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The Wii House (a video & some pics)


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Hello all, as most of you already know I went to the Wii house in London on Saturday. It was most awesome.


Anyway here is a video I have put together and a few pics.







Some cool posters:
















The lounge:






The Wii:






Games I got to play were Zelda, Redsteel, COD3, Farcry, Excitetruck, 4x4 racing, Tony Hawks downhill jam, Wario Ware, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Sonic, Trauma Centre & Super monkey ball. I think that's about it. There were a few others i didnt play.

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Very nice vid! how id love to of gone there!


How was Zelda and Red Steel for you then Platty?


Ive a question tho, I have a canadian friend who owns a Wii and he seems to be having trouble with the blue light of the disk drive. It doesnt seem to come on, is there something wrong with his console or is there an option he missed or is it always supposed to be on? I'd like to know so that when i get my Wii I will know whats right and whats not when I first play set it up and play and hopefully for christmas as GAME sent me an email saying i wont be getting mine on launch, still have a preorder with toysRus tho.

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Very nice vid! how id love to of gone there!


How was Zelda and Red Steel for you then Platty?


Ive a question tho, I have a canadian friend who owns a Wii and he seems to be having trouble with the blue light of the disk drive. It doesnt seem to come on, is there something wrong with his console or is there an option he missed or is it always supposed to be on? I'd like to know so that when i get my Wii I will know whats right and whats not when I first play set it up and play and hopefully for christmas as GAME sent me an email saying i wont be getting mine on launch, still have a preorder with toysRus tho.



the blue light is only on when a disc is loading according to the engaget faq


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Very nice vid! how id love to of gone there!


How was Zelda and Red Steel for you then Platty?



Well I've said my thoughts in the other threads but Zelda is the nuts. I just couldnt stop playing it. Got to about an hour and it thought i had better stop and try out the other games! It is so good, the controls work well, it looks nice, I just can't wait to get it.


Red Steel wasnt as good as i thought it would be. I found the controls quite hard to get used to, very sensitive. But I was told you can set the sensitivity. I much preferred Call of Duty 3. :)

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Great video Platty :) I liked the parody posters in the background, especially the Wii-Father! ;)


Yeah they are pretty good! I didnt notice the Wii in them at first just thought they were the normal posters.... then i saw that blades blade was a Wii and thought hang on a minute :shock:


There was loads of cool retro things around like star wars toys etc. It was an amazing house.

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Any idea what HD TV they were running Zelda on? is it a Panasonic?


I'm really confused over the whole Wii on HD TV thing!

Some people are saying Wii games look rubbish, others say Zelda as an example looks great on HD TV!


How did you find the games, Zelda especially, looked on HD TV?

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Any idea what HD TV they were running Zelda on? is it a Panasonic?


I'm really confused over the whole Wii on HD TV thing!

Some people are saying Wii games look rubbish, others say Zelda as an example looks great on HD TV!


How did you find the games, Zelda especially, looked on HD TV?



Platty how did the games look on those HD-TV's? Many jaggys or anything horrible?


Also' date=' was Red Steel shit?[/quote']


I think they were all Panasonic Tv's. All the games looked good to me, didnt notice any "jaggys" as you say. Who is saying Wii games look rubbish on HDTV's? out of all the games I played all of them looked fine!


And yes Zelda is awesome. It looks so good.


As for Red Steel. It wasnt shit. It wasnt as good as I thought it would be after all the hype but it certainly wasnt shit. The controls will take a while to get used to as it's very sensitive but im told you can change the sensitivity. However i much preferred Call of Duty 3.

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Who is saying Wii games look rubbish on HDTV's? out of all the games I played all of them looked fine!


And yes Zelda is awesome. It looks so good.

I thought some of the editors/reviewers over at IGN (not those that work on Wii) said something about Wii on HD TV? Maybe not!


Is it pretty much decided that Zelda on an HD TV, providing you use a component cable,

will look as good as Zelda running on a non HD TV with an RGB cable?

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I thought some of the editors/reviewers over at IGN (not those that work on Wii) said something about Wii on HD TV? Maybe not!


Is it pretty much decided that Zelda on an HD TV, providing you use a component cable,

will look as good as Zelda running on a non HD TV with an RGB cable?


I don't know why you are worrying really. I never really notice any difference, maybe thats my eyesight. But as long as i can play the game i dont really care if it's HD this or 60hz That.. bah just enjoy playing the game :)


I want to live in the Wii House :(


As do I my friend.

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What was the outside like? Or was it just in another building (like a film set)?


edit: screw the last bit. Forgot about the windows. Still, first part still remains.


It's a normal house. Well it's a BIG house but normal and is down a street in Holborn in London. From the outside you would never guess what lies within.


Hey, i'm seing in that pics de blue light of the drive all the time on! Can you explain?Was it an update?


I have no idea. I thought the light always stayed on anyway until i read about the American Wii's lights not staying on? So yeah I just don't know...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interview with VIP members (inc. Platty)


Back in October we announced that we would be selecting a group of our most loyal Nintendo VIPs to play Wii before launch.


Of course, these being the crème-de-la-crème of our online members, we had to make it a day to remember; therefore we invited the small, exclusive group to the Wii House, at a secret London location, to sample Nintendo's new console before it hits the shops.


Inside the house


The Wii House is a gamer's paradise. We took a huge, spacious suburban home and kitted it out with a Wii in every room, plus a huge flat screen TV to play it on. There was Zelda in the living room, Wii Sports in the dining room, Tony Hawk's in the girl's bedroom, Red Steel in the boy's bedroom…and on and on across four floors.


The house designers had done a great job making the place look like an everyday home, albeit with a subtle Wii theme. Even more subtle (so much so that we didn't even notice them the first time) were the classic movie posters that had been 'Wii-fied' (click the 'Images' button above for a closer look).


After our VIPs had taken a well-earned pizza break, we took the chance to get their impressions of the day.


Meet the VIPs


Four VIPs had made it to the house on the day we visited (another group was scheduled for the next day) made up of David (username: 'i.love.gamecube'), Stephen ('Platty'), Chris ('ChrisJM') and Jon ('TWFGB') who also brought along his sister Jennifer. Here's what they had to say…


Nintendo: You've all had a chance to play Wii for a while, so what are your first impressions?


Platty: "Brilliant. I love Zelda. Nintendo's put the fun back into games. I thought it would take a little time to get used to but I got into it straight away, especially Zelda and Wii Sports which is really easy to get into."


Nintendo: What about non-gamers? How do you think they would take to Wii?


Chris: "The taxi driver got a home run when he was waiting here!"


Jennifer: "I'm a gamer but not quite as hardcore as he is [nodding towards her brother] and I enjoyed it. I thought it was amazingly true to life, especially the sports games. I can do all the things I can't do in real life. I can play tennis when it's pouring outside and I don't have to run around."


Nintendo: So what's been your favourite game of the day?


Platty: "Definitely Zelda."


Jonathan: "WarioWare or Wii Sports, I think."


Jennifer: "Same for me, I think."


David: "I think for the day, Wii Sports, but when I actually get the Wii it will be Zelda."


Chris: "I'll have to be different and say Monkey Ball!"


(Everyone laughs)


Nintendo: Which of the third-party games did you like? Trauma Center was cool, wasn't it?


Jonathan: "Yeah, Trauma Center was great. The quick play I had of Tony Hawk was quite good as well."


Platty: "Yeah, Tony Hawk's, the way the controls worked was very good, and also Call of Duty was pretty good as well."


Jonathan: "And even the games that you can get on other systems, you play them completely differently on Wii. I feel more part of the game."


Nintendo: So, which games will you be picking up at launch?

Everyone: "Zelda!" (laughing)


Nintendo: OK, apart from Zelda!


Jonathan: "I think I'll get Red Steel, Wii Play…"


David: "Yeah, I think I'll get Monkey Ball as well."


Platty: "I'll probably get one of the driving games because that little add-on was good as well [ubisoft's steering wheel attachment for the Wii Remote]."


Nintendo: What would you now say to people who weren't interested in Wii before?


Platty: "I say just go and play it and see. Once people play it they'll realise how good it is."


Jennifer: "It's a lot more active than the usual games. Most people, usually non-gamers, have a very stereotypical view of gamers as couch potatoes sitting there pressing buttons but that's not what this is about."


Nintendo: What will you say to your parents or friends when you get home tonight?


Platty: "I'll just brag to all my friends that I've been in this big Wii House playing all these games. I'll get a lot of bragging rights tonight."

Jon: "Can we come back?!" (laughs)


With the pizza well and truly scoffed and 'one more go' of WarioWare out of the way, it was time to call it a day at the Wii House. We'd love to open its doors to everyone but unfortunately it's strictly 'invite only'. However, come Friday you'll all have the chance to make your own house a Wii House!


We'd like to say a big thanks to the Wii House team for making our VIPs feel so welcome, and thanks to David and Platty who've written a report about their experiences in our forums, which you can read here and here.










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