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European Wii Preorders


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Gameplay stated they were picking and packing wii bundles for yesterday and today, so there is still time.... Mine still states 'preordered' on every item though...i'm hoping that changes to being 'picked' like a small majority is getting.


I preordered 26/09 and i recieved a email stating i'm getting one....Like alot of you i haven't recieved a email talking about money coming out and dispatch dates etc but alot of these emails have to be sent out....i thought they would have been sent altogether however....


All Wii bundles are being sent tomorrow, so they really should stay 'being picked' 'Dispatch- 07/12' at the latest to really be confirmed you'll get one on launch day! Otherwise it will be too late and you'll get it later obviously...


I may give them a ring today and just ask what they have got in stock (component cables for example, thats quite important for me) and is my order still going to be sent tomorrow even if my order status is still saying 'preordered' now.


At the moment i'm not too worried nor bothered, i feel like shit so i'm not really as 'into' it as i would normally be and gameplay have NEVER let me down (yet).


I wish i just bought everything from Gamestation though at the midnight launch 2moro (which my dad is now going to for me as i feel shite) but Gamestation aren't getting everything thing...so.....

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How do i know i was first? a guy from Gameplay... who go's by the name of Pyxis on these forums told me that the pre-orders where going up... so me being clever i found the Wii stuff on there site ...still hidden from the public.. and i got my pre-order in quickly... and then alerted others!


Still doesnt mean you were first or no where near the start of the pre-orders

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Still doesnt mean you were first or no where near the start of the pre-orders


One of the first anyway... but whats anoying is people who orderd days after are having there stuff sorted first ... as if they are doing orders backwards... and if they are that could be an issue if people who orderd first didnt get all the stuff they orderd because they run out!

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One of the first anyway... but whats anoying is people who orderd days after are having there stuff sorted first ... as if they are doing orders backwards... and if they are that could be an issue if people who orderd first didnt get all the stuff they orderd because they run out!


If you think Gameplay are doing that (which at the mo, i doubt) Just go on every 360 forum and see the people talking about 'Amazon' and the fiasco with the HD-DVD drives! They are officially the shitest company ever, i should know...i've been shafted by them and my lovely mum had a superb argument on the phone with them (in fact, it was outstanding...definately showed them whos boss).


I wouldn't worry about Gameplay just yet...if something like that did happen i would be very surprised and pretty upset to.

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Play.com have canceled ALL my preorders:


That's just not on. I think they did it because you didn't get the actual console itself, and they'd rather bundle them for other customers. It doesn't make it right, though. You pre-ordered them, and should have received them. Just get up really early on Friday, and go places like Asda and Tesco.

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When I predicted a shortage of accessories and wiiplay, I was flamed on this very forum. Now we see that I was right, there will be severe shortages.

Thats why I thought ahead and imported my Classic Controller, Extra Nunchuck and Component Cables from GOLDENSHOP on saturday http://www.goldenshop.com.hk/ and guess what, they are out for delivery to my house this morning.

I have preordered wiiplay and zelda with my wii at HMV Oxford Street

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anyone ordered anything from HMV had there order status changed yet? I have ordered 2 games and it still says hasnt been inssued by supplier.
Yeah same! I've got Monkey Ball ordered and the status hasn't changed yet!


:yay::D GAME phoned to say I could collect the Wii from friday!! :D:yay:


They said they'll be opening early on Friday at 7.00 am to cope with the demand, and it sounded like they said they had around 200 pre-orders to get through!!!!! That seems like alot for one store!

Though launch pre-orders did stop weeks ago, so there must have been alot of interest!

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