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Posts posted by goku21

  1. why is everyone trying to use the wii-mote in the normal controller position! I thought the wii-mote was for getting away from using two hands to play, but both tony hawk and sonic use this method, TRY THINKING SEGA!



    yeah that´s a pretty good question!

  2. I think this is one of those lower priced games...perhaps 19,99€.

    It´s only about the simulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not rebuilding actual tennis-celebraties in the highest amount of poligons... but does that really matter for a tennis game if you can play with ya wiimote..


    just remember there will be many of those low-price-but-outstanding-simulators...

  3. two smart 35 year old guys play tennis...the match seems to be really immersive...the matchis over(don´t show if he won or not)...he´s getting home going to bed but he can´t sleep...you see his fingers moving quickly...his wife is sleeping already...he´s going downstairs, put on TV gets into the wifi-service-dashboard, chooses a player with high rankings who´s waiting for a match, owns him and goes back to bed sinking into dreams...


    out now! only for Wii! get it now!

  4. now thats what i want, real forcefeed back and i think they could pull that off, something like that could add a bit to gameplay epecialy in shooters instead of this vibrating action you could actualy feel the recoil of the weapon instead of programing the recoil in to the game so you can get a natual recoil from the in game weapon.



    yeah that would save the programmers-lifetime and should be easy to implement...


    that would be soooo cool, just think about your sitting in a boat and you feel the resistance of the water that pushes against your paddle... :bouncy:


    But sqauare enix said: "It´s not just a homeconsole, yet a portable... it´s the birth of a new type of gamingdevice...exactly what we wanted."


    this indicates that the wii will have a display-system by itself (mini-projector?)


    2 days 6 hours 30 min > nintendo press conference

  5. Check this thread posted in Gamespot Forums, System Wars:




    woah this is really interesting:


    A current problem with the prior art force feedback interfaces is that force sensations output by the devices are often predefined, "canned"-sensations that are simply output by the interface device when instructed by the host computer. For example, a jolt force may be output by the actuators of the force feedback device in response to an event occurring in a game, such as a collision of a controlled vehicle with an obstacle such as a wall. The prior art force feedback devices simply output a jolt force in a specified direction having a predetermined duration and magnitude. While effective to relay the collision experience to some extent, this jolt may also be unsatisfying for the user, since the user has no way to affect the jolt based on the user's input during the jolt's duration. For example, the user cannot, in anticipation of the collision, cushion the jolt caused by the impact by moving the joystick in the same direction as the jolt or moving the joystick in other ways.


    and this one:


    Multiple different types of dynamic force sensations are implemented by adjusting the parameters defining the simulated physical system. Predefined commands and parameters initiate a Dynamic Recoil to cause the physical system to simulate a recoil of a weapon fired in the graphical environment, a Dynamic Impact to simulate an impact of an object with a user-controlled object in the graphical environment, a Dynamic Liquid causing the physical system to simulate an undulating liquid in which the graphical object is situated which exerts forces on the user object, a Dynamic Inertia for implementing a simulated weight of a graphical object manipulated by the user object in the graphical environment, a Dynamic Center Drift to simulate a drifting mass attached to the user object, a Dynamic Sling to simulate the feel of swinging a mass on a flexible member around the user object, and a Dynamic Paddle to simulate the feel of a mass colliding with a user controlled graphical object and guiding the mass after the collision. In all of these sensations, the user may influence the feel of the sensation during the dynamic sensation. The dynamic force routine may also report positions of the simulated mass to the host computer during the dynamic force sensation.

  6. every true nintendofan must buy it on day one just to support nintendo...

    without support there will be no next-next-gen-nintendo-console anymore...

    I believe you get what I´m concerning....


    But I will only buy 2 games @ launch, because too many games make it boring - you just switch the games and don´t focus on one title after walkingthrough I´ll get my next game...

  7. From everything we "know" about the system specs it is highly improbable that the output is anything more than progressive scan at regular SDTV resolution. 3D would require at least 2X as many pixels (or a significant resolution downgrade- not likely) and the RAM and graphics card information that is floating around the web just doesn't really support that idea.



    if you´ve read the patent I posted you wouldn´t say that!!!

  8. did anybody notice that this :




    is a rollout-screen: (look @ the side of it!!!)




    all people thought that the thing on the first picture is a wiimote-upgrade that you´d atach to your arm...

    buit it wasn´t...


    and all people complaining about one scanline in those pictures proving it fake...go away...

  9. ohh just watched the video! Those gamespot-guys are really dumb!

    4 of their most anticipated games will only come as video-footage to E3...

    and we all know how to judge a game by screenshots and videos, but I thought pros like gamespot know that this doesn´t work... otherwise it´s an american site...


    I smell manipulation and brainwashing comin down of us-game-sites....

  10. it´s not about the api, it´s about the new shaders and new ways of light-calculation and all the graphicscard-things that will be introduced with a new gen of DX...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Is that really so hard to understand?

  11. this is not the secret but this patent is cool information in general...

    explains why you often get headache by watching s3d...

    discribes many low-cost approaches to s3d and/or hidden splitscreen for multiplayer...




    this patent is from 2001 and this fits the statement that came up with "brokensaints" guy that nintendo presented an addon for gamecube beheind closed doors in 2002

  12. Yeah it´s about the new techniques and features that are introduced by each DX-generation. The most impressive part was the demo with all those bots and the fact that this was calculated on the gpu...I wish nintendo features some of this cpu-strain-offload-tech... that would clearly boost the systems power...unified shader architecture, just don´t use so many pipelines,

    ...together with nintendos own neat graphical tricks and totally utilised by square-enix(only 3rd party with real hardware) in their newest

    FF-actionadventure(I don´t believe in a 2nd CC because the story in square-games is always different..) will truly bring 480P to it´s glory!!!


    But then again we´ll have Metroid with the most incredible controllsheme and burning visuals...


    :eek: I´m a graphics whore...sorry

  13. I don´t flame you cause I think the same....

    Square-Enix said: " It´s not just a portable, it´s not just a home-console, exactly what we wanted..." this indicates a portable screen aswell...

    so i think it just projects a screen into midair, and you can adjust this projected screen in size...

    I saw this tech with my own eyes @ the cebit, a big electronics-expo in germany, 5 years ago...

  14. So I think you controll the gun with the fhc...draw a little circle to rotate the gun...with all games in one package that´s really cool, and I think it´s going to sell @ 29,99€ or the like...

    these games are really nice arcardes...looking foward...
