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C&V gives Zelda:TP a score of 10/10 :D


The greatest Zelda game ever? Yes. Be excited.


The biggest Zelda ever

Excellent ranged combat on the Wii

One of the deepest Zelda plots yet

Amazing art direction


Not the best example of the Wii's controls


"Gamers looking for a challenge will be please to hear that one of Twilight's dungeons in particular rivals even the mighty Ocarina of Time's Water Temple in terms of difficulty - our telly would be well and truly smashed if it wasn't for those handy Wii Remote wrist straps."

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I think Gamespot's Zelda review is spot on. The Zelda series has found its comfort zone and is sitting there, refusing to move. The games are still good, but theres been very little in the way of progression since OOT.


They may be marking down a lot of Wii games, but they justify it with decent explanations about things that the reviewers who give 8+9/10s seem to miss. All-in-all they seem to be of the opinion that most of the launch games are tech demos for the Wiimote



Not the best example of the Wii's controls


How can a game with a flaw score 10/10?

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I think Gamespot's Zelda review is spot on. The Zelda series has found its comfort zone and is sitting there, refusing to move. The games are still good, but theres been very little in the way of progression since OOT.




How can a game with a flaw score 10/10?


No game is perfect.


All that it is saying is that the controls won't necisarily impress.




I am off to nap for 2 hours. I will need some energy for the wii. I hve never taken a nap since I was 5 or sick, and i am 16.

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I think Gamespot's Zelda review is spot on. The Zelda series has found its comfort zone and is sitting there, refusing to move. The games are still good, but theres been very little in the way of progression since OOT.


I'm a bit iffy on where i stand with that. Imo, the game should be judged on itself and its own merits. Giving it a lower score due to it not being that much different than other Zelda's just doesn't seem right, imo.

For one thing, it's automatically assuming that every player who plays this game has already played the other zelda's, which is untrue, especially as how on this site, the first Zelda many people played was actually Wind Waker.


Part of me just thinks its a little pedantic, thats all.

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Originally Posted by Dante


Not the best example of the Wii's controls


How can a game with a flaw score 10/10?


"We're not so convinced however about the Wii version's new cursor system; unless disabled a fairy is on the screen at all times, acting as the Remote's pointer icon and used to select menu items in the inventory, pick shop items and equip weapons on the pause menu.


Its addition is intended for enhanced convenience but we found it to be a distraction and, at first, were searching for an option to disable the cursor during gameplay and only have it appear in menus. But this isn't possible - you can either turn it off altogether, or have it on the screen all the time. It's a small annoyance, but one we quickly learned to live with."

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Tetris is perfect.

Pac Man is perfect.

MYST was perfect.

The Sims was perfect.

There are many perfect games.


A sequel can be 10/10 if it pioneers the genre, pushes the hardware, preserves the excellence of previous titles, offers a new experience to veterans worthy of the retail price.


The Sims 2, Myst sequels (apart from the Ubi ones) were all rad, and that's why they were succesful.


TP will always live in Ocarina's shadow.. while the game stays in history, people change. This is why I think there is a generation of people who are adamant FFVII and Ocarina are the best games ever made.

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C&V gives Zelda:TP a score of 10/10 :D




Not the best example of the Wii's controls




Thats a joke, I played it today for a long time and thought the controls worked superbly. What more do you want the wii's controls to do in a game like zelda?


8.8 is a good score but to be honest i think zelda is a 10/10 infact no you cant rate this zelda as it's just too damn good. Trust me you'll all see soon.

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Dont know how many people would agree with me here but surely a 10/10 score is for a game that fulfills its own potential. Like Nintendork said, 10/10 games are Tetris, Pacman, Myst, The Sims, Ocarina of Time. These games were all as good as they could be, Twilight Princess on the other hand could be improved upon.


Anyone else remember the uproar on these forums about scores that Wind Waker got? Who looks more stupid now, the reviewers who gave the game 100% or the ones who were honest, giving the game scores around 90%?

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Dont know how many people would agree with me here but surely a 10/10 score is for a game that fulfills its own potential. Like Nintendork said, 10/10 games are Tetris, Pacman, Myst, The Sims, Ocarina of Time. These games were all as good as they could be, Twilight Princess on the other hand could be improved upon. [/Quote]


But then, that just goes back into the argument that no game is perfect, which is true. Therefore, games should never really get a 10/10 score, because that gives the illusion that the game is perfect, when a game can never be perfect. Pacman and Tetris are what i call "pioneering" games, they're games which take gaming to a new level. The same can be said about Ocarina of Time, as it took Zelda games to a whole new level.


Can Twilight Princess do the same thing? In some ways, yes, in some ways no. I really pity reviewers, as they have to find some sort of middle ground, and they've got a really fucking tough job.


But, on the other hand, what are we as gamers expecting? A game to completely 're-invent' gaming, or just a really damn good Zelda game? A compromise, maybe?




Anyone else remember the uproar on these forums about scores that Wind Waker got? Who looks more stupid now, the reviewers who gave the game 100% or the ones who were honest, giving the game scores around 90%?


I can't remember who gave what in terms of Wind Waker, but even then, a 100% score is just not right, as that game clearly had issues.

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It got a 94.7% press average, with a lot of 10/10s. I remember a topic on here like the TP Gamespot one but for Edge and the 90% they gave Wind Waker lol


According to average review scores WW is the 2nd best Zelda game and better than Super Mario World, Halo 2, Half-Life, Perfect Dark, Knights Of The Old Republic, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Metal Gear Solid! Everyone thats played it knows it wasnt as good as that, i'd rather not see the same thing with TP. A bit of honest reviewing in the first place would be nice imo (it worries me when one review critisises an aspect of a game that another doesnt mention)




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You're mocking the Sims? It's the best selling game ever.

It was so simple in concept that everyone (else) loved it.


I don't particularly dislike it but it's no 10/10 and it's a chicks game.


It got a 94.7% press average, with a lot of 10/10s. I remember a topic on here like the TP Gamespot one but for Edge and the 90% they gave Wind Waker lol


According to average review scores WW is the 2nd best Zelda game and better than Super Mario World, Halo 2, Half-Life, Perfect Dark, Knights Of The Old Republic, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Metal Gear Solid! Everyone thats played it knows it wasnt as good as that, i'd rather not see the same thing with TP. A bit of honest reviewing in the first place would be nice imo (it worries me when one review critisises an aspect of a game that another doesnt mention)


Really easy saying that 4 years after the game was launched. And still, its a great game.

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Nintendogs is a chicks game, Famitsu gave that 40/40.

That's not even an original concept.. it's based on the already succesful Tamagotchi concept.


Without The Sims we certainly wouldn't have Animal Crossing or Nintendogs though, no Black and White.


The Sims did more than you think, and Sim City before it.


Zelda has done all it can, the technology has plateaued and the control scheme is merely an extension. 9/10 or thereabouts is reasonable.

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Actually you'll find the UK has sold more copies of Nintendogs than Japan.

Not that your logic is any good.


How can a game that people go crazy over be bad?


Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, A Link to the Past and Okami all got 39/40 scores. edit stroke means or not score.


If there is any 'true' way to measure a games score, on a perfectly even field THIS IS IT.


Famitsu will have to be 100% consistent, otherwise Twilight Princess will be living in a shadow and their reputation may be in tatters.

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Actually you'll find the UK has sold more copies of Nintendogs than Japan.

Not that your logic is any good.


How can a game that people go crazy over be bad?


Really? Didn't know about that. And please stop putting words in my mouth, I didn't say it was bad.

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YES! After 15 reviews [using 15 review score criteria in advanced search], Twilight Princesses average ratio has been boosted to 96.6%. Its ahead of Soul Calibur. The higher it finishes the better, although my "MINIMUM BENCHMARK" is for the the game to surpass Resident Evil 4, otherwise, fail. This game has been a real emotional roller coaster for me, hapiness, anger, disappointment... So far, my faith is slowly crawling back for the Wii version of the game.

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