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Do you think he's biased???


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I actually agree with what he says. In two years, who's to say that the novelty of the Wii will not have died down, and we'll all be back to enjoying prettier HD graphics?


Even if it becomes the next standard in videogame control, there is absolutely nothing to stop Microsoft and Sony releasing a similar peripheral whilst sidestepping all of Nintendo's patents and claiming some of the new market share that Nintendo will have brought into the industry for themselves. Then Sony and Microsoft, after the price drops will have a better looking machine whilst still offering the same types of game as the Wii, as well as the bog standard fare that we're all used to. Nintendo will be forced to drop the price of their massively underpowered, standard definition console, and will yet again be labelled as a kiddy's toy and would flop after an initially promising start.


I'm not saying this is definately what will happen, but it's certainly a possibility. I honestly thought that Gamecube would be Nintendo's last home console, so I've been ready for this, admittedly awful scenario, for a while now.

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I actually agree with what he says. In two years, who's to say that the novelty of the Wii will not have died down, and we'll all be back to enjoying prettier HD graphics?


Even if it becomes the next standard in videogame control, there is absolutely nothing to stop Microsoft and Sony releasing a similar peripheral whilst sidestepping all of Nintendo's patents and claiming some of the new market share that Nintendo will have brought into the industry for themselves. Then Sony and Microsoft, after the price drops will have a better looking machine whilst still offering the same types of game as the Wii, as well as the bog standard fare that we're all used to. Nintendo will be forced to drop the price of their massively underpowered, standard definition console, and will yet again be labelled as a kiddy's toy and would flop after an initially promising start.


I'm not saying this is definately what will happen, but it's certainly a possibility. I honestly thought that Gamecube would be Nintendo's last home console, so I've been ready for this, admittedly awful scenario, for a while now.


Maybe you're right, the PS3 or the 360 could both have a Wii-mote sytle addition, it's not like the Wii can ever have HD though. Very good point.

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the PS3 or the 360 could both have a Wii-mote sytle addition

And along with the PC, are getting such a device: currently codenamed Fusion.


I doubt game support will ever be up to much though, it being a third-party peripheral. I guess Microsoft could put a bid in to buy up In2Games, it's what they're best at. ;)

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I actually agree with what he says. In two years, who's to say that the novelty of the Wii will not have died down, and we'll all be back to enjoying prettier HD graphics?


Even if it becomes the next standard in videogame control, there is absolutely nothing to stop Microsoft and Sony releasing a similar peripheral whilst sidestepping all of Nintendo's patents and claiming some of the new market share that Nintendo will have brought into the industry for themselves. Then Sony and Microsoft, after the price drops will have a better looking machine whilst still offering the same types of game as the Wii, as well as the bog standard fare that we're all used to. Nintendo will be forced to drop the price of their massively underpowered, standard definition console, and will yet again be labelled as a kiddy's toy and would flop after an initially promising start.


I'm not saying this is definately what will happen, but it's certainly a possibility. I honestly thought that Gamecube would be Nintendo's last home console, so I've been ready for this, admittedly awful scenario, for a while now.

I very much doubt that the Wiimote's novelty will get below the novelty of the other consoles. If better, high-res graphics were a reason (DS v PSP blahblah here). Anyway, you make it sound as though the Wii needs hype to survive; that's not true. Of course there'll be hype in the first few months but that's no different from any other console. The Wii, with a constant supply of games (don't forget VC), should have as much staying power as any console. Why would people be tired of a different console scheme after two years, so tired in fact they want to get back to normal gamepads?


It won't be easy for MS and Sony to copy the Wiimote this gen. First of all Nintendo's patents are solid, second implementing motion sensing means a confused marketing plan and requires and expansion of the console, which quite frankly doesn't work. It'll be another 5 years for a Wiimote competitor if we ever see one at all.


Also, on 'Nintendo's last console'... Nintendo makes 9 times as much profit as entire Sony does nowadays and they do that because of the consoles. Even despite the GameCube's 'failure' it's made the most profit of last generation. It is going to take way worse failures than the Cube too bring down Nintendo's home consoles.

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Read my post again, I said that it is one of a possible many scenarios. I never said it WOULD happen, I just said it COULD, and that it would be a shame.


To blindly believe that Nintendo is bulletproof because they are doing something different again and that they will yield the same results as the DS would be foolish. Yes, Nintendo will do well in the short term, but you can't honestly say that you are 100% certain that the Wii controller is not going to feel gimmicky and tired after a few years of using it. IF that was to happen, then I'm sure that a lot of people would look at the prettier games on the now cheaper PS3/360 and perhaps make a purchase, leaving the Wii in the cupboard until the next Mario game comes out.


As for the copying thing, you are right - it would be difficult for Sony and Microsoft to implement a new peripheral, but not impossible if they felt they needed to. And how do you know for sure that all Nintendo's patents are solid??

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I know, I'm just stressing the unlikeliness of your scenario. I really don't think the Wii is so gimmicky people will get bored with it and return to old games, because that's the very reason they bought the Wii in the first place. In fact, a large share of the Wii buyers will buy it because they won't play games in the tradional sense.


Anyway, don't accuse me of believing Nintendo is invincible, because I use to criticise them severely. However, the prospects given by some are too much doom thinking, and it's best to stay more realistic. I just don't think Nintendo is as weak and defenseless as some seem to believe.

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