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NTL and Telewest Confirm Intention To Merge


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Several sites on TV News are reporting NTL's confirmation this morning to purchase Telwest, forming the UK's second largest telecoms provider - and thankfully a true competitor to BSkyB's monopoly in the Pay TV market.


The news of a merger is hardly a surprise, since for some years it has been the logical step for the two cable companies.




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Oh god no if this brings the quality of Telewest down, I will not be a happy bunny at all.


NTL = Rubbish

Telewest = The Real Ultimate Awesome


This is exactly the same thing I thought when I opened this thread. Please don't let this merger ruin Telewest.

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Oh god no if this brings the quality of Telewest down, I will not be a happy bunny at all.


NTL = Rubbish

Telewest = The Real Ultimate Awesome


Yeah I rekon every Telewest customer in the know is afraid that this merger will affect the outstanding service in which we've all become used to over the years.


Don't screw us over now Telewest after all your loyalty!


(waits patiently for his 4Mbit upgrade)

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