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Gears of war Thread


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Definitely playing tonight, I won't really feel drowsy or anything tomorrow if I play late because I'm off on my geography trip. I get to make my own way there too, and finish extremely early, which is awesome. So I'll play late tonight, I'm also up for a match in the morning at about half 8 for a bit if there's anybody up at that time. And, of course, when I get back from my trip I'm up for a match at any time.


@ Ash: I'm printing off my random Jack Bauer facts so that I'm ready for you this time. :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

Not tried him on Insane yet, but use Torque Bows. It's how I killed him on Casual and Harcore. Or just run around him and use the troika which I had no idea was there.

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Hi guys, i was wondering if anyone had any tips on beating RAAM on Insane mode? I am having real trouble with this one.....


aha, me and Caris just did this yesterday. They key is the torque bow, sniper rifle head shots and active reloads on anything else. When you think he shouldve died, he will in a couple of rounds

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Guest Stefkov
I think i need to start playing GoW single player, not even completed it on casual yet :hmm:


Anyone want to co-op with me?

I think I might do, when I get my headset. Would'nt mind that achievement for playing as Dom.

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jaysus im tired of the pumping station underground.. on the higher difficult levels i tend to get an exploding arrow in my butt ever so often.. and when the game reloads i have to run all the way up to that frigging station again.. "finding" the bow again and listening to those "cutscenes" again and again.. but maybe thats part of the challenge... grrtrtrrrrrr.. this has killed games for me before.. repetition is hell

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