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PAL RedSteel Prog-Scan ONLY??


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Guest Stefkov

I was just thinking. If anything we, Europe, woudl get the non-HD/ECTV compatible game. Our cubes didnt have progressive scan did it?

Or something was taken out of the cubes to not make it look as good.

Doesnt seem logical.

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IF this is true (which I doubt) then UBISOFT are in a great deal of trouble - as the Wii component cables have been delayed in europe. Wont be available until 2 weeks after the Wii launch of 8th dec


this is a minor worry compared to those of us with HDTV's who wouldnt be able to play it at all...without a costly upgrade of tv

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I figured that out, but it might have repercussions on other games requiring a HDTV to function properly.

I know I was only kidding ;) I can't see this being the case though, hardly fits in with the wii being for everybody, yeah you buy our console at £179 cheaper than other consoles but you've got to buy an expensive HDTV to play half the games...

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I haven't researched this, but if the wii outputs progressive scan, and your tv doesn't support it, do you get just a black screen?

Yes, that's exactly what happens. But then again if your TV doesn't support it, then you won't have the right cables in the first place to output it, so technically the TV just won't get a signal.

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I see tons of dummy boxes coming to work that never make it into stores and they always have all kinda typos, number of players wrong, age ratings wrong, mis spelt words,common case aswell, wrong boxes ticked off for functionality on back of old xbox boxes. whilst I will admit this is quite different it does show its possible.

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It's not a typo - it would be strange if it's a typo - they don't make these kind of typo's, because the EDTV/HDTV-possible things are also images provided by Nintendo.



I recall Pokémon Link display boxes saying it was Wifi capatible, as we all know it wasn't. So a typo is possible, and most likely in this case.


Edit - Gah Serebii beat me, that'll teach me to read all the topic before posting.

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Earlier today we posted a picture of PAL Red Steel packaging that displayed an HDTV Only logo. Now a spokesperson from Ubisoft has cleared up this mess.


Red Steel will play on both standard and high definition TV screens. It was an unfortunate mistake, which was only spotted once the slicks hit shelves.


Did you hear that? It was a collective sigh of relief.




Anyway, what on earth is EDTV?


EDTV a.k.a. Enchanced Definition TeleVision means that television can output progressive.

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