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Responses to Time Magazine’s Nintendo article


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“A Game for All Ages†[May 15] reported that Nintendo hopes its new game controller, which senses a player’s hand movements, will appeal to girls and grandparents. As a female gamer who has been playing video games since the days of Pac-Man, I am always amused by game companies that feel the need to target female gamers. Not one of the games aimed at girls has appealed to me. You know what I want in a game? How about realistic female characters instead of bouncy, skinny, half-naked ones? I’ve given up playing female characters in any game because of how they look. Does anyone really believe female warriors ran around wearing little more than a metal brassiere? If Nintendo is serious about wanting to reach the female audience, it should treat us with some respect. We like questing too!




Nintendo believes that nongamers do not play video games because they are “really hard†and the “learning curve is steep.†As a nongamer, I have another take: we do not play video games because we prefer fresh air and sunshine, exercise, good books and conventional card and board games that allow us to interact with other humans.




Nintendo’s new game controller is quite intriguing. As a nongamer, I quickly saw beyond its recreational use to its potential in other areas. Could the movement and motion described as part of the gaming experience be incorporated into a program of rehabilitation therapy for people recovering from illness or injury? If Nintendo is looking for new markets, perhaps its engineers and developers should meet with some physical-therapy experts and explore the possibilities.



SOURCE: http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=747

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Nintendo believes that nongamers do not play video games because they are “really hard” and the “learning curve is steep.” As a nongamer, I have another take: we do not play video games because we prefer fresh air and sunshine, exercise, good books and conventional card and board games that allow us to interact with other humans.


She raises some good points there, I think that maybe Nintendo should accept that the people who don't play games, don't want to play games, and never will, instead of alienating the people that do. She was wrong about one thing though, Video games can allow pretty great social interaction with people, and it's one of the reasons for multiplayer gaming. She also seems to think that if you play videogames, you can't like "fresh air and sunshine, exercise and good books" I love all of these things, but it doesn't mean I don't have a reason to play videogames. And as every gamer knows, videogames are far superior to traditional board games in every way.

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And as every gamer knows, videogames are far superior to traditional board games in every way.



unless there is a powercut and you don't happen to have any means of generating your own electricity.


board games do have advantages over video games, and they have quite a few.


"videogamers BELIEVE videogames are far superior to traditional board games" may be more accurate, but board games definitely have the edge over traditional videogames.


arguing one is better than the other is like arguing whether running or walking is better - its obvious neither is better, if one was the other wouldn't exist.


that also applies to her hobbies though - a hobby isn't exclusive.


I like walking, reading, gaming, playing guitar, gardening, to name a few.

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What the fuck is that girl gamer's problem. Nintendo don't demean women at all. Ok peach and daisy aren't exactly great but cmon! Nintendogs has reached out to SO many female gamers and it didn't even have a fucking human character in it! And plus she is already playing games so she's content. It's not like Nintendo invented the Tomb Raider image!

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Nintendo believes that nongamers do not play video games because they are “really hard†and the “learning curve is steep.†As a nongamer, I have another take: we do not play video games because we prefer fresh air and sunshine, exercise, good books and conventional card and board games that allow us to interact with other humans.


Yeah go out in to the hot sun and get skin cancer, when you can just play Wii sports tennis and semi-excercise inside in the air conditioned enviroment.

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Nintendo has allready proven that a new auidience can be found.

Brain Training has sold well to non gamers. And Nintendogs has sold well to female gamers (and boys).


Games which includes a female main character is not Nintendos way of reaching a Female auidience. scantly clad women are for male gamers.

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I'd like her to show me a single Nintendo game that has scantly clad women in it! (To her probably any game that appears on a Nintendo console is made by Nintendo themselves!)


And that's part of the problem, non gamers are so ignorant about video gaming that they wont even give it a second look. With all the bad press gaming gets, a typical non gamer probably thinks that all gamers are fat sweaty male nerds who play alone in a dark room and that the only types of games that sell are either violent shooting games, fighting games, realistic racing games and sports games (The Xbox is a major contributor to this stigma as that's pretty much the only types of games you get on there!)


If gaming is to ever break this stigma, 1 of 2 things needs to happen. Either Nintendo gain control over the market and market the hell out of the non games or developers embrace Nintendo's idea of non games and start producing some themselves (Capcom and Atlas are doing good so far :smile: )


Sony did good with the eye toy and advertising games like singstar and Guitar hero but that's not enough. They are still single minded about what types of games people want and their idea of the PS3 entertainment hub. Microsoft are so stuck in a rut they can't even see any other types of games around them!


Nintendo have always been pushing boundries and producing and advertising different types of games but they've truly hit the nail on the head with these non games. Now that they have truly mainstream games, they need to make the console avaliable to the mainstream and the only way they're gonna do that is by releasing the Wii for a cheap price (I'm thinking £100-£130) and drop the price of games from £40 to £30 at least (This is a major problem as DVDs are £20)


DS games are currently too expensive (Aside from Brain Training :smile:) and they should be around £20 (Preferably less) to truly break into the non gamer market. Nintendo's games and consoles need to be placed into an impulse buy category and at the moment, their games and consoles are too expensive for a non gamer to justify their purchase.


So in short, Ninty's non games = good but are too expensive : peace:

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What retards...Why dont they all go have random sex, catch AIDs and cause unwanted pregnancies, then bring up the child to ruin the country it lives in.


The 1st one is annoying and obviously a close minded gamer that plays generic games. For one, I'd say Mario Kart is a game aimed at everyone, girls love it.

"'Ello Darlin'ahhh!! Wanna go play some Mario Kart?"


The 2nd should just die to be honest. For one, the learning curve is steep, small children struggle a lot more with games now than they used to as far as I know (or they're just dumber). And the other points about that one have been stated already.

Sure, board games are awesome played on a board rather than a computer (Risk, Chess etc), but I'd like to see you recreate a videogame on a board missy.


The 3rd one is just random.

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About video games being better than board games "in every way," I think that is like saying movies or e-Books are better than books in every way... which isn't true. While video games can do much more, a video game of a board game is not as good as the board game itself. While it may be time consuming, setting up all those pieces in Risk or Axis and Allies just adds to the anticipation and excitement of the game (or maybe I'm just weird). Board games also give the players a lot more freedom to adjust the rules/play mechanics of the game.


About the comments in general, there will always be people who consider video games to be childish, a waste of time, etc. Nintendo doesn't expect these people to just change their way of thinking based on an article in a magazine or some TV commercial, they just hope that these people have friends that aren't so closed-minded and that those friends convince/invite them over to see what all the fuss is about. Playing = Believing.

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If Nintendo is serious about wanting to reach the female audience, it should treat us with some respect. We like questing too!


1. If the female audience enjoys questing then they should be content with games like Legend of Zelda (and many are). Why wait for a questing game with a female main character?


2. Metroid.

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When non gamers start talking about games, of course they don't know what they're talking about, so this is what you get. This is what Nintendo meant by experiencing instead or reading/seeing. You can't make a proper judgment just by hearing about it.

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When non gamers start talking about games, of course they don't know what they're talking about, so this is what you get. This is what Nintendo meant by experiencing instead or reading/seeing. You can't make a proper judgment just by hearing about it.


I aggree entirely. Playing really is believing this is why I think Ninty should have kiosks at GAME and such before launch to build hype.


This can only be good BTW


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Guest Stefkov

women theres no pleasing them, we make games easier to learn and they go crying saying theyre not idiots and know how to play games* but you give them Wario ware and they'll go "WTF!"***


*based on nothing

***based on actual fact: my mother.

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Pfft! The Nintendo DS is a perfect example that non-gamers can become gamers.


Brain Age games in japan is making old people and women (demographics that traditionally almost never play vid-games) play videogames.


The Wii will do in the console arena what the DS did in the portable arena.


Some reporters/journalists just like speaking out of their arse when they're too lazy to do some research.



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