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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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fusion was the worst metroid game(bar 1 and 2).I always found zero mission better even though it was a ramake.To short and too much button mashing.I loved the game but sorry it isnt a god among games


Whaaaaatt?? Metroid 2 is one of my favourite games of all time...man, I used to take it everywhere, you can complete it again and again and again, and it never gets boring. Fusion was pretty awesome too. I've never played the original so I wouldn't know about that...

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Whaaaaatt?? Metroid 2 is one of my favourite games of all time...man, I used to take it everywhere, you can complete it again and again and again, and it never gets boring. Fusion was pretty awesome too. I've never played the original so I wouldn't know about that...


impossible lol.hardcore to the max.Never completed it.For it's time it was fun.Ok i played the gameboy one for a brief.Only metroid game i havent played is pinball:D

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Don't know if this has been posted already:


Nintendo Power reports that Metroid Prime 3 looks a lot better now, compared to the E3 built. There's a lot more lighting going on and the framerate is smoother.



So we know now where the extra time is going to.

I'm happy with this decision though. After the awesome 1+2 I think the 3rd should also be mind blowing graphics wise.

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Don't know if this has been posted already:


Nintendo Power reports that Metroid Prime 3 looks a lot better now, compared to the E3 built. There's a lot more lighting going on and the framerate is smoother.



So we know now where the extra time is going to.

I'm happy with this decision though. After the awesome 1+2 I think the 3rd should also be mind blowing graphics wise.


Yeah exactly, also I wouldnt mind if they were doing a hunters and making sure that it had a very robust multiplayer system and/or (preferably both) online play. Like the DS it could be a game that could very much well be a head-turner of a game. A must buy for everyone who has or doesn't have the system.

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Does anyone else think the new ship looks bad? the wings look like biro pens and its just generally not well rendered and polished.

I used to like it but i dont anymore. looks a bit 'amateurish'


There isnt any sort of depth that the 360 graphics have. It seems 2Dish as though wallpaper has been wrapped around the ship

Look on the wings, you see a grill/ventilation grid? its flat where there should be holes, but its just a surface.

Hard to explain

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Does anyone else think the new ship looks bad?


No, you're not the only one. I hate it as well. But I don't know which one from the prime series I prefer though. I think the first one was closest to the original designs, but I think I like the second better. It was rounder I think, but I can't recall. En it had 3 engines at the bottom. Maybe someone can dig up some pics? :D


About the suits, obviously the zero suit is the best :D.

But as for power suits.. I think I may be boring, but I prefer the original standard yellow / orange (upgraded) power suit. I don't know what they're all called, but the pic somewhere above, the second suit from Echoes, I really, really hated that suit. And it got even worse when you get the jetpack! Jeez that looked horrible. Thankfully, not long after, you get the light suit, which is sexy indeed, but I still prefer the original power suit like I said. That said, I do like most other suits and colour variations, I do like the fusion suit generally, I also like the black suit, and personnaly I though dark Samus was awesome.. If they ever do a new Hunters (which I wouldn't mind, as long as it's completely seperate from the single player experience), they should include her (..It?) as a playable character.

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They got an entire extra year of developing just to improve the games graphics, and Retro Studios is one of the best in that department, I'm pretty sure we'll get something like Gears of War.


At the end of Fusion she got her power suit back though did she not?


From what I remember at the end she gets a fusion suit with the scheme color of the power suit, which the fan base dubs the "Omega Suit."

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