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Lets help build Wes a computer


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So after seeing how bad my PC really is I have decided to build a PC.


I was looking at an old issue of PC Gamer (November 2004 when they reviewed Half-Life 2) and found they had a feature titled "Build a top PC for just £500". It was able tor un Half-Life 2, Doom3 and Rome: Total War.


So I was about to order these parts and then I realised that this is newly a year old, even if I could find the components it would be pointless because you can get better ones for the same price.


So, which PC know-it-all would like to base a system for me, including links and prices, based on this old system?


The old system was:


Motherboard: ABit KV-7

Processor: AMD Athlon 3000XP+ 400 MHz FSB, 512K L2 Cache

Heatsink/Fan: Thermaltake Volano 11+

Memory: 1024MB PC3200 (400 MHz) DDR (two of these)

Graphics card: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

HDD: Maxtor Diamond Max +9 80GB

CD/DVD: Sony 16X DVD-ROM (Black) (Plus extra IDE cable)

Case: Arianet Cybercase 420W and 8CM case fan



So that's the system they put out, all costing £477.


Now my problem comes when trying to find a motherboard that accepts a processor of 400MHz and also RAM of 400MHz.


Also them porcessors aren't made anymore.


So basically if anyone can update these components for me and make sure it all works with the chosen motherboard I would be eternally greatful.




P.S. If the motherboard you find has 6 channel sound that would be great, too. I don't fancy spending more money on a sound card.

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Guest Jordan

Theres no such thing as Future proof. Within 4 months a computer isn't "the best" any more. Hell even my machine can't run some games on high settings anymore.


My back up machine Freebie (Athlon XP 3200+, 9600XT, 1GB Ram) can only run black and white 2 on the lowest settings!

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In my ICT class we are designing a new system for a made up client.


My made up client is an independant PC animator, and I have him down for a Cinema 4D user . . .


Basically the PC that I make in ICT for my user will be the PC that I will build at home.

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