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Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread


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I’ve found this, It’s really amazing, but... I don’t know...

Be prepare for long reading, and, (if you belive) a lot of excitement.


Is better like this, with the link is more difficult


I am about to have sex with shakira as well in other words complete bullshit.


One demo that will be shown at the Space World show is that you can take actual video footage from say a camcorder, then translate it over to this special development console tool and be able to interact with it (switching camera angles as the A.I predicts how the objects should look and react from every angle), then map complex controls to it, and finally tweak it to become a gameplay scenario.




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Well I'm reading what is happenig at kiyoshi blog and soething to proove is credibility has appeared:





Hello Kiyoshi. Very interesting blog :) You're really a member of Nintendo? If you really are and you have been for some time, could you please answer these questions so I can see if you might be who you say you are?


1) How many people made up the development team for Mario 64?


2)What game did Eiji Aonuma do work for before coming to the Zelda series? Which Zelda was the first he did work for and what exactly was his role?


3)What is the adress and phone number of The Nintendo Co. head office in Kyoto?


I know the answers to these questions so I would like to see if you do too, thanks :)


Alright, alright, I will answer nahren's questions.


1. I'm not really sure but I think around 15. It was before my time.


2. He worked on a NES game called Marvelus. He had great potential and became assisting director of Ocarina of Time. It was successful and he had lots of ideas.


3. The adress is

11-1 Hokotate-cho


Minami ku

Kyoto 601 8501


and the phone number is 6629618.


and also:





Is Hokotate the street? That's quite interesting. In Pikmin 2, Olimar is from planet Hokotate.

For the sake of levity, could you tell us something about the environment at Nintendo? Do you guys get free food? Do you guys get your own office or do you work in a cubicle? Have you been to Miyamoto-san's or Iwata-san's office? Is it messy? Have you ever met Yamauchi-san? How approachable is he?





No we dont get free food, we have a little restuarant where we usually go. We do get coffee and we dont work in cubicles. We often sit in a group around a table and discuss different approaches to hardware design and when we work by ourselves we have our own desks in a rahter open and large office enviroment. I've been to Miyamoto's office but not Iwata's. Miyamoto has a pretty good order. He likes to keep it clean and nice. Sometimes it can get a lot of papers there though!


Yes, I've met Yamauchi and he is not very approachable, if I dare say. He's not exactly unfriendly but he is very determined and sometimes does not think about much else than what he wants or think is best.


Yeah, the Wii online wont use friend codes. A home console offers possibilities for more large online than a portable, we think. A portable should have a very quick and simple interface while a console should have a deeper one. But we dont believe that's too important. The most important is how the games work over the internet and that everything goes smooth in the games. So our primary concern is integrating the online in such a way it doesnt distract from the games.



Well maybe this guy is really true?? I do really hope so, cause ther are thing that sound preety cool in there. http://saruwatari-wii.blogspot.com/

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What I don't get is why would he bother writing this blog in English when he is Japanese, surely it would be much easier for him to make a blog in his native language?


And wouldn't he have to buy a differnt keyboard or something to write in English?



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well I'm searching for the opera announcemennts I can't find one thay clearly says it will be free, and... what kiyoshi is stating is this:


The Opera browser will come as an optional upgrade of the firmware and will when installed totally integrated with Wii. It will not be separate at all. But it will not be free.


In fact this is the only think making me wondering about its veracity but I believe anyone is 100% sure until we have wii in our hands...

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C3: Is this Wii browser set for launch across all territories and how much will it cost?


SH: Yes, I believe Nintendo announced that Wii will be available in November 2006 and will cost less than $250. You will not have to buy Opera as an external item, as it will be available within Wii upon purchase. There is not a separate cartridge as there is for the DS.

C3: Will the browser be issued with all Wii consoles or will you purchase it separately?


SH: As mentioned before, Opera will not be sold separately on a game cartridge for Wii. We would like all Wii users to be able to use Opera to surf the Internet. The details of how exactly Opera will be available for browsing within Wii have not yet been announced by Nintendo.


Source: Cubed3, interview with Scott Hedrick the Executive Vice President with Opera for Devices

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I don't know if this deserves a new thread but in the new EGM they say devs are bailing out of PS3 and into Wii, because of the retail cost and stuff.



EDIT: oh yeah and while im babbeling here is a a rumor that the wii was 'realistic graphics' or something. unfortunately it was filled in 2000.


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Not sure if this has been psoted o0 not seen anything about, and I thought it might be best to post in this thread:




Nintendo patent signals imminent suit against Microsoft?


Source: eBusiness Web site WebProNews.com and a few others.


The official story: See below.


What we heard: Last week, Nintendo was awarded a patent from The United States Patent and Trademark Office, titled "Messaging service for video game systems with buddy list that displays game being played." In layman's terms, the patent is for a system akin to the familiar buddy lists in instant messaging programs, and, because of its relevance to gaming systems, more closely similar to features of Microsoft's Xbox Live service.


Sifting through the patent reveals plans for "one or more buddies identified on a buddy list previously defined by the user" where the status of the buddies can be displayed, even if the users are playing different games. In short: gamers will be able to see what their friends are playing, and vice versa.


The document also details a messaging system, where users can send and receive messages over Internet-connected systems--just like Xbox Live. Also like XBL, the service would notify players when they've received a message, even if they are in the middle of playing a game. The patent also mentions both text and voice messages "between two or more logged-in players."


As the patent was filed in late 2000, there isn't any specific mention of the DS or the Wii although it does allude to "game systems" and handhelds. This means that Nintendo could be shooting for future interconnectivity between its handhelds and consoles, but at what point is unknown.


While some might accuse Nintendo of ripping of Xbox Live, the fact is the patent was originally filed before the first Xbox came out. That lead webpronews.com to speculate that Nintendo could sue Microsoft, even though Xbox Live has been in place for years.


"It looks as though Microsoft's Xbox Live system may infringe upon Nintendo's new patent," reads the article. "If so, Nintendo could try to reach a cross-licensing deal that would allow it to delve into areas covered by some of Microsoft's patents. Sony is another potential target if Nintendo tries to pursue the matter."


Not so fast, says John Stickevers, a partner with Boston-based intellectual property law firm Bromberg & Sunstein. "Although the title seems broad, and one might think that Nintendo could assert this patent against Microsoft's Xbox Live service, the scope of the patent is much narrower," Stickevers told GameSpot News.


"According to the claims, the Nintendo system requires that the client software reside on the game cartridge [or other 'replaceably connectable' storage device] and when the cartridge is inserted and the game is made active, the client program contacts the server to set up the chat. ... Thus, for a competitor to infringe this patent, their chat client application needs to be present on the storage device along with the video game."


As anyone with Xbox Live knows, messages, voice or chat, can be sent without a game running on the system--it's effectively the "heart" of Xbox Live. The Nintendo patent makes special mention of "replaceably connectable" media--a DVD, an external hard drive, a memory card, or anything that can be connected and subsequently swapped out--meaning that their messaging system requires more than just the Wii and its guts.


It should be noted that just because the patent was awarded, it doesn't necessarily mean that Nintendo will use it, nor does it mean that the Wii will definitely have IM-like features. On the other hand, Nintendo's rekindled interest in Web-based connectivity (see: WiiConnect24) is well documented, and some form of messaging system is likely, even if it hasn't been officially announced yet. And even if the Wii doesn't launch with messaging capability it can always be added later. After all, the the Xbox was on the market for about a year before Xbox Live was introduced.


Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus, but that would ultimately be for the courts to decide.

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Errrrm, signs of a legal battle? Don't think so.... They don't really soundlike they know that Nintendo has a major online service coming into play. Also you can't have a battle over different technology that does the same thing.

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some interesting stuff here.... nb. thats a typo at the start. it isnt supposed to be USD 1999, but USD 199


Two bundles, one for USD 299 and one for USD 1999, MGS 4, next-generation graphics and the secret of what is hidden under the front flap of the Wii are just some of the Nintendo secrets revealed by a controversial forum post last week.


Nintendo fans have been active in the past few weeks trying to uncover the remaining secrets of the Wii console. An improved sensor bar, an onboard physics processing unit (PPU) and the specter of Project Reality have all guest-starred in an odd collection of rumors which seem highly unlikely especially since they mention AO rated games.


Oddly enough the most important factor that has brought these rumors to our attention is the fact that they have been consistently tracked and removed from any forum which has hosted them. Were it not for this persistent hunt by, we can only assume, Nintendo we would have dismissed these as the rumblings of excited gamers but we now feel obliged to mention them, along with our strictest reservations regarding their authenticity.


So let us examine the rumors, at their basis lies a recent Nintendo comment hinting that hardcore gamers should pay special attention to the remaining Wii secrets as they will be the target audience for them. The story suggests that Nintendo will host a Space World Event in August 2006 in order to reveal the final secrets of the Wii. During the event the company will announce an additional 13 games for the console including a Miyamoto title, a spy title from Zoonami, apparently rated AO, MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots and a Deus Ex title from THQ. The same rumors claim that Nintendo will offer AO games a new home on the Wii platform.


It is claimed that the August event will also confirm that the Wii will become available in a USD 299 bundle that will include two Wiimotes, a nunchuk attachment, classic game pad attachment, DVD9 attachment, wireless headset (limited) 2GB SD card, Wii sports game, plus ten free virtual console downloads. A USD 199 bundle will offer one Wiimote, a nunchuk attachment, a classic game pad attachment, a Wii Sports game and five free virtual console downloads. Launch date will be set at Nov. 10 2006.


The rumors also claim that the Wii will come with a 32 MB PPU hardware attachment which will be of great help to the CPU and GPU and will add that extra next-gen touch to games.


The most extravagant claim however, has to do with how the CPU and GPU of Wii will work. On the back of a recent comment by ATI executive John Swinimer who stated, I think what you saw [during E3] was just the tip of the iceberg of what the Hollywood chip can bring to the Nintendo Wii, the rumor claims it has the answer.

During the N64 development cycle a study codenamed Project Reality was initiated which however, failed to be complete on time for that console. It is suggested that elements of that study will now be utilized in the Wii with IBM and ATI creating a unified entity which will power the new console. The logistics and engineering behind such a feat seem extremely unlikely and might create great problems for developers but unless we know the details we cannot safely speculate on what those may be. It is claimed however, that Nintendo has created a patented development tool which allows game creators extreme freedom and can assist them in creating anything from a visually stunning next-gen game or a simple gameplay focused mini-game.


The final rumor mentioned has to do with the flap in the front of the Wii. According to the information provided the flap rises to reveal a camera which will assist the sensor bar in some games and will allow users to record/stream video. When needed, in-game, the flap will rise automatically while users will also be able to access the camera through a Wii menu.


The information offered over the forum posts went into extreme detail but we have spared you that as we, yet again, stress how unlikely it all seems. The details offered seem very well researched though and the way its content has been hunted down from forum to forum suggests that maybe, just maybe, some of the many rumors mentioned may contain a morsel of truth.

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Guest Stefkov

I read about that microhpne thing earlier, before i went out this morning i think. and that just sealed it it that i think that blog always has ben bullshit.

i thought so with some of the things he/she(you never know;) ) saidwere just the ramblings of a Nintendo fanboy wo has lost faith in nintendo and want all these things in the next console etc. but some sounded nice little guesses. but this seals it, he/she is just stating what has been going round for ages.

bullshit, what you got?(cant remember what that film is called that the bulshit game is off?)

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"In an interview with EGM, Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata had a few tidbits to reveal about Wii. Miyamoto stated that the Wii controller will not have a microphone because it is too expensive. He is hoping for a headset but it won't be connected to the controller. He also stated that Nintendo is still looking for ways to improve the graphics of retro games on the virtual console, and that he is doing research on how to link Connect24 and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


Iwata discussed third party developers in his part of the interview. He stated that he is expecting more third party support, although more from Japan rather than western companies."


lol @blogs

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Hmm, that's odd. Can't imagine a microphone being expensive at all since a speaker is identical to a microphone - the speaker could function as a microphone too if they optimised the design a bit.


I like the part of improving VC graphics and Connect24. It sounds very promising.

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Maybe the expense is in the designing of the microphone to fit into the internal electronics etc of the wii-mote.


I dont see how it can be expensive to include one tbh. I think a mic is an obvious inclusion for the Wii. Maybe Iwata and Miyamoto are just trying to shrug off the obvious though.

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Game Informer supposedly reveals all:


This article from the upcoming Game Informer magazine focuses on the pros and cons of the development environment of the upcoming Nintendo Wii. As well as revealing the last big secret concerning hardware functionality. Here are some summarizations from that article.




-Inexpensive graphics development.


-Developer-friendly “camera” program


-Will support HDR lighting, normal maps, bump-mapping, nurbs rendering, and panoramically-composted depth-composited cubemappng, ray-tracing.


-Chipsets are very inexpensive although EXTREMELY powerful, WILL incorporate many aspects of the Project Reality study.


-Nintendo is providing extensive do***entation to ease the incorporation of the Wii-mote.




-Challenging to program effectively for the Wii-mote, due to it being very new to the industry.


-Marketing to be more challenging for bigger third-party franchises due to nature of the innovative qualities.


-The development cycle to possibly equal the time cycles of PS3 and Xbox360 due to the time needed to be innovative and effectively program for the controller.


-The challenge of marketing the Wii’s controller in ads and commercial may turn third-parties away from exclusivity. (The challenge to display through ads how “playing is believing”)



-The Final Secret/minor surprises also-


-Wii will include a built-in decent resolution camera that can be used to add your face to character models and add innovation to games. These snapshots can be tweaked as well. It is still being decided whether to allow camera to record and stream video. Mention made to have this feature be a strong feature in online play.


-A wireless headset will be made available at launch.


-SD cards will range from 2GB to 7GB and will be priced “within reason”.


-A new router technology is still in development and not yet available to developers. In the final product Nintendo hopes to be able to make every Wii a sort of “Wi-Fi hotspot” with each user connecting to that user and so on. They also want to be able to allow different users to share things and are thinking about setting up a pseudo-P2P network through Connect24, where users can share content and “other things”. This means that even if you have a dial-up connection or no internet, you can still connect to Wii Connect24.


-The Wii will indeed have a PPU included in final hardware. It will have only 32MB though, which will still take a considerable amount of pressure off of other chips.


-A still-in-development simple dev tool will be made available to users through the Connect24 network. It will allow users to create a simple game in 2D or simple 3D and share it with the world. This will hopefully be available on the network by launch.


-The last big secret is the “graphics solution”. It revolves around a whole lot of non-volatile RAM (opting out of HDD support, RAM is much faster than a HDD). And a development interface that centers on a AI-controlled command-line interface. This additional tech only included in final dev kits, while most developers don’t have access to final dev kits.


http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=revolution&message.id=1260806&vie w=by_date_ascending&page=1



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"-Wii will include a built-in decent resolution camera that can be used to add your face to character models and add innovation to games. These snapshots can be tweaked as well. It is still being decided whether to allow camera to record and stream video. Mention made to have this feature be a strong feature in online play."


dummest idea ever, and a stupid lie. Built in..... so evreybody will have to place the console in front of them on the table???? Think before you lie Game informer...

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Actually i'm pretty sure thats correct! Ever wondered why the Wii is on a slant? I reckon it can pick up your face if you just lower yourself a little bit if your tall. I love the camera idea. Your face can be put on the main character of a game so it's like you playing! Although i doubt this will be used for adult games.


GIVE ME A GOD DAMN RELEASE DATE Nintendo! It's not as though we've been waiting long enough is it? :indeed: Thats all i care about now!

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Do we need to go through this again children:




****To all those people who haven't read the thread entirely****


The Wii was officially designed to lay flat as well as upright (they stole that idea off Sony ;) ). So can we please stop linking the Wii being upright and the (lack of) potential for a camera!


No can you all shut up about it?!

Either GameInformer or Wii60 have pulled this report out of their ass. It's been posted in another thread and there is no real indication that it is happening. Get over it. You will be building your profile personna (like the onces at E3) with software. Surely the quickest os glances at the press conference could tell you that.

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