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PS3 Delayed Till 2007


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now people will either wait for PS3 before even thinking about looking at the Wii or Wii wil totally kick ass this Christmas. Nintendo better not make us wait till 2007 for Wii.


TBH it all kinda makes sense now, i mean the low production yield and the fact that as of about 2 weeks ago sony still hadnt started manufacture.


i bet all the people who have prorders are pretty pissed about it. i mean it was originally spring 2006, then November as a water tight date, now its some time in March 2007, almost 2 years after the PS3 first got 'demoed' with that Killzone trailer *snigger*


Nintendo FTW

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Well if Nintendo learnt anything from the DS - PSP situation in Europe (as someone said... just re-iterating!) then they will keep a European '06 launch for the Wii!!!


People who considered getting a PS3 (note - considered) may well look to a suitable, value for money, alternative for their gaming fix... the so called "Wii60".

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Well if Nintendo learnt anything from the DS - PSP situation in Europe (as someone said... just re-iterating!) then they will keep a European '06 launch for the Wii!!!


People who considered getting a PS3 (note - considered) may well look to a suitable, value for money, alternative for their gaming fix... the so called "Wii60".


Yeah like Reggie said once... when annoucing DS sales against PSP "We got to Europe when we said we would, they didnt thats no our problem" or something along those lines.


Getting a head start against the PS3 will do wonders for the Wii... shops wont have a choice in which console to push come christmas time... because Wii will be the only new hardware to push and shops like Game will know thats where they are gonna make there money!

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To be fair were not ready for Blu-Ray and HDTVness in Europe, its only a minority that would currently use these features.


Its just a shame, people who just want a PS3 are going to have to wait because of all these pointless extras sony are forcefully putting into the PS3. And bumping up the price $$$. It also gives HD DVD a chance if they want to make it in europe, because once people start buying PS3's Blu-Ray is the king.


According to the BBC's Poll

Have the latest delays put you off buying a PlayStation 3?

Yes - 67.69%

No - 32.31%


Un Mutha Fucking lucky Sony



Edited by fex
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Hmm, what about the non-video game aspect of this news?


HD-DVD will now have a strong lead in Europe. This could very well be the next Betamax. Sony was counting on the PS3 being the premier Blu-Ray DVD player to push the format.


Now, that edge has been lost for at least 4 months.

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Apparently this is what was sent to devs this morning


Good morning.


I have some important but disappointing news to inform you about this morning. SCEE will announce publicly today at 8am London time that the launch date of PLAYSTATION 3 in the PAL territories is being delayed from November 17th this year until March next year- 2007. This delay has been brought about by a shortage of the blue laser diodes, manufactured by SONY and needed for the Blu-Ray disc drive fitted to PLAYSTATION 3. This shortage is currently limiting production and preventing SCEI from manufacturing the numbers required for a full worldwide simultaneous launch of PS3 in November.


It is important to note that there is no problem whatsoever with the PS3 itself - indeed, the launch in the USA and Japan will go ahead as previously announced.


I, and other members of the Executive Committee have been fully involved in the discussions over the delay in the PAL launch and we fully support the decision to delay in Europe rather than in any other Region. Whilst we share the frustration at being unable to bring PS3 to our consumers before Christmas, we recognise that the decision was made for sound strategic reasons and is for the long term good of the PlayStation brand.


Whilst it is small compensation, every member of SCEE can take satisfaction in knowing that it is through your hard work over the past few years that we are in the best position of any SCE Region to take such a delay in our stride.


It is easy to see such a delay as a setback. There are, however, a number of apparent advantages to us and to our consumers in launching later than other Regions. The principal one is that we will be able to launch with a much enlarged portfolio of launch titles in March and some of these titles will have benefitted from a slightly longer development period. It is very important also that we remember that both PS2 and PSP are vital to the Company's well being and that refocussed efforts in this direction will reap rewards long term.


From a software perspective, nothing changes, both the development and the marketing must proceed at the current breakneck pace.


Although I would not have wished for this delay, we have now a unique opportunity to turn this to our advantage and I ask everyone to work even harder to retain the confidence and trust of our customers and consumers alike.


During the day, we will be informing all of our key partners, suppliers, third party developers and SONY sister companies and then we will rapidly be 'reconfiguring' for a launch in March. This will be a busy period but I know I can count on you to approach it with the dedication, commitment and good humour that is the hallmark of PlayStation.


You will be able to find a link to the full press release from SCEE between 8am and 8.30am London time on SID. All MD's and PR Managers will receive the release and a Q and A from Nick Sharples prior to public release.


Thank you very much to everybody at SCEE for your understanding




David Reeves


Sony Computer Entertainment Europe


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Apparently this is what was sent to devs this morning

Good morning... [Rest Of Release not posted]


The errors of missing of a "full stop" in the last sentence and the repeating of Davids name twice, caps off what PS3 diehard consumers will think of this PAL PS3 delay, UNACCEPTABLE, and therefore may just work in Wiis favour.

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