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Posts posted by goku21

  1. That statement about 'optimizing for hardware' kind of proves there's new physics acceleration in there, as otherwise they could've just ported the Cube library....


    good point!!!



    The Wii has a GPU, physics acceleration and a sound processor. Man, the only intensive task the CPU still has to do is artificial intelligence...


    And poligons! Therefor we won´t see so highly detailed (poligonwise) games like Gears of War...but I´m confident that wii can pull off same shader-effects and perhaps more than 360... it´s a full year now since the 360 GPU was finalized. This whole physics-thing is quite a confirmation that ATI packed in even newer tech. Does anybody have the link to that interview with ati about dx10?


    From what we´ve seen about elebits, it seems you can not only lift things up and down but rather throw them in in all directions and they all fly physically correct through the air. Real fun I think!



    And here is the official trailer! could become a must buy!!!(I posted it once but nobody recognized it:weep: )


  2. Havok-engine is a ragdoll-system along with some other physical phenomenons... It´s availeble on all platforms. The statement @ E3 states that they will begin to optimize this engine to take advantage off the wii´s hardware-capabilities. It´s not build in the wii. Build in is a ppu or pp-extensions to the other chips. So the engine will perhaps work without the usage of the host-cpu...I´m not afraid in terms of shader-power since graphicschips are soo unbelieveble more powerfull than cpus...

  3. Yeah I think there will be some small things, which don´t really add to the cost of the system but are very intelligent implemented( see the wiimotespeaker) but there is also a big secret with that nintendo can own the GDC!


    My english is not so great i'm afraid... basicly what i mean is that SM Galaxy is using shaders, different gravity on different planets, all kinds of lighting, reflexions, etc. The game seems to take more advantage of the Wii capabillities...



    Finally someone with common sense! ( sorry but i´m on ign-boards too)

    about new ragdoll-physics and things... that´s really up to the developers, this is just the beginning, everything was scripted in the past and there are not so many realtime-animation-experts in the game-industrie...it takes time!

  4. Yeah they know! But it´s one of nintendos last chances to gain marketshare in homeconsoles-market!It´s now 50/50 to win the console-war! So they will do everything to be king this round.

    They´ve already convinced a lot of people! But if they give a bonus everybody will totally be blown away! And then they will be @ a 80 - 90 %

    chance to win the war!


    O.K.: what do we have?





    a big amount of games

    cpu ca. 750 MHz gpu ca. 350 MHz


    what isn´t official untl now?


    built-in physics-simulation ( Konami quote)

    DX10 compatible shader/architecture (ATI/Interview on gametrailers)




    Nintendopatents regarding graphics-synthesis

    stereoscopic 3D


    visor / ruled out!!!


    I dont count lame things like a microphone etc. you can just double the speaker on the wiimote!

  5. Apparently an ATI guy at E3 was asked about the system and mentioned it'll have visuals "On par or slightly better than Gamecube" so it doesn't sound like even the final devkits will make much of a difference. Stuff like Prime 3 has more improvements than most people would think, considering it's running in widescreen, has much larger areas, more enemies and fancier effects. All those things take up a bit more processing power and since the Wii doesn't have THAT much more power you can't expect them to be able to drastically up the polycount and textures as well as have those things.


    The only games that'll improve MUCH I think are the third party titles. Red Steel and Sonic Wii were basically the only ones that didn't look like PS2 games from third parties and it sounds like Red Steel is quite a bit less impressive in real life. Basically I expect a lot of improvements in all third party games before launch though, but I definitely don't expect any to look as good as Mario Galaxy (which I dont see improving much either, it looks incredible so I cant imagine how much more it can be improved on Wii).


    Anyway about the batteries, it HAS been said by Nintendo (I dont have the link but it was certainly official, just a big deal wasn't made out of it) that the controller will be using AA batteries and there are currently "no plans" for there to be rechargable ones with the system. This is almost a suicide decision to me if the battery life is low so I seriously hope they reconsider.


    Link? I´ve seen the ati-interview and I didn´t hear anything like onpar or the like! He was just blubbering that he´s proud to deal with nintendo like all nintendo-reps if they are asked about specs!!!!!!!!!

  6. I convinced 2 sony-fanboys!!!(or was it the price of PS3?)

    Our biggest and best TV-cannel here in germany, with abou 30 % of all people watching TV, reported about E3, they talked 10 minutes about the Wii and how cool it is and so on. And took about 1 minute to talk about both MS and Sony!!!! They also said that Sony copied the motion-detection! but that´s it´s only a cheap approach compared to the Wii! really cool!


    So my parents?!? I didn´t convince them, that´s because they are both 64 years old I think! But the first time I´ll bring my wii to their house and wii play tennis against each other on my Dad´s 62"-TV they will be hooked, I swear you! They already like the DS but they´ll love the Wii! I´ll buy 3 for christmas!

    One for me(dragonsquest, zelda, metroid) one for my parents(warioware, wiisports) and one for my nephew( One piece)!

  7. gpu-accelerated physics. I think we can almost look at it as a fact.

    Because :

    1. ATI is making the graphics chip for the Wii.

    2. ATI have already experimented with physics on the gpu.

    3. Havok have ported their physics engine to the Wii.

    4. Havok have made "Havok FX", which is a version tailored for Shader Model 3.0 class GPUs.

    5. Havok have made a Havok FX addon for ATI (shader model 3.0)


    And if the conclusion is indeed that Wii will get gpu-accelerated physics, then we can be sure that the ATI graphics chip will support at least shader model 3.0.


    nice infos! QFT!

  8. I don't think you have seen Ghost Recon 4 or Oblivion in that case. MP3 is still showing the use of a Cube devkit in that it doesn't have the shiny and polished feel (shaders) over it like Brawl or SMG or any random 360 game. I'm positive they're changing that though.


    On the other hand, Mario Galaxy is a good showcase that Wii games quite easily make the level of first gen 360 games. I'm interested to see what's going to happen when developers like Capcom and Nintendo really get into the final hardware.



    watch out for resident evil!

  9. Rephrase that to: Wii thought to cost $200... Nothing's definite just yet, Nintendo probably haven't decided.


    Anyway about the controller issues I've read about - it seems people are holding it wrong. If you treat the FHC as a lightgun, of course things are going to be more sensitive and tiring. In the Dutch Nintendo mag [N]Gamer (a rather intelligent mag) they figured out in their Red Steel session that you shouldn't point the FHC straight in front of you, but rather hold it close to you and make small accurate movements with your wrist.


    Also, isn't it logical for the home button to be the button that resets the FHC to 'home', as in disable the motion sensing while holding it so you can readjust your position?


    QFT..all guys that are bitching about the controll of Redsteel are just looser.


    Go to gametrailers watch the ingamefootage and you´ll see if your IQ is above 70 you can totally own the game with that controllscheme!!!!


    Take your mobile-phone (held like a wii-mote) then sit down and rest your fist on top of your thigh. You then have very precice controll.


    then stand up stretch your arm foward and try to point dircetly to the sreen. Now you have very unprecise contoll!!1


    I can´t understand how people can´t immagine ththis!

  10. So this goes to all the nay-sayers!!!!!!!!!! Read this:


    IGN: Is the hardware as easy to use on the Wii as it was with the GameCube? The two systems are very similar is structure we're told.


    Konami: Yes, the structure is very similar to GameCube, but you already knew that.

    The development was not that difficult, as the Wii system has built in physics simulation. That helped the process.



    then you know why havok-physics-engine will have to be optimised for the wii!! Yeah yeah. so

    there you have your ppu! or @ least ppu-like extensions to the cpu or the gpu!!

  11. ahhm I don´t think they need time to fix it! It´s just that the guy has to practice!!!! It´s like using an analogstick for the first time...it´s hard...

    lurning curve anyone...you cant consider to be perfect from second one...it´s as sensitive as throwing dart. so if you have 1 or 2 hours with your FPS you should be able to control every game that fits the pointingstyle-usage...


    Everybody, gamer and nongamer, will start @ the same point of abbility and wiimote-skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That´s exactly what I hoped for!!!!!


    But moving your hand and wrist is soo natural that it should be adapted very fast!

    I know the first time in my life i used a mouse on the pc in windows 3.11.

    It was hard to hit the icons right! But today I can even paint with my mouse...


    think about what i said!!! It´s not that you pick up a game and you instantly have full control better then a control-style that´s branded into your brain for 15 or more years now!!!




    Rayman = best looking game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    You thought the short footage in the pressconference was prerendered?

    Think again.... yes


    Rayman = best looking wii-game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









    you thought that was a prerendered video? think again!!!


    Show´s that the square/enix-games shown can be unexpectidly realtime-graphics and no renders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bouncy:


    here is the video!!!! It´s in realtime on wii-hardware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you see all this great usage of fur-shaders?????????? http://media.revolution.ign.com/media/821/821585/vids_1.html
