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I hate wii sports


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It'd be a sure fire way for me to turn certain people off from playing this game ever, but I'd encourage people to play the game in an attempt to shift a few more Wii consoles, they can do with the additional support [Nintendo that is].


The thing that annoys me most about Wii Sports is not the game itself or its average ratio. but the fact it doesn't come with an original white game case/boxart but instead just a cheap cardboard slip, I feel as though i'm beeing "Stooged" here. Disappointing indeed. :shakehead


Sure remember how that was done with Jet Set Radio Future (and wasnt there a driving game also?) on Xbox and it only had a cardboard slip when it was being thrown in with the console for free i believe. Wii Sports in a cardboard slip shouldnt matter much as like how JSR was being free with the xbox, Its a game you get free with the console so I guess its a plus either way.


Besides, I remember reading something awhile back about DS case shortages and that a certain number of games would come in a cardboard box temporarily like the GBA games. Maybe that could be something to do with the fact Wii sports hasnt got its own case.


I doubt it tho as like i said above, the thing with JSR: Future and that racing game didnt have a proper case when sold with the Xbox, Its just plain cheaper to do.

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Okay, I don't really hate it, but my family who do not normally play games have finally gotten into the wii, and they won't stop playing so I can get some freaking Zelda time.


I know this is the kind of thing that was Nintendo's goal, but this is very bad news for me. Anyone else having the same issue? This is catastrophic, and I pray Nintendo will be willing to fix my console and send it back for free. If not, hello eBay.


Theres nothing you can do, and what ever you do make sure you dont scratch the disk so its useless, then your family couldnt play Wii sports and you could play Zelda as much as you wanted.

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What a crazy night. I mean it wasn't too weird to have all my neighbors over to try the wii, but to have my dad who is usually a hard nose and thinks video games are a waist of time ask me after everyone left if he could kick my ass in a game of bowling was awesome. He had never played a single video game for more than a minute in his life, yet because he owns in real bowling he totally thwomped me with a 230.


I really think Nintendo has done something spectacular with wii-sports, and could make a killing in the current non-gamer market.



PS. Now I am too tired to play Zelda. Turkey day break is on for the rest of the week so I can play tomorrow morning.


The thing that annoys me most about Wii Sports is not the game itself or its average ratio. but the fact it doesn't come with an original white game case/boxart but instead just a cheap cardboard slip, I feel as though i'm beeing "Stooged" here. Disappointing indeed. :shakehead


Gameplay over gamecase man. Gameplay over gamecase.

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Gameplay over gamecase man. Gameplay over gamecase.


Hahahah! Classic.


I'd be happy if games started to come in cheaper, smaller, cases with recycled paper. I'm really into this saving the planet now. I turn off unneccesary lights, I don't leave things on standby, I recycle as much as I can. So if Nintendo started making recycled paper cases it would be good for their image.

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damn i never thought of this.


I won't mind getting cousins or friends hooked cuz sooner or later they gotta go home, leaving me with my Wii (and hopefully go buy their own)


But if my family who i live with get hooked, i'll never be able to play zelda...maybe i'll wait to tell them after i finished Zelda...yeah that's it

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I don't think I'll have such a problem. The last time a family member who doesn't play videogames played a videogame was waaay back in the ol' N64 days, I didn't know Super Mario 64 could be so addictive. And before that my dad would regularly play Sonic 1.


I do have to share the games with my 2 brothers, but it's no problem. But I reckon that my parents and my other brother will probably get involved with Wii Sports, when my brother tells them about it, although they'll probably only play it for a little bit.

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you recon??? my family are hooked on mario party and i am so sick to death of hearing them ask me to play. the Wii will be the end of the road for me i will have to kill them.


or i could give them my cube and mario party and be done with it



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Hahahah! Classic.


I'd be happy if games started to come in cheaper, smaller, cases with recycled paper. I'm really into this saving the planet now. I turn off unneccesary lights, I don't leave things on standby, I recycle as much as I can. So if Nintendo started making recycled paper cases it would be good for their image.


Woohoo, you're awesome! I do all the exact same stuff. ='D

I recycle every single bit I can, turn off lights (even when there's people in the room X3 ) and turn every electrical appliance off when it's not being used(like my dad and sisters' computer screens and stuff). Gotta try and do as much as we can eh. =P


Also, I just really can't wait to get my family to play this. I'm really hoping it'll have the same effect on them. Only problem is that I don't think I'll get to play much on the Wii, cause I want it to be in the living room, and there's usually someone watching tv there. Or my dad taking a nap... Maybe I should start living at night again and survive on two hours of sleep. =P

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Woohoo, you're awesome! I do all the exact same stuff. ='D

I recycle every single bit I can, turn off lights (even when there's people in the room X3 ) and turn every electrical appliance off when it's not being used(like my dad and sisters' computer screens and stuff). Gotta try and do as much as we can eh. =P


You'll also save a lot of money on electricity bills. We turn the router and modem off whenever we're not using it, so that's a start. Gotta be efficient!

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LINK: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/747/747730p3.html


:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:


Was browsing the international sites of IGN when I stumbled accross this, very happy indeed, almost made my year this has. I almost singlehandedly would have not bought a Wii if Wii Sports was in a cardboard sleeve like in the US instead of the goodness that is the "white game case".

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