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Official Giest Thread


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With only two weeks left until the release of Giest in Europe (7th October), lets open up a topic to discuss Nintendo's spooky shooter.


Average reviews give the game a respectable, if slightly disapointing (considering the delays and development time), 71% over at Gamerankings.com - but this is certainly a controvertial game with some reviewers awarding an excellent 85-90% score and others awarding a dire 50%.


Have you imported the game? Whats your opinion of it - would you recomend it to fellow gamers?

Are you waiting for the European release?

Are you simply not bothered by this game?


Discuss to your hearts content.

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According to critics (ah i don't judge many game graphics by screenshots as they look too good but then you find out the in game graphics don't look as sharp........well..it happens) the graphics are like N64-PS2 quality which sounds bad but the real kick in the teeth......(or whereever else) is the framerate apparantly dropping a lot.....come it being 10 pounds one day, i'll snap it up........oh that sounds like i will literally snap it....to change the phase, i mean buy it when its cheap.......even if it is harshly judged

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I had such high hopes for this game , but even though I don't trust reviews too much , there has been far too much negativity about this game , so I have decided to reconsider. I may just wait till it turns up cheap on ebay instead now.


I too , would be interested to read what importers have to say about it .

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It really ain't that bad, however the only 'wow' factor for me was the new way you can possess people and use them, to be honest it hasn't really gripped me at all, you see many games i have purchased lately start of great but none of them have really got me absorbed which is ashame, BUT get it when it goes down in price because you'll be very pleasently surprised, theres also some quite clever/ interesting puzzles in this game as well, it isn't terrible, just don't go expecting Perfect Dark/Goldeneye standards of FPS.


The Multiplayer was very strange and to be honest not fantastic, it's different put it that way, perhaps when i open more maps it will hopefully get better! At least theres bots!


My rating? 79% :hehe:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks pretty awesome i love the concept of you being a ghost and possessing practically anything in site, and i cant wait it supposedly comes out tomorrow!


its not even that bad so why did they give it a 17


Maybe when youve played it you'll see why.


Mercury Sable

Edited by Johelian
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When it was first announced I thought that it was going to be a decent FPS game. But as time went on the game really didn't impress me (especially with it having a long development time) so I wasn't really expecting it to be great. The reviews seem to suggest that it isn't all that great so I think I will be giving this game a miss.


I might pick it up one day if I can find it for cheap some where.

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  • 8 months later...

I bought this, and despite all the bad critics... I think it's a great game...


Sure, the FPS control scheme is not the best at default, where you use the main joystick to walk and also to walk sideways... and then the C-stick to turn and look up and down...


But going to the options there's another... more normal option... C to walk and turn and the c-stick for sideways and look up and down...


other down in a shooter is the accuracy, if you're taking cover and only see your enemy my a small margin... once you shoot it'll always hit the wall...


The AI is quite stupid to the point where if there's one explosion right next to a couple of guys, one flies and the other doesn't notice/act because of it.


But bare in mind that this isn't a normal shooter where this is what makes the game... or breaks it... so although it has these shortcomings it's still awesome. Because it doesn't really matter.


The game revolves around possessing people, with all the details envolved in doing just that... it's awesome in that account. clever even... and highly enjoyable.


The scenarios are very well made and can be very creepy at places, reminding us of other Nintendo games, from Metroid Prime bosses/enemies, silent hill hospitals, and even a little of Eternal Darkness with all the diferent characters, possessed by diferent means but still... awesome.


Although the game doesn't excel in polycounts and such, the bump mapped surfaces look good and the the game textures are very good, above average for GC. the framerate is far from perfect though, but always playable... it also has some filters in the cutscenes that look very good.


the motion of the characters doesn't look too bad either, the worse is when they use their hands in the cutscenes and it looks so unreal.


Music-wise it's very well made even reminding Metroid Prime at places which is never a bad thing right. shame some dialogs are written instead of spoken, yet they say some recorded sound, like "hey" or the hateable "raimi" in ghost dialog (Gigi).


It's a highly enjoyable game, and while it starts out a little slow it seems to just get better and better, be it in story, soundtrack, graphics and even gameplay. I'm certainly keeping a eye for future releases by N-Space on Nintendo platforms.




I bought this one new in Amazon for £17.96/26€:

-> http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002IQOPU/qid=1150028054/sr=8-1/ref=pd_ka_1/202-0970666-7376639

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for bumping this old thread but I only recently completed Geist and the ending left me somewhat confused.


I saw this female doctor - that I had to posses before rescueing Bryson - at the end escaping and then in the helicopter together with Bryson.

Now I wondered if I missed parts of the story because I didn't get why there's a reason she's there.

Of course most probably for a planned sequel but I wondered if there was any other reason since there was no need to include her from what I gathered about the story.



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Like I've said in [this topic], I've just "ordered" this from the (Dutch) stars catalogue.


I'm not really looking forward to the FPS bits, but I can't wait to play this game for the adventure/puzzle bits. Anyway, it's free, so it can't be that disappointing :D. I would like to know though, is this game a bit flexible in the way you play? For example, can you simply possess your way through FPS bits? In other words, don't do any of the shooting yourself, but let the AI do it for you, and then just possess your next victim? Or is it not the way this game works? Anyway, I think the GameCube controller in itself is flawed for FPS games, but this will be my first more or less "real" FPS experience on the cube, so I'll find out for myself.

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Like I've said in [this topic], I've just "ordered" this from the (Dutch) stars catalogue.


I'm not really looking forward to the FPS bits, but I can't wait to play this game for the adventure/puzzle bits. Anyway, it's free, so it can't be that disappointing :D. I would like to know though, is this game a bit flexible in the way you play? For example, can you simply possess your way through FPS bits? In other words, don't do any of the shooting yourself, but let the AI do it for you, and then just possess your next victim? Or is it not the way this game works? Anyway, I think the GameCube controller in itself is flawed for FPS games, but this will be my first more or less "real" FPS experience on the cube, so I'll find out for myself.


Actually it's very linear, you can't even possess any host you like and you have to get through the shooter bits with the one host only most of the time. But it's great fun none the less.

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Is this good for £10 - £15 or should I get GUN instead. Kinda running out of new games to play!


Depends on what you actually want. I never played Gun but I heard it's pretty good, a bit like GTA sometimes though.


Geist is a pretty nice egoshooter only that the shooter part is quite tricky actually but that made it all the more fun for me. It also reminds me of Another Code for the DS sometimes because there are parts when you have to solve certain things in order to progress. There's also a cool story to it and I really liked the graphics despite only looking average.

And the boss battles are absolutely outstanding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got this from the stars catalogue few days ago (how long has it been? :P), and I've completed the main quest today.


First my though about not so much the game itself, but FPS controll on the Cube: I've always thought this controller wasn't suited for this, but after playing this game, which is my first real experience with FPS controls on the Cube, I can conclude it wasn't that bad. I still prefer the N64 controller though. After the configuration, set up to resemble the N64 / Turok style as much as possible, the game was certainly playable. I still rather have 4 C buttons as opposed to a C stick (I mean, a keyboard has just 4 arrow keys doesn't it?) but the main problem is the stupid analogue trigger. The Z trigger was perfect, the R (& L) triggers are just too slow and akward. The Z trigger really could have helped me out with the final boss. But I managed.


About the game: Now I've played this game I can tell what its flaws are. In general its pretty ok, I liked it in general, but certain aspects.. Most people have a problem with the FPS portions of this game, not? I really didn't after playing for a while.. GoldenEye, it is not. But after playing this game, you realize this isn't really a FPS game (with some possession action), like Metroid, it's more an (possession) adventure, with some shooting elements. The game reminded me also of Mission Impossible sometimes. Some nice puzzles, but very simple action / shooting sequences. It's ok for this game.


What are the problems? Well, it becomes apparent that this game is rushed, it isn't really finished, there are glitches and and things that are just sloppy. Several examples:

- Things that react to hosts but not to ghosts. In the subway, some creatures (they're called imps I believe) spawn at some spots. Even if you fly by as a ghost. They don't react to you as a ghost, so the just stand idle, while several creatures spawn at the same spot. The result is a column of imps.

- Something similar, a soldier who is levitating when he spawns. He still be levitating when you fly by as a ghost..

- Something I used to great advantage in battles.. The spec ops. They don't seem to realize that they can't go through obstacles when possessing a host (= me).

- Framerate issues in the old mansion areas. Too bad, those are really nice areas, But the light effects are a little bit too much it seems.

- You can't set the sensitivity in single player. I thought that may be intentional, and forgot about it, but then I noticed you could change the sensitivity in multi player..

- The story.. It's lacking. There's so much backstory that I'd like to know, but the game tells you very little. Too bad, because I really liked the concept of the story..


It's really too bad of these stupid things, the game could have been great.

What's left is pure gameplay, and I did really enjoy the possesion stuff. Flying by as a ghost is really cool, with the time slowing down. Scouting ahead, and blowing crates up to save you some trouble as a host, and seeing those guys fly in slowmotion.. That's fun. Scaring people is fun. Even the simple action sequences have some nice variations on them. I love when possesion gets involved in the shooting sequences. The Bryson escape sequence (on the motorcycle) looks like a simple action sequence, but it has some nice touches with the possesion ability.


also too bad the game is too short. It could have done with more levels for some more puzzles and more story. Anyway, I got this for free, so I'm not disappointed ;). I hope it gets a sequel one day, which hopefully gets more attention and won't be rushed.

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First my though about not so much the game itself, but FPS controll on the Cube: I've always thought this controller wasn't suited for this, but after playing this game, which is my first real experience with FPS controls on the Cube, I can conclude it wasn't that bad. I still prefer the N64 controller though. After the configuration, set up to resemble the N64 / Turok style as much as possible, the game was certainly playable. I still rather have 4 C buttons as opposed to a C stick (I mean, a keyboard has just 4 arrow keys doesn't it?) but the main problem is the stupid analogue trigger. The Z trigger was perfect, the R (& L) triggers are just too slow and akward. The Z trigger really could have helped me out with the final boss. But I managed.


You should try Timesplitters (3) then. This has the best FPS controls apart from GoldenEye maybe - it's made by most of the team that was behind GoldenEye.



- The story.. It's lacking. There's so much backstory that I'd like to know, but the game tells you very little. Too bad, because I really liked the concept of the story..


Yeah, much more should be explained. There's hope for a sequel.

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Just recieved it after ordering from the star catalogue. I must say I'm impressed with the ghost parts, I like the graphical style a lot. But the first person parts are really bad imo, the controls suck and the graphics are a lot worse (good textures though)

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