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The Super Mario Bros Movie (settle an argument)


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Right now, Dabookerman and I are on MSN trying to talk some sense into ViPeR.


You see, he's being a bit of a heathen. You see, some films are so bad that they are awesome. In this respect, me and bookerman like this film. However, ViPey seems to hate it. The Shame!


He thinks the film is not faithful to the games.


Now, i think it is, to a certain extent. Mario and Luigi are plumbers and the link to the mushroom kingdom is through a portal underground. I don't think it matters that they don't jump down any pipes or whatnot.


Now, the casting.


Bob Hoskins as Mario, and Dennis Hopper as Bowser. How fucking awesome is that? Come on, admit it.

However, ViPeR has committed a sin and said that "DeVito could do it better."


HOLD UP. Rule 1: Do not doubt the Hoskins.


Yes, it may not be a perfect film. But, it has humour. Admittedly, we laugh AT it, but that just adds to the awesomenessness.


In a bid to try and make him see sense, i have come to you good-good people.


The Super Mario Bros Movie: Awesome? or Disgusting?

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It's awesome, it's a surreal movie and views the mario world in a different than what we're used to.


i really really like it! loved it as a teenager when i wasn't a huge ninty fan, so was eager to see if it'd still hold up now that i am! (and now that i'm 28 too) and it did!


i think it is genuinely funny (as in laughing WITH it) and yes that elevator scene is a classic :D:D:D:D it's got tons of cool references for the fans, and you get the feeling that the mushroom kingdom WAS like it is in the games but koopa's reign has seen it end up in the state it is in. a sequel coulda explored the actual mushroom kingdom.


a definite 8 outta 10 i feel.


:D spike and iggy's argument :D :

"Wrong again! How many times have we gotten this wrong ?"

"YOU'VE gotten it wrong FIVE times!"

"All-for-five, all-for-five.... what percent is that?"

"I dunno... let me think {{{VERY long pause}}} ... i dunno."


:D:D lol! although this line always makes me laugh out loud:

{{{mario and luigi are in suits given to them by iggy and spike as disguises}}}

Luigi: "Isn't this a bit feminine?"

Iggy: "Yes it was my ex-wife's."

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I don't really remember it. I remember that I saw in at the cinema and I remember the Goomba pinball game that KFC had in their kids meals. I can remember being annoyed that the Goomba's didn't look anything like Goomba's and being shit scared by Dennis Hopper's Bowser. Oh, and I remember the pretty convincing realistic version of Yoshi, though it probably looks like a puppet now.


I really can't trust my 6 year old brain. Apart from my 6-year old brains love of Biker Mice, Tots TV and Nintendo. I was right about all those.

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I somewhat liked the movie, even thoughn it isn't 100% faithful to the game, aas I previously said, its someone else's point of view on the mushroom kingdom, a dark, dirty and disgusting city ruled by a power hungry dictator, plus, I quite liked the goombas in the film, even though they bare little resemblence to the game, it gives the Super Mario Bros universe a more realistic and gritty look, instead of the cartooney and colourful world everyone was expecting it to be.

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Never watched it always wanted it to be like the game and when I saw it wasn't I didn't watch it. The mortal kombat film I saw though dear god that was shit. Shame I was 10 at the time and watching it with fellow 10 year old idiot boys who thought it was 'the shit'. :shakehead

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