already have a copy of monkey ball! All I have to do is walk into the store at midnight, flash my receipt, and hope some thug doesn't jump me on my way out.
  23. Cube toon's new toon.

    http://fredthemonkey.com/cubetoon_wii.html watch it. I can totally relate.
  24. The Reviews Thread

    From MP3 discusion. Perhaps this is dumbest thing he has said this week.
  25. The Reviews Thread

    lol. I knew it.