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Soul Calibur?

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Forget SCIII, bring in Soul Calibur Revolution! Just imagine the possibilities with the controller :awesome: Well, i'm sure SCIII will be excellent but the thought of SC using your own sword skills *drool*

When I watch the controlelr trailer and watch the bit at the end with the guy using it as a sword, I thijnk of how amazing Soul Calibur will be. And anyway, i'm sure a Soul Calibur has been confirmed for next gen consoles am I wrong?

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Let's not forget Resident Evil 4. They said that wouldn't go to another console, and look it's there now and better than the cube version.


Maybe the Gamecube will get a better version later.


I beg to differ.


The GameCube is far superior to the PS2 graphically. It has much more RAM, well, more RAM, more light sources, the ability to display better textures.


Resident Evil 4 was made for the GameCube, and, as a result, a direct port to PS2 could not be produced, becuase that system could not support the features the GCN could. That's why it had to be remade from the ground up.


The hardcore Res fans will buy it, but I won't. I enjoyed RE4, but I'm not going to fork out another $100 for a game that has a few new areas and is 9 months old.

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