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Why the hell is everyone saying i wont play a demo pod, if its there play for gods sake?


I personally had a bit of a rubbish time playing on the GC demo pods. There's nothing worse than playing in a crowded store, with 10 or so people watching you (which is really off putting, i might add), and especially as the pad was smelly due to sweaty hands of gamers. Oh, and the analogue stick was a bit buggered too, due to people abusing it.


If the pod is free, i will go up and have a go. But, i ain't waiting 10 or so minutes for the person hogging the machine to naff off. There's always one, you know who you are.

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There's nothing worse than playing in a crowded store, with 10 or so people watching you (which is really off putting, i might add)


Hmm, I disagree. I find it strangely satisfying when people watch me play.. Particularly games like Guitar Hero, but any game really. I do better then, as well, due to my odd habit of performing better under pressure.

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