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[Wii] List of launch window games

Teppo Holmqvist

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You're surprised a game is getting good press when an unreleased console may have a game on it which may be better?



lets face it table tennis is the sport the wii mote is going to be king of.360 only has graphics going for it...In a table tennis game who cares? I'm not trying to sound fanboyish here but it is a fact.the wii is more suited to that stuff

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel sorry for people who have time to play as many games as you just listed!!!

I remember when I was a teenager and I used to play games a lot I used to buy that quantity of games but the price didnt phase me as I was completing the games and therefore getting great value for money. These days I dont get much time to play games. I have 4 games for my 360 and havent completed 1 of them and havent devoted enough time to any of them. I have however spent loads of time on my DS which is my current console of choice.

The point I think I'm trying to get at is unless your going to play all these games from start to finish I would limit yourself to a few essential buys. Games like zelda and metroid are going to take a while to complete. Wii sports can be played when zelda becomes too much!



approach I'm almost taking - I'm focusing on multiplayer games at Launch, if they get old I'll move over to single player games. but most multiplayer games have adequate single player modes too so I may not get any single player games at all.

now seems a good stage to become a casual gamer to me (rather than the year ago point I turned)

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Guest Stefkov

definitely agree with PioRow there. Im only getting a few launch titles, zelda, red steel, wii sports. these will last me enough time until i manage to get a bit more money and buy another game. no point going into massive debt with my parents straight away. unless GAME or Gamestation do a really cool deal or two, with loads of gams for a reasonable price.

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I've been thinking....why isn't Mario Galaxy a launch title?


It's been in development for a awful long time right? I remember having magazines dated 2-3 years back stating how Miyamoto is hard at work on Mario 128 (which is now Mario Galaxy, and that has taken snippets from 128).


Of course, don't get me wrong, they should take as long as they like with Mario Galaxy and release it whenever, but i thought crossed my mind...that when we actually first saw it, it wasn't brand new just started development surely?

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I've been thinking....why isn't Mario Galaxy a launch title?


Because bad people touch themselves at night :(


Mario Galaxy would improve the Wii launch a lot. I wonder if Nintendo have been silent about the launch date because there's a possiblity Galaxy might make it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a mystery how long Mario Galaxy has been in development. It's almost certain it hasn't been in full development since Mario Sunshine though, because it would have been a launch title.


I want them to take their time and release it in Q4 2007. Don't rush games.

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