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Replier Impotance!


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So I'm totally struggling to reply to any topics. I opened about six just now and could easily reply to them (any music one and the mulholland drive one), I type out half a reply then think about what I've written and just hit 'back' on my browser.


So I decided to make a thread about it instead. Does this actually happen to anyone much at all? I know it never used to happen to me. Maybe I'm getting old. *watches as his thread goes down in muted flames*

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I don't reply to a lot, though I try to. I'll type half the message like you but then realise I'm not saying anything different so there's no point. Like that Albert Einstein post, all I'd say is 'oh thats cool' or something... not much point in posting that.


Usually I'll post if I want to get my opinion across on something.

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This happens to me with practically every single thread I open. I have problems when it comes to replying to threads where I have nothing short of an obsession with the subject in question. It's come to the point now where I rarely post.


Even replying to this thread was a struggle.

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Have it all the time. I think it's because you give yourself feedback and realise the reply is crap or meaningless anyway.


pretty much. I also find sometimes I want to type about something, more than actually reply and take part in a wider discussion.

so I just type it out, and instead clicking reply stop and think "will anyone want to reading this?"

and "would I be interested in anyone else's views/replies on what I have typed?"


if the answer to both those questions is no I 99 times out of a hundred just click the back button.

sometimes its easier to click reply though.

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It's starting to happen to me a lot too now. Started with the last couple of weeks of CE. I start typing out a reply, then forget what I'm wanting to say and just ramble on about anything, then I just hit back. Even if I do have a reply I just can't put it into words.... Writer's block...

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