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Slogans run


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hehe. I thought that title was hiiiii-larious.


anyway. here's the dealio. This here is a slogan generator website and I thought it'd be amusing to see how our user names turn out.




'I Saw Dan Dare and I Thought of You.'


cool. post the first one you come across for amusing results.

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Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Weeyellowbloke from the Oven.


Heh, it's funny because it's true.


Actually in my immaturity found it funnier to put penis in, first one up Penis - It Does a Body Good.


P.S. Nice title by the way


Further edit, 'The Best Penis A Man Can Get' and 'I'd Like To Buy The World A Penis' just came up, leaving me gasping for breath from laughing.

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