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Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t


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Sorry but GC couldn't do BWii, there are lots of effects that GC couldnt handle, the draw distance and all that combined with a stable framerate and lots of characters on screen.

I think the focus of the hardware was to make something profitable, small, quiet and withou a lot of power consumption. But Mario Galaxy shows that games can look good, devs just are investing their time on getting used to the wiimote.




Alright maybe you are right but with some small modifications it would perfectly run on the Cube after all I think the Wii version still uses the same engine. So on the Cube it might take some more time to adjust it but it would run.

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Battalion Wars would be possible aswell.


If you had actually played first Battalion Wars and seen second one in motion, you would understand that there was major step there. Wii version has better light effects, better draw distance, lots of more vegetation, more complex tanks / soldiers, more textures and lovely looking particles.


CoD 3 has nice smoke effects (but I heavly doubt we will see them like this in the game itself)


Except that those smoke effects have already seen in gameplay video. Plus textures don't look that bad in motion.


And also what about Marvel Ultimate Alliance? It also comes for PS2 and Xbox and both versions looks way worse than Wii version.

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I think I actually disagree with your whole post. Lets try and break this down.


1. Sony and Microsoft run their businesses differently. Microsoft are selling at a loss, because they can afford to, Nintendo can't. They're more focused on establishing the brand name. Sony will try and replicate the success with the PS2, and make their money through the games.


2. I don't know how you bring customer friendliness into this. The Wii is cheaper, and offers a system that is simple and easy to use.


3. The Wii is a next genration controller. If it isn't I don't know what is. Seriously, please tell me what a next-generation controller is.


4. Well the cube was a next generation console at one point.



Can I just clarify, you're not getting a Wii are you.

1. Nintendo can afford to, because they make billions and they've sold at a loss before.


2. Typical of a fanboy to shove simplicity and ease-of-use in my face, when I'm not even mentioning it.


3. I never said Wii isn't next-generation, I said it's not the controller that makes it next-gen, it's the system itself. If GameCube was re-released with the Wii-mote attachment 4 years ago, it would still be last-generation.


4. Duh.


And I am getting a Wii, I'm just going to wait until it either gets rave reviews for its games or it goes down in price. I was going to get it release day, but I'm spending my £130 on the mega-bargain that is the Xbox 360 HD-DVD pack.


Seriously I think it was blown way out of proportion. Looking at those ones there and just Zelda in general, you can clearly see it's way better graphics than the Gamecube.

We need to stop comparing Wii to last generation systems. It's not last generation, it's this generation.

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You also need to stop comparing it to 360 and PS3 or else you'll never like anything graphically. Don't you understand that Nintendo is trying to appeal to a very wide demographic and have prophit at the same time? For that, they can't have a powerhouse, forget all previous notions of huge next gen leaps in graphics Nintendo abbandoned taht path just get on with it. And the controler is what makes it next gen, to me it's more next gen than PS3 and 360.

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If you had actually played first Battalion Wars and seen second one in motion, you would understand that there was major step there. Wii version has better light effects, better draw distance, lots of more vegetation, more complex tanks / soldiers, more textures and lovely looking particles.




Except that those smoke effects have already seen in gameplay video. Plus textures don't look that bad in motion.


And also what about Marvel Ultimate Alliance? It also comes for PS2 and Xbox and both versions looks way worse than Wii version.


I did play it. I also played Resident Evil 1 and Resident Evil 4 and you might wonder but I believe that the fourth part looked really a lot better. The time difference are years, Capcom wanted to make something great and they knew the GC architecture.


So if Capcom can go from RE1 to RE4 then I believe Kuju could do the same with Battalion Wars 1 to version 2.



I just watched the CoD3 video from Jeux-France - I am not really impressed even though the smoke looks close to the screenshots the rest of the setting is still "meh". If a few effects are enough to call it a big leap from the Gamecube CoD games then I am wrong but otherwise ...

Will CoD3 have online play? What are the launch games which support the cool free online play?




And just to make it clear I DID NOT EXPECT Alan Wake/Bioshock graphics from the Wii but SERIOUSLY enhanced games from day one when compared to the Gamecube. That means from every developer which made a game on the Cube.



So you named a game where the Wii version looks better than XBOX/PS2 - shouldn't that be a given? I could tell you instead a few games which look worse on the Wii... remember Farcry on XBOX?


Will CoD3 have online play? What are the launch games which support the cool free online play?

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You also need to stop comparing it to 360 and PS3 or else you'll never like anything graphically. Don't you understand that Nintendo is trying to appeal to a very wide demographic and have prophit at the same time? For that, they can't have a powerhouse, forget all previous notions of huge next gen leaps in graphics Nintendo abbandoned taht path just get on with it. And the controler is what makes it next gen, to me it's more next gen than PS3 and 360.

Okay fair point.


My biggest concern still remains: what happens when we lose interest in shaking our arms around with a remote?


Unlike DS, there's no normal control setting to go back to.

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Okay fair point.


My biggest concern still remains: what happens when we lose interest in shaking our arms around with a remote?


Unlike DS, there's no normal control setting to go back to.


It's not a matter of losing interest or not, it's a new control method, it replaces conventional pads, it's not like it's something hard to do or tiring, it's actually fun and intuitive. I've had my DS since launch and I don't want to go back to "normal controls", to me touch screen is normal now, everything else seems rudimentary and basic. It's clear that you are a graphic whore and that you view the wiimote as a gimmick, so just don't buy a Wii.

And again YOU DON'T NEED TO SHAKE YOUR ARM, YOU JUST USE YOUR WRIST! It's like a mouse but in 3D is it that hard to imagine?

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The DS works without the graphics, because it is a handheld


The Wii, well


Once we get one FPS, then the rest are gonna be more or less the same, in terms of controls. It will go back down to the fundamental design, on how games always used to be made, and thats the design.


That applys for everything, except this method of control will still be better than the conventional ways and you won't see the games on PC.

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I just wonder why there was so much hype around Smash Brothers: Brawl. It doesn't use the new controller, we don't know anything about the online mode nor do we know what characters will appear or how the gameplay will be.



OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot ... it looks gorgeous ...


So that game is the big blue ocean/new controller exception but still one of the most anticipated games for the Wii. Strange...

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So you named a game where the Wii version looks better than XBOX/PS2 - shouldn't that be a given?


You did say following: "I am pretty sure every other title would be running fine on the Cube even on the Playstation 2". You said two posts ago that it was possible with Cube. Why so sudden change in heart? Little coherency would be nice, because your opinions change from post to post and I can't really take you seriously.

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Unlike DS, there's no normal control setting to go back to.


Classic Controller.


And did anyone go back to using the Joystick for home console games after the control pads that we use today were introduced... no, didn't think so.


It's not a matter of losing interest or not, it's a new control method, it replaces conventional pads,


:smile: :horse:

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I just wonder why there was so much hype around Smash Brothers: Brawl. It doesn't use the new controller, we don't know anything about the online mode nor do we know what characters will appear or how the gameplay will be.



OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot ... it looks gorgeous ...


So that game is the big blue ocean/new controller exception but still one of the most anticipated games for the Wii. Strange...


No, not really. The hype is because Melee was such a good game.

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YOU DID SAY following: "I am pretty sure every other title would be running fine on the Cube even on the Playstation 2". You said two posts ago that it was possible with Cube. Why so sudden change in heart? Little coherency would be nice, because I can't really take you seriously.


There is no change! The screenshots you showed display games which would be mostly possible on the Gamecube. So if a game looks better on the Wii than on PS2/XBOX this should be nothing special - but since not every game does I stated that if they look better this should be "a given" because:



2000/01 GC/PS2/XBOX Versus 2006 Wii



Battalion Wars 2 looks better than number 1 but I still believe it would also work on a Gamecube.

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I just wonder why there was so much hype around Smash Brothers: Brawl. It doesn't use the new controller, we don't know anything about the online mode nor do we know what characters will appear or how the gameplay will be.



OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot ... it looks gorgeous ...


So that game is the big blue ocean/new controller exception but still one of the most anticipated games for the Wii. Strange...


Because it's a good game and that's what matters. It's a sequel to one of the best games ever and it has an online mode. You know what the blue ocean strategy is about? Everything. Appealing to a lot of people. I love the Wiimote and never wanted SSB to be controlled with it, I was looking forward to it before seeing anything. So, it's not because it's gorgeous that I like it. It may be why YOU like it, but that's just you. Stop with that holier than thou attitude will ya?

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I just wonder why there was so much hype around Smash Brothers: Brawl.


Because it will be the new best beat'em up game that will replace Melee


OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot ... it looks gorgeous ...


Well you can't expect it to look the same as Melee did you. "OOOOOHHHHH wait I want FF XIII to look like FF X, and why can't MGS4 look like MGS on the PSX":wtf:

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And I don't think it'd work with next generation games, because it doesn't have enough buttons.


Misinformed like always (or are trying to sound stupid just for sake of raising controversy?). Classic controller has....


- Two thumbsticks

- A, B, X, Y

- L, R

- C

- Unmapped button, next to C

- Start, Select

- Digital pad (4 buttons, like D-pad is often used in modern games)


Total: 14 buttons. One more than Cube. Two less than PS3 controller (if you count clickable thumbsticks, that is). More than enough for 98 percent of games.

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I just wanted to point out that there can also be great games without the Wiimote but with excellent graphics and gameplay. Would Brawl be as good if it would be just Smash Brothers with new characters/stages?


And therfor games can be a lot better with great graphics and so far I did not see those great graphics in third party games even though Nintendo implied that in interviews. New and better hardware with the same architecture normally don't make games look like they did before.



@Teppo: Editing your post afterwards doesn't help me either to follow your points. I am sorry to say but I am not a die hard Nintendo defender no matter what happens.



If someone would explain to me how a improved console (5 years, Nintendo said they begun shortly after the Gamecube was released with the Wii) with a well known architecture has 80% games which look like Gamecube games. Even lazy developers should be able to make a difference when it comes to technical features of graphics - not art style. Answer me that and I stop posting about this topic.

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That applys for everything, except this method of control will still be better than the conventional ways and you won't see the games on PC.


Are you implying that Wii controls are better then Pc Controls?


I just wonder why there was so much hype around Smash Brothers: Brawl. It doesn't use the new controller, we don't know anything about the online mode nor do we know what characters will appear or how the gameplay will be.



OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I forgot ... it looks gorgeous ...


So that game is the big blue ocean/new controller exception but still one of the most anticipated games for the Wii. Strange...


Im glad it doesnt use the waggle.

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