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Nintendo on Iceland


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The last recent years being a Nintendo fan on iceland is expensive... very expensive because of the bastard company that has the rights over nintendo products on iceland.

The thing is that most games cost over 5.000 ISK wich is about 36 pounds and the prices havent changed in years!

For example:


Eternal Darkness: Sanity´s Requiem 5988 ISK (43 pounds) and the game came out 2002...

Luigis mansion: 4990 ISK (36 pounds) and it came out 2001

Sonic Adventure 2: 7416 ISK (53 pounds!) Came out in 2002

Sould Calibur 2 5939 ISK (43 pounds)

and one last price i found on a rather bad game that was just plain silly:

Simpsons: Road Rage: 8860 ISK (64 pounds!) and came out 2002

Just a couple of old games, most games are priced at this

And of course there´s always ordering from outside the country but the proplem is it´s a bit of a nuisance if you dont got a credit card and takes a long time but we shouldnt have to order things over shore.....


But one thing ONE thing just really ticked me off! I just found out that this "brilliant" company distrubing (spelled wrong i know)nintendo products here arent getting the DS Lite for about 3 weeks! and the same thing with other stores and it´s most likely going to cost 13,900 ISK (100 pounds) no games including...


Couldnt think of any other place to put this, so sorry if it´s the wrong place


/Rant off

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Iceland is gonna be like that though, it is (unfortunately) a very small market. With is it only 250,000 people? alot of cities in other countries have more people than that.


Then theres the isolation, iceland is a long way away from where the games are made.


Lack of competition means less competitive prices, means they won't go down over time.


There isn't really a solution other than moving, i love Iceland though. I went for a week once and thought it was an amazing country:bowdown:

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