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Wii vs Cube


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You can't deny that it is a fair improvment, and don't forget that Wii graphics are going to get better as we miove away from ports, DS style. Prime and Mario already look quite spectacular in motion compared to their GC counterparts, in my opinion.

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I have to say it's hardly fair to compare Wii games that were whipped up in mere months (not counting Nintendo 1st party), AND mostly on Gamecube dev kits, with Gamecube games that had plenty of development.


When we get the second generation of Wii games that have been entirely developed on final Wii devkits, perhaps we can draw a fairer comparison. :)

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I have to say it's hardly fair to compare Wii games that were whipped up in mere months (not counting Nintendo 1st party), AND mostly on Gamecube dev kits, with Gamecube games that had plenty of development.


When we get the second generation of Wii games that have been entirely developed on final Wii devkits, perhaps we can draw a fairer comparison. :)


On the flip side, the GC games shown are ancient, and the Wii ones don't look a whole lot better.

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Tbh you're comparing last gen gamecube/xbox games to first gen wii games that haven't even been finished yet. Most of the graphical polishes come in the final stages of development so the games will look a lot better when we actually play them.

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Theres more to come from the system thats for sure. When devs really get to grips with the hardware there will be significant improvements in the quality of games.

Yeah, I agree.


I think most of the developers are still trying to figure how to use the controller properly and havent really concentrated as much time as they normally would have on graphics.

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definatly true but always is the case then a consoles games become graphicly superior then the end of the consoles life is close, with the cube and the likes f-zero and resi 4 it was such a shame the console died prematurly, these games showed how much potential the cube had in it.


I find it ironic how developers spen 5 years leaning a console and jus as they get to grips with it its time for the next generation, what a waste

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Seems as if lighting and transparensy effects are the only difference... only difference I can see anyway.


like djamb3 says -its early days for Wii development, you wont see the obvious difference really for a good couple years, but i'm already happy that its beating top flight GC games with what are to me noticable improvements.

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I'm sorry, but as I've said before... No-one has seen or played a 'finished' Wii game yet!!!! So this kind of comparison is just plain silly...


just wait until November 19th (to be sure), then you can compare all you want to!!!

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