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Gamespot On The Spot Wii marathon


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Guest Stefkov

just watching it now, and i was ecstatic after seeing the sensor bar has sticky pads. Now I have no worries of where to put it.

Does anyone know anywhere ican download it. I dont know why it just stopped when i paused it, then i started again and left it to catch up later on and it stopped again. I cant be btohere waiting another 20 minutes to get through all that ive seen.

So anyone know where i can download?

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I watched a good deal of this video and skipped through some bits as to avoid spoilers.


This shit has made me physically angry at Gamespot, from what I saw not ONE of them knew a single thing about the Wii, they didn't even know how to reel in the freakin fish in Zelda...that's just embarassing for a gaming publication, I mean it's something that was shown off a good number of things at events they should've been at. I'm pretty sure if I'd watched most of the rest I would've been sick. It's just unbelievable how weak their Wii coverage and knowledge is in comparison to sites like IGN who actually have a clue what they're DOING and know about the games.


Anyway on the other hand though Wiisports boxing looked pretty damn awesome. I only saw little bits of every game they played since I was skipping but that one stood out, it just looked really fun.

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I saw some of it, mostly Twilight Princess footage generally good, but I didn't like two things about it, firstly the lack of a full 360 camera hurts gameplay and I noticed this on several ocassions, they had to physically stop to adjust the camera when it was on akward angles, but the thing that bothered me particularly more so than the camera was the fact that when Link opens a door or walks into another area, it just freezes and then fades if you saw those parts, you'd know what I mean, why they didn't have the complete animation walking into the door, new area and then fade like Ocarina Of Time is beyond me.

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