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PS3 Delayed Till 2007


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You take it too personally, stop acting like you have shares in Nintendo and announcements like this will affect your investment..


Does it really matter? Sony always do this.. I was gonna get a PSP until the shipment for Europe got rerouted to the states in order to satisfy demand.


I went and bought a DS instead.. but why would that make you happy?


You really think there will be loads of people like me who will suddenly jump ship because the coolest 16-24 year old gadget gets delayed a few months? Meh.. think again.


Sony have Europe in their hands, stronger economy, more marketing they can afford to fuck the Europeans around.


Nintendo might sell a few more consoles.. whoopdeedoo.



ok for one i dont see why you are getting so up-itty about it. do you have shares in sony? HHHMMMM???? :shakehead if so unlucky.


it is human nature to make fun of others misfortune. as nintendo fans we have taken this sort of mocking for many years now. now we get a chance to hit back and it wrong????


and the thing that made me laugh i mean really ROFL was this "the coolest 16-24 year old gadget". my oh my the brainwash has worked.

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Anyone else thinking that this leaves the door right open to do whatever they want with the Wii in Europe now? Even if they originally were going to launch it in Europe in 2006, they'll be thinking again now as they have time to 'prepare' for the launch better....

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Anyone else thinking that this leaves the door right open to do whatever they want with the Wii in Europe now? Even if they originally were going to launch it in Europe in 2006, they'll be thinking again now as they have time to 'prepare' for the launch better....


Ninty have had plenty of time to prepare. Don't forget, Ninty have to launch in in Japan and the US too so the games have to be ready regardless of the euro situation. Ninty have been manufacturing consoles since June, they're more than ready for a worldwide launch!

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I very much doubt Nintendo will delay launching the Wii just so they've got more time to prepare unless they have significant problems of their own. They'll have been praying this and know that this is the perfect oppertunity to steal undecided customers away from Sony over the Christmas period.

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You take it too personally, stop acting like you have shares in Nintendo and announcements like this will affect your investment..


Does it really matter? Sony always do this.. I was gonna get a PSP until the shipment for Europe got rerouted to the states in order to satisfy demand.


I went and bought a DS instead.. but why would that make you happy?


You really think there will be loads of people like me who will suddenly jump ship because the coolest 16-24 year old gadget gets delayed a few months? Meh.. think again.


Sony have Europe in their hands, stronger economy, more marketing they can afford to fuck the Europeans around.


Nintendo might sell a few more consoles.. whoopdeedoo.


Oh joy, he's back.



The news about PS3's delay makes me so happy. There's always a line in GAME for nine-year olds and teenage chavs on several different drugs preordering PS3s. I will hopefully be able to buy my Wii in peace.

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Guest Stefkov

true this is all good, but to be honest, I dont give a shit, i just want my Wii!

i can take the piss out of some people, but frankly, who cares, unless we as followers of Nintendo actually believed that it would trash the Wii?!?

(meh i aint doing that no swearing thing anymore, its too difficult, ill try it another time)

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Guest Stefkov
The news about sony ps3 delay is on

LMAO, that guy they interviewed. what a doof. oh its outrageous. i actually felt for sony when he said that. its not their fault they cant produce it quickly enough. its not anything to be outrageoud over, now you can save up enough money to buy the better version/bundle of the console. haha.

yeah probably big hypocritical there with what i said before but who cares.

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Just got back from school and read this news...it's great! Well, for Nintendo obviously, because it means MORE sales for them.


Also what's great is that Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Galaxy and Wario Ware all come out 3-6 months after launch, so we could see Nintendo launching the game closer to PS3.

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