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FIRE EMBLEM: A blockbuster made on a shoestring...

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Haha, so Hero-of-Time, do you buy games in twofold? I mean, if you treasure that game so much that you dont wanna remove the seal, then how are you gonna enjoy the game? :P


Im not usually like this its just I know how hard it is to find a MINT never mind sealed copy of the first GBA FE so to play it I will have to get another copy.


By the way, Hero-of-Time, play that Fire Emblem you have. My favorite thus far:


I will have to pick another copy up from ebay, probably just get a cheap cartridge one as I refuse to open it as its worth a pretty penny and its sure to increase.

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A few points that you missed:


-In PoR, supports are achieved by having two characters fight in the same map for a certain number of chapters;


-In the GBA ones, to achieve supports, you actually have to leave them next to each other for that amount of turns, I believe. The bonuses are still available inside the 3 spaces limit;


-In PoR, you can see the stat gains in their respective character windows while the bonuses are active. In the GBA games, better resort to FAQ;


-The bonuses vary between couples based on their elements (Ex.: Earth/Earth combination like Ike/Oscar gives them huge Avoid; Water/Water combination like Mist/Boyd gives them great Attack bonuses; Water/Earth combination gives them half Attack, half Avoid).


Ah, my bad. Thanks for correcting me Jonnas. I still have lots to explore in that area. Im even neglecting the elements part of it :P


Btw, did you find it weird they didn't have a Druid/Dark type of character in PoR? Using Nesferatu with Rhys felt kinda weird, haha


So far, PoR left quite an impact on me, but that's perhaps because it's the last one I've played. The 'original' one was pretty amazing as well, because that's my very first experience into the Fire Emblem serie. I'd say Sacred Stones left the least impact on me, while that's an excellent game by itself. Which is a statement how good the Fire Emblem games can be.

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Btw, did you find it weird they didn't have a Druid/Dark type of character in PoR? Using Nesferatu with Rhys felt kinda weird, haha


It was strange at first, but eventually I became grateful, since Nosferatu is the best way for Rhys to cure himself.


So far, PoR left quite an impact on me, but that's perhaps because it's the last one I've played. The 'original' one was pretty amazing as well, because that's my very first experience into the Fire Emblem serie. I'd say Sacred Stones left the least impact on me, while that's an excellent game by itself. Which is a statement how good the Fire Emblem games can be.


Yup, Sacred Stones was the least good I played, too. The training grounds and the shortness of the game take away some of it's appeal. The fact that the game was somewhat easy by Fire Emblem standards (characters were too strong. At least the maps were hard.) and there were few charismatic characters didn't do much for it's replay value. I did like the revelation about Jehanna's prince. I certainly didn't expect it. :wink:


One more thing. I don't know if I already said this, but you should try training Mist. Not only because of THE battle, but because she's more reliable than she seems. With a high magic stat, she is the best candidate for the Sonic Sword. Use Arm Scrolls if necessary, but after promotion, she becomes an awesome healer and fighter with that sword (you might consider using Hammerne so it doesn't break, though). You might even use a band to help guarantee the high growths in magic.

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One more thing. I don't know if I already said this, but you should try training Mist. Not only because of THE battle, but because she's more reliable than she seems. With a high magic stat, she is the best candidate for the Sonic Sword. Use Arm Scrolls if necessary, but after promotion, she becomes an awesome healer and fighter with that sword (you might consider using Hammerne so it doesn't break, though). You might even use a band to help guarantee the high growths in magic.


Hm, good tip there. I may opt for a different healer in my new game. Rhys was my main healer, but his dodging abilities really werent that great. I've lost count how often he died on me. And since Mist actually has some use, I may go for her.


One of my favorite characters was actually Nephenee. It took some time to train her, but after awhile she became one on my most reliable units. Plus, I really love her artwork. So yeah, I kinda have a weak spot for her :P

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I haven't used a halbenier at all in any of my playthroughs. What is their exact use? Should i compare them more to warriors or swordmasters?


I'll try the Mist thing as well on my next playthrough. I'll probably have to drop Rolf then though, since there won't be enough bonus exp. I killed Naesala with the triangle attack though, so i hope i can find a way to do it differently.


I don't know about Reyson either. I used him on my first playthrough, but he's really so weak. Does he get better defense in the later levels (or dodging capability)?


Next playthrough list:




Titania (won't start lvling her till after chapter 10 or so)













Does that sound like a feasible team? Who could i drop for Nephenee?

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Hm, good tip there. I may opt for a different healer in my new game. Rhys was my main healer, but his dodging abilities really werent that great. I've lost count how often he died on me. And since Mist actually has some use, I may go for her.


One of my favorite characters was actually Nephenee. It took some time to train her, but after awhile she became one on my most reliable units. Plus, I really love her artwork. So yeah, I kinda have a weak spot for her :P


Attention. Mist is very difficult to train. Her staves won't even cure your characters completely for a while. So don't ditch Rhys right away. He's still useful until chapter 13.


Never used Nephenee, though. I'll try using her and Brom on my next playthrough (after I beat Hard Mode). Brom proved to be useful on chapter 11 Hard.


EDIT: Just saw Japjer's post


I'll try the Mist thing as well on my next playthrough. I'll probably have to drop Rolf then though, since there won't be enough bonus exp. I killed Naesala with the triangle attack though, so i hope i can find a way to do it differently.


Don't kill Naesala. Have either Janaff/Ulki and then Reyson talk to him. He'll leave and give you an useful equipment.


I don't know about Reyson either. I used him on my first playthrough, but he's really so weak. Does he get better defense in the later levels (or dodging capability)?


Reyson is a bit complicated. He's pretty useful if you know how to use him strategically. Any excuse to level him up works and in bird mode he can rejuvenate more than one person. Just make sure he's out of harm's way. Check ballistas' range and don't put him right in the open.

Some tips for Reyson:

-Support with Ike or Tanith. They will give you extra dodge when near them. In Ike's case, if you keep Reyson near, he'll probably kill everyone more easily attacking twice a turn.

-Give him the equipment given by Naesala. That'll help you keeping him out of harm's way.


Next playthrough list:




Titania (won't start lvling her till after chapter 10 or so)













Does that sound like a feasible team? Who could i drop for Nephenee?


Granted. I don't know much about Nephenee, but Mia seems to be the obvious replacement. They are both agile foot units. The difference lies in the weapon used. If you're going to use Nephenee, replace Mia.


Also, with that line-up, I would replace Tormod with Calill. She doesn't use staves, but her magic ranks are impressive and she doesn't need leveling up.


If you're going to use Reyson, then replace Astrid. You have enough good mounted units by the time you get her (including the flying ones).


Plus, Kieran is also a good choice to use instead of Oscar, if you prefer. Either choice is equally good.

















Not a bad team, but I would advise adding another axe besides Titania's to use until you get Largo.

Maybe promote Oscar/Jill fast or use Kieran? Or maybe use Lethe in situations where an axe is needed (definetely the best choice). Your choice anyway.


The team is solid like this. Support-wise, you could:


-Get Oscar/Ike with great dodge;

-Support Ike/Reyson for the reasons listed above;

-Support Gatrie with Marcia/Shinon/Illyana (Marcia is not a good choice. They'll be regularly fighting in different parts of the scenario.);

-Support Calill/Nephenee;

-Support Kieran/Marcia, since they make a good team (if you use Kieran);

-Support Jill/Lethe (see above).


There are several combinations but these are the advisable ones.


Maybe I'm wasting my time, since this team was modified by me, but the tips are there, if you wish.

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Hmm, well I used Kieran a bit on my last playthrough, but he was a bit too weak for my liking. I actually only had Boyd with an axe as his main weapon :D.


Calill I did use last time, she's alright, especcially since she has the high weapon levels, however, i feel Tormod's celerity is really worth giving him a shot. I'll train Ilyana in lightning and wind magic and Tormod in Fire.


Is that item that gives you knight-movement equipable or usable? I could give Reyson the full guard if it's usable, which should keep him safe (maybe drop Marcia for Nephenee/Tanith then).


Thanks for the help, especcially the support suggestions. I never plan those ahead and usually only end up with oscar/Ike as the only useful support. In the final battle, i even had Ike dodge half the time against the boss, cause i had both Soren & Oscar near him.

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Hmm, well I used Kieran a bit on my last playthrough, but he was a bit too weak for my liking. I actually only had Boyd with an axe as his main weapon :D.


Calill I did use last time, she's alright, especcially since she has the high weapon levels, however, i feel Tormod's celerity is really worth giving him a shot. I'll train Ilyana in lightning and wind magic and Tormod in Fire.


Is that item that gives you knight-movement equipable or usable? I could give Reyson the full guard if it's usable, which should keep him safe (maybe drop Marcia for Nephenee/Tanith then).


Thanks for the help, especcially the support suggestions. I never plan those ahead and usually only end up with oscar/Ike as the only useful support. In the final battle, i even had Ike dodge half the time against the boss, cause i had both Soren & Oscar near him.


Kieran is a bit weak at first due to low skill (you need to be lucky for him to land a hit), but nothing that can't be solved with a Secret Book. Oscar usually ends up being the weak one, since he can survive for such a long time, but can't kill easily due to low attack. Different sides of the same coin.


I never used Tormod (plan to in this hard mode), so I forgot celerity. You're right, that can be of some help.


The knight-movement item? You're referring to Naesala's present? It's equippable and it's highly useful for support units. Allows them to heal/regenerate in the frontlines and then retreat in the same turn. In my opinion it's more useful than the Full Guard item. The aerial disadvantages only work in Bird Form, by the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im not usually like this its just I know how hard it is to find a MINT never mind sealed copy of the first GBA FE so to play it I will have to get another copy.


I will have to pick another copy up from ebay, probably just get a cheap cartridge one as I refuse to open it as its worth a pretty penny and its sure to increase.


I know how you feel! I only try to buy sealed games, I love em, and it pains me to open a classic, I almost want two copies of every meaningful game I own, one for playing and one for show!


Does someone know where I can get this awesome-sounding game for less than €40?


Try ebay, and if you have to shell out the little extra do it, it's a classic that you won;t want to miss.

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I know how you feel! I only try to buy sealed games, I love em, and it pains me to open a classic, I almost want two copies of every meaningful game I own, one for playing and one for show!




Try ebay, and if you have to shell out the little extra do it, it's a classic that you won;t want to miss.


Nevermind, found a brand new copy of it for way less than it's usual price. By the way, the game is awesome.

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The knight-movement item? You're referring to Naesala's present? It's equippable and it's highly useful for support units. Allows them to heal/regenerate in the frontlines and then retreat in the same turn. In my opinion it's more useful than the Full Guard item. The aerial disadvantages only work in Bird Form, by the way.


I'm at that chapter right now, and it's really hard to not kill any birds before you reach naesala. Does he talk to Janaff by himself if you put the hawk in range or do you really need to talk to him yourself (putting him between 2 ballistae & a bunch of wyvern...in bird form!)


My current team:


Oscar - Since i didn't level boyd at all, these two were the first to reach lvl 20, oscar is my most powerful unit by far even though i don't use him in every chapter!

Titania - Doing alright, I mostly use her to weaken enemies so they can be killed off by someone else.

Mist - Took her a while to get good, but now that she's promoted she's become the perfect frontline healer.

Lethe - Pinch hitter, I use her every other chapter. She still doesn't get great exp, so i use her as a second titania.

Ilyana - Choosing Ilyana makes the first few chapters so much easier, since there's no need to force feed Soren exp. She's a bit weaker in offense, but her strength is great, so she'll be able to use the heavy tomes (+ early use of the ranged lightning spell = great!)

Nephenee - WOW! Can't believe I've never used her before. She has great offense, AMAZING speed and with a knight's ward, can easily take on 5 enemies at once and then wrath kicks in.....

Gatrie - I had to give him some resistance and movement, but now he's a great unit. I just hope he'll stay that way, I had to get rid of Gatrie on my last playthrough cause he kept dying =(

Shinon - Just got him back, I decided to give him a shot with some bonus exp and he's great, mostly cause he's my first bow user so i had a bunch of great bows waiting for him. Great growths too.

Reyson - I'll use him this time, though I'll have to give him some bonus exp soon. He's so weak!

Marcia - She was a great unit on my last playthrough. I usually send her ahead: she dodges most melees, has the full guard item for the archers and great resistance against the magic users.

Tanith - Going to go for the pegasus triangle. Maybe I should wait a bit before actually using her, though. Coming in at level 10, she's like a midgame titania.

Zihark - He just changed to swordmaster. He seems to be a bit more durable than Mia, though he really doesn't dodge much at all and 2 resistance at lvl 20?!

Tormod - Celerity works great for him to keep up with the frontliners and finish off monsters. It took some effort to get him at a decent level, but now at lvl 19 he's doing good damage. I really recommend him if you need a 2nd stave user sage, next to Soren/Ilyana.

Kieran - Alright unit. At least don't have to worry about him stealing exp from others, since he still has plenty to gain himself.


Tormod is my only non-promoted unit at the moment, all others are 1-10 at the naesala chapter.

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I'm at that chapter right now, and it's really hard to not kill any birds before you reach naesala. Does he talk to Janaff by himself if you put the hawk in range or do you really need to talk to him yourself (putting him between 2 ballistae & a bunch of wyvern...in bird form!)


Here's what I usually do. I use Tanith's reinforcements to lure Naesala closer. Then, I use Ulki to talk to him (he takes longer to transform, so he doesn't suffer from ballista weakness by that time). If you want to use Janaff, either equip him with a Full Guard or de-transform him with the Demi Band (equip and un-equip). Your choice.

After talking to him, he approaches Reyson by himself (as long as he's in range) without attacking anybody else. The hard part afterwards is trying to prevent Daein from killing the Ravens (more living ravens = more bonus exp)


Ilyana - Choosing Ilyana makes the first few chapters so much easier, since there's no need to force feed Soren exp. She's a bit weaker in offense, but her strength is great, so she'll be able to use the heavy tomes (+ early use of the ranged lightning spell = great!)


Gatrie - I had to give him some resistance and movement, but now he's a great unit. I just hope he'll stay that way, I had to get rid of Gatrie on my last playthrough cause he kept dying =(


Zihark - He just changed to swordmaster. He seems to be a bit more durable than Mia, though he really doesn't dodge much at all and 2 resistance at lvl 20?!


Tormod - Celerity works great for him to keep up with the frontliners and finish off monsters. It took some effort to get him at a decent level, but now at lvl 19 he's doing good damage. I really recommend him if you need a 2nd stave user sage, next to Soren/Ilyana.


I've been using Ilyana in this Hard Mode and low speed really hurts her. Un-promoted Tormod is already better (Tormod really rocks. I should use him more often).


Gatrie has always been good for me (even by Fire Emblem Generals standard). Hard to believe he can die easily. He never died for me. Not even once.


I've been using Zihark by accident and he pretty much rocks. He was killing powerful Ravens when underleveled. He has some low strength, but nothing serious. His low Res kinda hurts, but I rarely put him in mage range.

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I tried to complete the game a second time a while ago for the story(since the GoD is a sequel), but I was completely screwed by the Random Number Generator. One of my best characters, don't remember who, had increased three levels with no increase in a single stat. And it was always those time I actually could win the battle without deaths and at the end of it so I did't reset. Happened to both Ike and Iliyana two times. And several others had abyssmal stat increase several times. I gave up at the map where you are in a port and the Black Knight showed up. Either the Black Knight or the boss and several horse riders killed one of my characters.

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I gave up at the map where you are in a port and the Black Knight showed up. Either the Black Knight or the boss and several horse riders killed one of my characters.


It's not too late yet! That map is hard for the first few turns, but it's still very doable. I suggest you dump Ilyana, and take newly joined units instead. Mordecai & Lethe are both very useful in this chapter. Nephenee, Brom and Kieran are good characters to start to raise (unless you want gatrie, then skip Brom) and since they only joined a chapter ago, you'll get a new shot at getting good stats.


I'd send Ike, Kieran and Boyd down to take care of the 3 spearmen & the knight. Nephenee can go to the closest house, accompanied by Kieran to soak up the damage. If you want to keep the vigilantes east alive, mordecai would be best east, talking to zihark (use smite to give zihark room to talk to you).

Send Lethe with another speedy character up north to take care of the knights there and visit the house. I used marcia there, which works great if you make sure you kill the bow knight with lethe first. Make sure you're out of the black knight's range around turn 5/6.


For the centre part with the most monsters, put Titania there on turn one with either a steel axe or hand-axe. She won't steal too much exp, since she can't kill the generals. Oscar could come in and help finish them off on turn two, the 2 of them forming a nice wall for your ranged attackers (if you have any).


Once you're ready to move to the boss, just do the same as in turn 1: let Titania soak up the damage to kill them off with whoever's there. If you give Titania the steel/iron axe, she'll do good damage on the normal knights and the boss will use his bow, leaving him open to melee attacks (boss exp for your weakest characters! yay!) If you're not sure you'll make it in time, send Oscar ahead together with Lethe. Anyone can clear this map, keep that in mind.


Here's what I usually do. I use Tanith's reinforcements to lure Naesala closer. Then, I use Ulki to talk to him (he takes longer to transform, so he doesn't suffer from ballista weakness by that time). If you want to use Janaff, either equip him with a Full Guard or de-transform him with the Demi Band (equip and un-equip). Your choice.

After talking to him, he approaches Reyson by himself (as long as he's in range) without attacking anybody else. The hard part afterwards is trying to prevent Daein from killing the Ravens (more living ravens = more bonus exp)


That sounds like a nice tactic, I'll give it a shot ^^



I've been using Ilyana in this Hard Mode and low speed really hurts her. Un-promoted Tormod is already better (Tormod really rocks. I should use him more often).



I must admit I gave Ilyana a seraph robe, so she can take quite a bit of damage. She's probably a bit RNG-blessed though, since she does double alot of enemies for me, and then there's the lovely crit of elthunder. On the map where you fight Shinon I left her and Nephenee to fight all the reinforcements by themselves. Only Nephenee needed to be healed once =)

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