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Half Life 2


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More perfect than say? a computer with an established userbase of hardcore FPS fans?

I think the term 'running easily' is being used a little broadly here.


Half Life the brand has a reputation- to deliver a quality experience.

Why would they want to tarnish that reputation by going back a step?


It won't happen.

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More perfect than say? a computer with an established userbase of hardcore FPS fans?

I think the term 'running easily' is being used a little broadly here.


Half Life the brand has a reputation- to deliver a quality experience.

Why would they want to tarnish that reputation by going back a step?


It won't happen.

You're underestimating the Wii. The Xbox only suffered when running Half-Life 2 because of lack of shaders (bland look) and memory (loading times), on which the Wii will do a lot better than the Xbox. If they really bothered so much with quality they wouldn't have ported HL2 to the Xbox.

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Earlier in the post it was mentioned that Microsoft payed through their nose.


During Electronic Arts's summer press event on July 13, 2006, Gabe Newell announced that Half-Life 2 will ship on next-generation consoles (specifically, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) including episodes One and Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal.[9] The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports of the game were recently listed on the Electronics Boutique website, which indicated that the ports would be shipped simultaneously on February 5, 2007.[41][42]


No mention of Nintendo, perhaps for a reason.

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Oh my god, the fanboys here are amazing.


Valve aren't making anything for the Wii, I'll bet considering was "Hmmmmm...no not right now, maybe way down the line".


Sheesh, the Wii has some nice 3rd party support but no need to go making up crazy "facts". I considered becoming an astronaut as a child, but I didn't because it would be too much work for little chance of awesomeness.


Do you see?

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  • 3 months later...

*thread ressurect* (I didn't see any new topic for this)


Valve most probably arnt considering it anymore.


Gabe Newell and co. were considering it back in 2003, three whole years ago. The X360 and PS3 versions have come to fruitation whilst the Wii version hasnt, leading me to believe it was scrapped if it was even started at all. IF Valve were to develop a HL2 port it would have been announced along with the X360/PS3 versions.

Gabe Newell interview on Game Informer:
Gabe Newell: “The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a “do over”. Just say, “This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it”.


The happy story is the Wii. I’m betting that by Christmas of next year, the Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I’m crazy. I really like everthing that Nintendo is doing. “

Fonte: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=138003
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I would love to see Valve come on board and develop for the Wii - however as much as I like the Half-Life games I'd love to see them come up with an original killer app for the Wii making full use of the unique controls - Hey you never know! (fingers crossed).

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If that Game Informer quote was real and not taken out of context, then great news for us. Actually, I would like Valve to create a totally new game (and IP) for the Wii, doing a port of an existing title just wouldn't do justice to both the title and Wii. Something along the lines of Red Steel, but even better.


Oh, I remember in the latest IGN mailbox, they mentioned a mainstream FPS coming to Wii. Could it be Valve's? :D

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