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What's better new Punk or old Punk?


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The other day my friend and I got in argument at work over what's better new Punk or old Punk. He thinks the new Punk music is ten times better then old Punk. I think old Punk is way better then new Punk. I love the Dead Kennedys. I want to know what you guys think. What's better new Punk or old Punk?


I like some of the new stuff; I just think old Punk is better.

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well, the clash were fucking wicked, but the sex pistols might be the wordt band ever to release a reccord. so old punk has its ups and downs.


and new punk....I'm assuming you mean skate punk and stuff? that's all rancid dog piss to my ears. pure filth.

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I'm a fan of both, but old punk is severely overrated. Half of the Sex Pistols is decent, but half of it is completely unbearable. The Clash had some downright amazing work and London Calling is still one of the finest Punk albums in the world.


New punk is pretty hard to find and categorise these days. There's so much absolute shite around that you hear idiots saying Blink 182 is punk, and then other people say it... ugh. The only half-"real" punk left is probably stuff like Agnostic Front, Bad Religion, U.S. Bombs, Leftover Crack, Death by Stereo and Danzig (is he still going?). And most of the punk bands left go one of two ways, they become huge - sell a lot, change their sound and piss of their fans as "sell-outs" (AFI, anyone?), or they stick true to their roots and slowly die out. Both these ends suggest a gradual death of remaining punk over the next decade.

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the kind of punk bands coming out nowdays I just find awful, they just seem to be copying the same things that have been done for the past 5 years.


Oh and most punk bands are more depressing than ever nowdays. The old punk was at least sort of exciting and not just about how they got dumped or how their friend cheated on them etc.

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New punk is better i feel.


Of the old stuff - the Clash are the only real old band that I will listen to. Sex Pistols are overrated and only seem to be liked by angsty 13 year olds who are new to the scene.


Saying that, as Shorty said, the new stuff is evolving at a rate which is hard to catagorise. Also, its hard to define where old punk and new punk start from. Bands like NOFX have been going since 1982 (I think) and there style baack then helped to push the genre in a whole different way. So there from the "old" era but have a newish sound.


New punk has some great bands at the moment - Against Me!, Leftover Crack, INDK, Morning Glory, gah - there's tonne which i cant be bothered listing :) New punk ftw.


the kind of punk bands coming out nowdays I just find awful, they just seem to be copying the same things that have been done for the past 5 years.


Oh and most punk bands are more depressing than ever nowdays. The old punk was at least sort of exciting and not just about how they got dumped or how their friend cheated on them etc.


What the fuck have you been listening to? :hmm:

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Old punk.

Sorry, but The Clash was fucking amazing. Dead Kennedys rock, Ramones made some great stuff. Bad Religion was only really good in the '80s (their two latest albums are decent thought, but not nearly as good as 80-85(yeah, I know it was released in like 91-92, but still) or Suffer)

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Old punk, for me! All those New York heroes like Iggy and the Stooges, Lou Reed, PATTI SMITH (if you havent heard her, check her out she's incredible) The Ramones, Siouxsie and the Banshees, they all were awesome.


Dont get me wrong, alot of new Punk is good. Coheed and Cambria, and AFI are two of my favourite bands and i guess you could class them as Punk (windows media player does anyway haha) but its not the same.

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Sorry if i offend anyone here but i believe all punk is trash. Old punk was boring and mindless as hell, and new punk, well, i think theres only two "original songs" in the whole genre.

The only punk band i ever liked was Rufio...

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I hate new Punk it's more emo than anything. Old punk and japanese punk for the win.

Not to mention that they aren't punk at all.

If they aren't punk, then how are they new punk? Emo isn't punk, it's emo....


That's like saying "I don't really like new Hip Hop music, it sounds like folk music". Duh, maybe you were listening to folk music :p

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