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Will the Xbox360 and Wii have an impact on the PS3?


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Well, lately, there's been a lot of talk about the "Wii60" group. What this means is that gamers are encouraged to buy both the Xbox360 and Wii in order to experience both sides of gaming. With the 360, you get immense online gameplay and realism. With Wii, you get unrealism, innovation and a different style of gameplay due to Nintendo's franchises.

Saying this though, is something that started off jokingly actually becoming a fast reality? If you own both Wii and 360, is there any point in splashing out all that money for a PS3?

Another important factor is money. Infact, it's possible to own both the Xbox360 and Wii (at its current rumour price) for the price of the PS3.


Will this have an impact on the PS3 and its performance?


Looking at the facts, you have to say yes. Sony have one foothold here, and that is the brandname. Does this balance things out?


Thoughts, arguments and opinions, please.

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I was wondering what Wii60 was, but I now I know.


I don't think this will balance things out because Nintendo and Microsoft also have big brandnames. I mean Microsoft is the company that is basically the root of Computers, and Nintendo which is the root of Video Games.


Now people might still believe in Sony a whole bunch but I think Wii60>PS3.


edit* same thing just easier to read

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Well, I won't be buying a PS3. I can play my high definition games and high definition DVD's using my Xbox 360, and absorb Nintendo's patented funtime with their Wii console.


People I speak to in casual games conversation are always cutting off any talk of the Xbox 360 with "But the new Playstation is coming out soon", which is possibly what might keep Playstation at the top ranking.


Sony are probably going to shift a lot of units at launch, and throughout the Playstation 3's life, but I have severe doubts whether or not Blu Ray will take off. After some of the tricks Sony have pulled over the years, I'd like nothing more than for Microsoft to dominate this generation and for Nintendo's Wii to be as well received as it should be.


It's interesting how Sony have their Playstation brandname, and it's arguably one of the things that defines gaming nowadays. With mothers having been referring to games consoles as "Playstations" rather than "Nintendos" for several generations now, yet Sony are trying to once again introduce their own entertainment format?


People do associate gaming with the Playstation name.


People call disc-based entertainment a DVD. It's a DVD regardless of what movie it is, or what brand of player it's being played on. It's always the DVD player and the DVD. Blu Ray is definately going to go the way of the UMD and Betamax, if you ask me.


Then we get to the price. Wow, that's an expensive piece of kit. For what is essentially a super Playstation 2 and an arguably worthless Blu-Ray player, I'd rather have a 360 and a Wii. With a lot of the Playstation 3's titles being released cross-platform such as the renowned GTA series, I think we're going to see a huge shift in the way things rank this time around.


Then again, I'm just a 21 year old moron who doesn't know anything about the games industry, but I'm not going to be buying a PS3 for the price they're asking. I doubt I'd even buy one at a lesser price. I wonder how many others there are thinking this way?





I just skim-read this post and it is a jumbled mass of crap. I'll post more later, when it isn't... late.

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I just wanted to add something to The3rdChildren's post.


I personally think that the price is extremely high and will never buy one. Unfortunately there are people out there that have played Playstation since they have been able to wiggle thier fingers. And they strongly believe that the PS3 is so expensive because its going to be that much better than the Xbox 360.


Many of them they have never even heard of the Wii. I ask them about it, and thier like "What?" I mean its ridiculous.


I bet Sony had realised this too that thier system is loved because the original Playstation was loved and the generations to come would think that it would keep getting better and better, so Sony keeps rising the price because they know that people that play Sony Videogames are loyal and will buy it no matter what. So it's just Sony being tricky, and people being to loyal and not thinking clearly.


I bet that if loyal fans of Sony actually got on the Internet and started to read about the next-gen systems 4/5 of them would change their mind.


*edit just making it more readible i suppose

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No need for the edit, it was a great post.

I think Microsoft were wise to jump into this console race quite quickly. They're going to have a big advantage as they'll have already established a userbase by the time the PS3 comes around.

Third party support has been important in the past. At the moment, it's going well for the 360. Wii has a bright future as well, just as long as Nintendo can keep attracting support to their machine.

At the moment, i would say that the 360 has the edge over the PS3. Many 'crucial' third party titles will be available on the 360. Games such as Pro Evo or Fifa are important as they reach out to a fanbase.


As important as brand name is, no company can rely on their name. Nintendo dominated during the NES and SNES era. By the time the N64 came around, their popularity was diminishing and the Playstation was just starting to take off. The same could be said for the next generation. The 360 is starting to take off now.

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Guest Jordan

But guys... what about massive crabs?

Weak points?




AND $599USD?!

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Well, I won't be buying a PS3. I can play my high definition games and high definition DVD's using my Xbox 360, and absorb Nintendo's patented funtime with their Wii console.


People I speak to in casual games conversation are always cutting off any talk of the Xbox 360 with "But the new Playstation is coming out soon", which is possibly what might keep Playstation at the top ranking.


Sony are probably going to shift a lot of units at launch, and throughout the Playstation 3's life, but I have severe doubts whether or not Blu Ray will take off. After some of the tricks Sony have pulled over the years, I'd like nothing more than for Microsoft to dominate this generation and for Nintendo's Wii to be as well received as it should be.


It's interesting how Sony have their Playstation brandname, and it's arguably one of the things that defines gaming nowadays. With mothers having been referring to games consoles as "Playstations" rather than "Nintendos" for several generations now, yet Sony are trying to once again introduce their own entertainment format?


People do associate gaming with the Playstation name.


People call disc-based entertainment a DVD. It's a DVD regardless of what movie it is, or what brand of player it's being played on. It's always the DVD player and the DVD. Blu Ray is definately going to go the way of the UMD and Betamax, if you ask me.


Then we get to the price. Wow, that's an expensive piece of kit. For what is essentially a super Playstation 2 and an arguably worthless Blu-Ray player, I'd rather have a 360 and a Wii. With a lot of the Playstation 3's titles being released cross-platform such as the renowned GTA series, I think we're going to see a huge shift in the way things rank this time around.


Then again, I'm just a 21 year old moron who doesn't know anything about the games industry, but I'm not going to be buying a PS3 for the price they're asking. I doubt I'd even buy one at a lesser price. I wonder how many others there are thinking this way?





I just skim-read this post and it is a jumbled mass of crap. I'll post more later, when it isn't... late.


I agree completly with what you said, its so annoying that people buy just for the brandname, they don't even know why!!! They play fifas, harry potters and all kind of crappy EA games, wich are MULTI CONSOLE (do they even research when their spending so much money?).


The one thing that might stop this craze is the price, I know a lot of people that will be sad after seeing that it costs more than a months salary, without extra controllers or games (wich will probably also be high priced due to the new media and exponentially high development costs).


My prediction is, a costumer goes into a store, goes to the Ps3 aisle and thinks "This is KEWL!", but then he realises the price and goes into cardiac arrest. After several days of recovery, he discovers that xbox360 is cheaper and has the same games he wanted and looks just as good ast it would in the Ps3 (beeing that their a generation ahead and the devs are more acostumed). And so the Xbox360 wins another costumer from Ps3's marketshare. This will happen over and over again.


Wii's role in the this will be to consolidate Ps3's failure (compared to Ps2), People will buy it because it's different, fun and cheap, and they'll will put it next to their Xbox360.


So yes, I BELIEVE in the power of the Wii60.

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Once again, to be in the position in not compaining about what games come out for what, its best to own all 3.


The thing with the ps3 is that there arent much worthwhile exclusives coming out on it, and at the end of the day its S-E and kojima that is saving sonys ass in the process. because every single one of Sonys games, looks SHIT.

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Heh, just having a Wii bit of fun. (waits for ViPeR to attack me with a lightning bolt)


I was browsing a different forum yesterday, a more playstation orientated forum. I got the impression that the price didn't seem to affect many people and that they thought they were getting good value for their money. What's your take on this?

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It is a natural assumption to make that bigger price = better value for money.


My girlfriend and I were in Comet shopping for a printer. There were 2 different printers, priced at £70 and £80. We were confused as to which one to go with, as they both had their merits.

We asked an assistant for some help about which one to go for, and got the reply "well, it's obvious. The more expensive one is better."


This didn't turn out to be entirely true. The cheaper priced printer had a better scan quality and some other features. We told this to the assistant who advised that we get the cheaper one then. :p

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