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do playstation fanboys actually exist?

mcj metroid

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There aren't Sony fanboys persay... its more just being cool that most of them only own a PS2.



And yet they ignore some of the most fantastic titles on that most evil of platforms >_>



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So what if they like Pro Evo, GTA or Gran Turismo? Those games are actually good (especially Pro Evo which is the best football game on any console) and they probably reflect some of the best games on the system.




I don't like "fanboys" of any side, sony, microsoft or Nintendo. Its just abit childish and a series of never ending stupid arguments where everyone thinks they are right.


Just how I feel people. I love you really.

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Sony Fanboys just aren't big gamers generally.


But there are LOADS of normal PS2 gamers which say the DS can only do 2D & the PS2 is graphically & power wise superior to the Gamecube. I.E FANBOYS


I've been told that more than once, about the gamecube power. I just don't argue with them, it's pointless.

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Hmm fanboys. A sad sad topic.


Nintendo ones are die-hard though :p


Quoted for truth.


I read an article once, it was in a newspaper, something like the times or telegraph (a respectable newspaper anyway). And they made a comment about how Nintendo 'fanboys' are the most loyal, and as much as I hate fanboyism, I'd have to agree, the arguing aside, Nintendo fanboys are fanboys for life.


Edit - Playing = Believing :P

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Was helping what turned out to be a mid-50s (at a guess) Sony fanboy earlier. He annoyed me because he didn't end up buying the PSP (the classic "Will come back another day") and he also spit on me (by mistake of course) and said my iPod (and all other things that are white) is for wenchs. I'm pretty sure white is meant to be virginal but whatever.

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Was helping what turned out to be a mid-50s (at a guess) Sony fanboy earlier. He annoyed me because he didn't end up buying the PSP (the classic "Will come back another day") and he also spit on me (by mistake of course) and said my iPod (and all other things that are white) is for wenchs. I'm pretty sure white is meant to be virginal but whatever.


I know this man...He was at my uni class, i unfortunatly sat behind him in class one time, he turned around and grinned at me. and he made my friend uncomfortable. we started drawing pictures of him.

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He has one hell of a three hour commute then :p


Trust me, an old friend of mine lives in. i cant remember whats it called, its just far far away from london, he paid £27 EVERYDAY to come to uni, he quit my uni after 2 months.


edit: AYELSBURY, or however you spell it, thats where he lives

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I think the question you're looking for is:

Are there any hardcore gamers that enjoy Sony videogame entertainment systems?



No, because the system for unserious, unexperienced, unknowledged gamers is a Sony one ;)


Hmm fanboys. A sad sad topic.


Nintendo ones are die-hard though


Sony ones can burn in hell har har!



A Nintendo fanboy-fanboy! :shock: :heh:

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im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy-im a nintendo fanboy

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I love it when sony fanboys say that the ps2 must be better than the gc pwer-wise because it is as powerful as the computer that took the first people to the moon.

It's a fairly well known fact that the moon lander's computer only had the power of a pocket calculator...

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what people actually think that?what the hell


I think the question you're looking for is:

Are there any hardcore gamers that enjoy Sony videogame entertainment systems?



No, because the system for unserious, unexperienced, unknowledged gamers is a Sony one ;)





A Nintendo fanboy-fanboy! :shock: :heh:



exactly thats what i wanted to know.best answer yet!

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one of the mnay reasons psp has failed is because sony have no hardcore fans.Every hardcore gamer i know either is an xbox pc gamer or a nintendo gamer.Many think they love sony but is only because they have tried nothing else.The psps price is too high for the casual who can swap consoles like that.WHy oh why do sony think the ps3 will win.It clearly wont.i hate being too baised but thats how i feel.What do ye think?


I think your being a fucking moron + very fanboyish. All of that is a load of bullshit.


Nintendo fanboys are the worst. They just regurgitate Nintendo PR releases. If I hear Playing = Believing one more time I’ll scream. Not a nice scream either.


Listen to this man!


omg grafix dnt matta man itz bout gamplay


i love when people say the gamecube coulnt possibly be more powerfull because of its size.uGGHHH!*falls to the ground in a japanese animie style fashion*


I want to cut you.

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