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Wii Hardware Discussion


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It owuld be awful just to have one killer ap at launch. If Wii Sports fails to impress anyone that's all the Wii may have - one! And it's also a GC game, why should anyone buy the Wii because of that? It needs either Metroid or Mario there alongside.

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I think TP is a killer app X2. Maybe nintendo is saving Metroid to launch against the Paystation 3.

Although im sure TP will do extremely well,Nintendo will want a great launch and 1 killer app just might not cut it,they should'nt take that chance.If it's out before Christmas it should be okay because it's not a huge gap.

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I think TP is a killer app X2. Maybe nintendo is saving Metroid to launch against the Paystation 3.


The Wii is launching alongside the PLAYSTATION 3 anyway more or less.


I wouldn't mind if MP3 was delayed until beginning of December, the launch lineup is incredible as it is.


Where did IGN say it had been delayed? I didn't actually see the article...

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Matt himself says the Prime 3 thing isn't certain, just that it could be likely because Nintendo want to space Zelda and Metroid out a bit. I'd be happy with that because I don't want to play both at once.


Dragon Quest isn't surprising though, what was shown at E3 (almost nothing) looked very early and we're talking what should be a large RPG. I can't remember ever seeing big rpg's ready for system launches ever really.


Good news is most of the podcast is pretty positive in general, with the main negative comments towards stuff like Midway's games, which was easy to tell from like the Rampage screenshots.

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Alot of people may not be Zelda fans though (stupid thing to say...lol)


So i think Nintendo need another killer ap alongside it!


We need choice! Either swap Metroid for Mario, or don't delay Metroid!


Nintendo games will be better then the third-party ones, won't they?

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I wanna go all ridge racer on her ass.


So, what is this feature that was slipped by Kerrin for 'hardcore gamers' in the Wii? Im still waiting to know what this is..

I wanna know that aswell,Nintendo has been really quite about the Wii since E3.I'm questioning this 'hard-core' gamer stuff,what could it even be? It won't exactly be graphics so only thing I can think of is NWC.Talk during matches,more modes,more things to do.What do you guys think?

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