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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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Lets ask Teppo ''I work for Nintendo'' Holmqvist for the answer


Heh, snarky.


But, yeah, VC games are only licensed to you. Before you start complain how it is unfair and etc., that is how actually all programs are sold. Why is that? About thirty years ago when first commercially viable, mass marketed programs came to market, those who wrote laws had serious dilemma. The problem was that program is purely abstract product that makes copies of itself always when it is run. This raised serious questions like who has actually ownership to these copies? It may sound pretty trivial to us, but it was serious issue considering how copyright laws should be implemented.


Solution was following; Instead of buying *rights* to program, you actually buy license to *use* program. If you read any modern EULA, you will notice how the company claims full ownership to the program and all its copies, and you are only licensed to use software under certain terms (like not distributing copies of it). Hilariously, even all consoles since Dreamcast have this claim, basing it on BIOS that is needed to run any software on the platform.


So basically when you bought your C64 game, you were actually paying for the media and right to use software inside the media, even though there wasn't any notification about this inside product. In the beginning only "serious" programs (such OSs, database engines etc.) had EULA with them. EULA made clear what claims customer had to the program, and guaranteed that customer knew his rights. And when legal problems arise, customer couldn't say the he didn't know, as all his rights were in EULA and before installation he had agreed to follow them. In late 90's nearly every software started to have EULA attached to them in way or another (either on the installation or on the manual).


Of course, there has been serious problems with whole licensing concept, as legislation drags behind the progress. For example, certain big software houses have even tried to prevent re-selling their products and stamp out 2nd hand market. It's also sick that even music business has started to put EULAs into their CDs*, claiming that you don't even have right to make MP3s for your own use from it without their permission.


* After all, music is stored to CD in digital form, turning it into software... :indeed:

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My goodness yes. After an absolute absence of any N64 games since the launch title Super Mario 64, a recent press release from Nintendo has confirmed that next week will see the arrival of one of the greatest N64 games ever released: Mario Kart 64.





thats for the us. fingers crossed we get it on friday :)

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I doubt I would bother with MK64 as that left me really unimpressed at the time and it's likely to feel even worse after all this time. It felt really sluggish and was never fun to play through , even in multiplayer.


As for this week , please pull your finger out and get ALttP or SMW on there , but somehow I feel we may get let down again.


Incidently , has anybody played Probotector with the GC controller - I really want to get this game but have so far resisted because I cannot afford a Classic Controller at the moment. So does it play OK with the GC pad ?

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I was reading teletext yesterday, and they gave a link to a video on youtube. I'm guessiung it was a comparison of NTSC games currently available on Virtual Console, as this was the detail of the letter they were responding to. The address given gives a 'malformed video id' response from youtube. Anyone know of this video, or anything similar?

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Does anybody know if Bubble Bobble will see the light on the VC too?


Well, considering that Taito is onboard, I would say yes. It's just shame that VC doesn't have support for Sega Master System, which had arguably best homeversion of the game (4 new bosses, 100 additional levels). I believe also that we are also going to see sooner or later both Rainbow Islands and Parasol Stars*, which are official sequels to Bubble Bobble.


* Parasol Stars was exclusive to PC-Engine and Amiga 500, and therefore not that well known in the west.

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