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Posts posted by goku21

  1. source: Mozlapunk:



    An old "insider" from last year may have been telling the truth when he/she stated on the IGN message boards that when using Nintendo's next home console you will "see games in a way you never imagined".


    Flashman from the Zogdog forums has noticed that a person who posted on the IGN forums in December last year claiming to know what secrets the Nintendo console codenamed "Revolution" holds may well have been telling the truth. At the time he/she was laughed off by many, as most people who claim to be in the know are, but with information that has recently come to light, his/her claim takes on an edge of reality.


    The poster, who went by the pseudonym of "nthngsshcking", made many statements but firstly we must look at how this person ended their post, he/she wrote: "Kodak Theatre = Mushroom Kingdom!"


    At the time this meant nothing but lately some lucky people in the press industry, such as IGN.com, have been recieving invitations to Nintendo's pre-E3 media briefing and included with that invitation was this brochure.




    As you can see, Nintendo is now referring to their E3 presentation at the Kodak Theatre as "Mushroom Kingdom" just as the IGN "Insider" stated last September. What does this mean?


    Well one of two things, either the person was a very good guesser on all things Nintendo or he/she is legitimate. Now if the claimant is legitimate then some of the other statements they made need to be looked at under a different light. When Flashman from the Zogdog boards revived this "Insider's" old thread from IGN, the IGN moderators locked the thread and removed it, because either they don't like old threads or for some other reason. Luckily Flashman saved the important bits from "nthngsshcking's" original post. Here they are.


    "I have followed the rumors and speculation on this board regarding Nintendo’s “Revolution” since its inception.


    It is at times torturous to see the most dedicated base of any gaming company have to resort to gossip and guesses as to what to expect from Nintendo’s next generation offering.


    It is for this reason that I have decided to share.


    I cannot offer anything to you in terms of my identity. I cannot offer anything in the way of proving what I am saying to you is factual. However, you will ultimately find that you need not worry who I am, for all I say will come to pass. But I suspect you know my name…


    So here’s the scoop. I’m tired of watching you beautiful fans endure the torture of knowing so little, so I will share with you enough to help you understand the magnitude of what’s coming without saying enough to reveal who I am.


    I’ll say this before I begin spilling the proverbial beans. Remember 1985? Remember when saying “Nintendo” meant video games in general? This is what Nintendo is aiming to recapture, and believe me, they will!


    Let’s start with a question:


    1. Why have we yet to see even a glimpse of what a “Revolution” game will look like?


    Most seem to assume this is because Nintendo does not want the focus of their next generation games to be on their graphics. This is not entirely wrong, just a little uninformed. That being said, the graphics are essentially the same as a souped up Xbox. What you all are ignoring is that the graphics for the Xbox360 are arguably only the same as a souped up Xbox as well. Graphically, in terms of traditional graphics, the systems are equal. In terms of presentation, you will be astonished by what the Revolution holds, and it is indeed the final secret Mr. Miyamoto hinted at. Prepare to see games in a way you never imagined, and you don’t need a silly helmet or visor to experience it. As a matter of fact, a video demonstration of what “Revolution” can do circulated the internet weeks or months before E3, and then conspicuously disappeared. Such a sneaky little box! I’ll leave the rest to you!


    Well…I can’t resist.


    A final hint…


    Think hard about the controller and what type of graphical presentation would suit it best! It’s so easy! Oh, and the controller is indeed meant to attract the casual gamer, because they'll so badly want to experience what they're seeing!


    2. “Use the right side of your brain!”


    As many of you have correctly stated, the right side of your brain is the creative side. So what was Reggie hinting at? Again, it’s so easy I don’t need to say it! You’re given all of the components you need, and some general structure. The rest my friends, is up to you!


    3. Indeed a revolution, but in code name only. It’s 1985 all over again…


    4. Wi-Fi will open doors you never would have predicted. It’s all so obvious though if you think about it, but it’s so hard for me to say without saying too much! If you’ve figured out what I’ve already hinted at, picture how the ability to download monthly offerings will that much more enhance your experience!


    5. The Classics.


    Many for free just for joining…one free a month…Itunes pricing per each additional first party title. Third parties will bundle 3-5 each with a new game purchase.


    6. The price is right…you’ll just have to trust me!


    7. Kodak Theater = Mushroom Kingdom!


    I’ve said enough. What I’ve shared should be enough to get you all cooled down a bit.


    Never underestimate Nintendo."


    We've already seen that one of this informants claims has proven true, that being the Kodak Theatre/Mushroom Kingdom one. The person also claims that the Revolution, graphically speaking, is equivalent to a "souped up Xbox" but that the way it presents games will separate it from it's next generation competitors. He/she postulates that there will not be a "visor" or "helmet" forthcoming from Nintendo as part of their Revolution system and makes some huge statements including "Prepare to see games in a way you never imagined", a comment that is similar to many we have seen before by "fakers" but considering the current circumstances, cannot be taken so lightly. The "insider" also claims the Revolution will be so popular that Nintendo will retrieve their position of their glory days of the mid 1980s when their name was synonymous with video gaming.


    He/she writes that the way the Revolution presents games is simple but yet something we never imagined and they tell us that a video demonstration circulated the internet before last December that showcased what the Revolution "can do" and that it mysteriously disappeared soon afterwards. These are some intriguing statements to say the least, much speculation will be derived from this we are sure. Can any of our readers remember a video from that time period that fits that description?


    Anyway, MLP says take all of this with a barrel load of salt but it's some food for thought to tide you over until the sensory exploding extravaganza that is the 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo. Not long now.




    I´ve read that too last year, and it´s really strange that he knew that the Kodaktheater´s gonna be a big super-mario-world...strange - and: try to debunk that!!!



  2. Ohh DCK... do you really believe that 360 is so powerfull?

    3x3,2GHz is just marketing, get it!!!!! Those 3 cores are together as big as a 1-core-P4...you see where I´m coming from? This in-order-hardware-bullshit is so overrated, that I bet an athlonFX, which you can buy now is even more powerfull than those tiny dwongraded 360-cores...

    But as we can see MS-marketing worked great on you!!!!

    Multithreading - meh!!!!!

    In-order-programming - please no!!!!!

  3. Gamers I have reported to you earlier I got a once in a lifetime offer by Nintendo to go hands on with the Revolution. I thought this running through a few demos like my friends over at IGN or elsewhere in the industry.


    Let me start by saying it all started off with a walk into the Big N's office in Redmond Washington. I met some high level execs for the first time which was kind of akward I must say (My blog has not been the kindest to them).


    Anyhow this is when I went into a room that looked much like a mini auditorium. On stage was a television a few chairs and the Revolution on a little podium. Mr. Fils-Aime was there and we were discussing just some general things about the game industry. He is extremely intelligent.


    To be honest I was a little in awe.


    I never thought this Blog would take me this far. This is just a blog afterall. However a blog is like any other website I guess and this blog in particular has received a lot of attention. Even outperforming IGN's Nintendo section.


    Not too bad for a blog that makes no money. (Would you guys start clicking on my adwords already!!!)


    Anyhow I am convinced that this blog will never be a money maker.


    Anyhow back to business. There I was at Nintendo's headquarters looking at a stage with the Revolution on it talking to Reggie. What a cool guy he is by the way. One of the questions I had was WHY IN THE HELL ME?!


    Why not Matt from IGN? The answer is what really shocked me.


    Because I was just a normal gamer (Normal in a good way or bad way?). It is no secret that my blog has become the voice of inspiration for many gamers. I have hundreds of emails from gamers who find my blog tells the story of many a Nintendo fanboy who left Nintendo because of disappointment after disappointment.


    Whether it be lack of online play to lack of CD support in the N64 the list goes on and on.


    Standing in Nintendo's office in Redmond kind of made me feel like this may be the pinnacle of the SeriousGamer007 blog. Maybe not but it sure felt that way.


    I was in the auditorium for about 5 minutes when a group of people came in to the auditorium. They looked like a bunch of game testers and tech people. They moved me onto the stage where I stood.


    As I stood there I asked...where do I sit?


    One of the game testers looked at me and laughed. Another tester looked at me and said..."For this game you do not want to be sitting".


    Kind of perplexed by the answer I thought oh great this will be like that stupid video from the TGS where I watch the TV and dive around like a moron.


    "A game tester looked at me and said are you ready?"


    I looked at him and said "Yes but the TV is not on yet."


    The whole room bust out in kind of a chuckle. Mr Fils-Aime looked at me and said have fun Mr. -------


    That is when one of the testers handed me the nunchucks and walked away. Then another pushed the cart with the TV away.


    It was just me and the Revolution. The lights began to dim in the auditorium. I was handed one more peripheral.


    Then the game began.


    Due to the NDA I cannot discuss which game or what the other peripheral does.


    In all honesty I don't even understand how the Revolution does what it does. It defies all logic. Furthermore I don't understand how the Revolution can also be affordable. It is absolutely revolutionary. I am in complete shock in regards to the system. The Big N made me sign an NDA and will not comment on my visit. I was told this before I even got there.


    However I am free to comment all that I like within my own confines. I do know the specs however I can not comment on them. In all honesty I don't think it really matters because the system is so different that I truly am in shock.


    I can say this. The reason why you don't see any games is because the system is very far from traditional.


    If you were to ask me which game system you should get the Xbox 360 or the Nintendo Revolution I would say that you really can't compare the two.


    The Revolution is that different.


    The Xbox 360 is a traditional game console. The Revolution is like something out of Star Trek or Star Wars.


    How it works I don't know. However the weird thing is the Revolution also hooks up to a television but that is not what is going to sell it.


    I really can only say this. Nintendo is back.


    How they did this I don't know.


    Only after years of research I guess. Furthermore the price they told me doesn't seem at all possible for this type of console. I would think that this would cost thousands of dollars.


    Yet this is not the case.


    The Revolution doesn't seem limited to only gaming either. Personally I think it would be cool to watch a movie in this fashion. It is amazing and immersive and almost surreal.


    Nintendo is going to Revolutionize the industry in 2006. How they did this I do not know. I wish I could explain more but I am not allowed.


    To every gamer thinking that Nintendo is done well that is not the case. Nintendo will be leading the industry in the future. However I am not sure you can consider what they are doing as being videogames. I am not sure it is the videogame industry.


    I almost want to call it the Immersion Industry.


    The Revolution is Perfect and Scary.


    Gamers today SG007 experienced the Revolution. I know you may not believe me however I fell that gamers will undoubtedly by two systems this generation after seeing the Revolution in action.


    You will have the traditional gamers who love the Xbox 360. And then you will have the Revolutionary gamers who want the future now.


    Nintendo Fans have nothing to worry about.


    Sony you have everything to worry about.


    Thank you to the Big N for letting me have this once in a lifetime experience.


    posted by KingofGamers at 6:50 PM





  4. Ohh just looked the spot: seems like Directx10 incorporates physik and vektor-calculation to some extend...


    It does sound like he's hinting that Wii is going to use it though.



    gamespot: Do you work with this on consoles?


    Ati: Wii, Wii (Oui, Oui) :bowdown:


    that´s fantastic indeed!

  5. Every new dX-feature like shaders or anything else can be used in opengl too!

    Normaly openGL adopts all features of all graphics.accelarators on the market!


    So all those DX is only for marketing and for controlling...otherwise both nvidia and ati would kill themself in the PC-market cause they would use their own special-technologies and nothing would be compatible in the future!


    It´s no problem to use DX10-shaders in opengl imo!

  6. Nintendork gots no drivers-licence...

    So comón Nintendork, it´s just the same as saying steering with the d-pad and not with the analog-stick is better because I have done that since my SNES...

    you really have strange opinions my friend...


    The controll-setup above could work ...ExciteBike2.jpg

    but i would use a button for accelaration... Ahhhm, you know when you turn your FHC sideways like the NES-controller you get a L and R-button?

  7. i do like the name...


    but the fact is any time you have to explain a brand it's a bad brand. You don;t have to tell anyone anywhere what 'playstation' means even if you had never heard of it you could pretty much guess.


    the first thing nintendos press release does is explain the concept of the brand... thats bad because the brand should be able to communicate what it is and does all by itself - thats the point of having a brand in the first place.


    however... i still quite like it.


    Yaeh like mercedes explains itself... or the RH5522 kitchen-mixer explains itself...or even an xbox explains itself....yeah....::shrug:

  8. Yeah Ive just seen the source-picture on IGN...too bad.. but it´s strange that the logo exactly resembles a W and 2 I´s even though this mockups appeared about 2 weeks ago as a mockup for this blue-wave-thing ( where does it resemble bluewave in any ways?).... strange...

  9. GI: It’s been rumored that the new big Revolution secret is the fact that the nun chuck controller is also motion detecting…


    Atwood: Really. That’s interesting. I would say 9:30 in the morning on Tuesday of E3 will be filled with surprises and I would just show up. Because there’s been a ton of speculation. Some of it’s right. Some of it’s not. We’d say that if that’s the only secret you’re expecting you’re going to be very surprised.


    More than one secret!

  10. Just like Snoop Dogg once said: "Nintend.......oooooohhh wiiiiiiiiiiiii"


    And you know here in germany it doesn´t sound like piss or whatever... it sounds cool to me, and I think in every other country it´s the same, and you know in usa there are even more people speaking spanish/portuguise than english...

    Everybody not buying it because of it´s name and getting fucked by his "friends" just doesn´t have any self-confidence left over...or has just a low IQ...

  11. That´s fine because in a few months this team will be rev-control-experts and they will do good/not-lazy ports of non-rev-specific-games...

    which means we're spending a majority of our time making the control, which is very unique and different...specific for that machine.

  12. The only thing that disturbs me is that it´s only released in japan.

    But the 2nd or 3rd Golfgame releasing on rev will be a better simulation anyways....

    I like Golf! I just go playing @ the university, and I´m not even a student there!!! No professor ever asked me who I am or what courses if chosen, it´s so easy....hahaha

  13. Games First’s Aaron Stanton spin kicks Katamari creator Keita Takahashi right in the side of his stupid hippy head. Why? Over the absurdity of the creator of one of the games with the worst control schemes in recent memory giving the Big N shit for emphasizing the importance of how gamers interact with games.


    Here’s some meat:


    For a game that should be extremely accessible, Katamari leaves even the most experienced gamer occasionally shaking the controller in frustration after they’ve been backed into a camera blind-spot and can’t turn around quickly enough to figure out how to escape.

    In terms of gameplay and approaching the industry from a unique perspective, Keita Takahashi can critique all he likes.


    But in terms of control schemes, in two games he’s consecutively proved he’s one of the Revolution’s least qualified critics.



    You tell him, Aaron! “Naive pure wonderful and silly love” my ass!


    The Revolution’s Least Qualified Critic [Games First]



    Source: Kotaku
