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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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I never go with reviews cause there's never the information i'm looking for and when they review it sometimes a game i'm unsure about it doesn't help me at all so I just get impressions from N-E.


I remember NGC, the humour was good and Gerraint was an RPG whore like me.

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I've just read on an EB Games Website(NZ) that MP3 is getting released on the 10th of December over here. Christ on a stick! It's not fair. Just because I live at the arse end of the planet I have to wait over a month more than you guys. God, all I do is whinge. I really hope this is a mistake. Are there any Aussies on this forum who have heard of a similar date for Australia?

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Oh I totally agree but more and more I find them less informative and more about hype building. Many shops now do a "if you don't like it, bring it back within a few days" kind of guarantee, which helps solve the prob. I guess I just research using media rather than scores, I rarely read what reviewers have to say anymore.


Totally agree with this. I stopped buying games mags regularly a few years ago, just about when N64 became NGC. I used to get Edge every month, but it's not what it used to be. Don't get me wrong, of course no opinion is definitive, but there's been a few howlers from Edge in recent times. I get worried when I go on sites like Eurogamer and rllmuk etc, because they seem to put so much weight on the scores Edge give out. I just don't trust what any pro games journo has to say. Even if they haven't been bribed, they won't have played a game enough to offer a proper opinion, or they'll be far too excitable to get any sense from them. Awesome!! 98%


Much better to look out for videos as Jamba suggests, or even better play demos. The only reviews I like to read now are those little reader reviews on Amazon and Play etc. If you read a few of those, you'll often get a clearer idea of what to expect from a title and whether it'll be your bag or not.


Super Play was the only mag you could trust....


/cuddles his bound complete collection of Super Plays...

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I've just read on an EB Games Website(NZ) that MP3 is getting released on the 10th of December over here. Christ on a stick! It's not fair. Just because I live at the arse end of the planet I have to wait over a month more than you guys. God, all I do is whinge. I really hope this is a mistake. Are there any Aussies on this forum who have heard of a similar date for Australia?


Nintendo of Australia's site has it for the 8th of November, maybe it's an error from EB Games?

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I've just read on an EB Games Website(NZ) that MP3 is getting released on the 10th of December over here. Christ on a stick! It's not fair. Just because I live at the arse end of the planet I have to wait over a month more than you guys. God, all I do is whinge. I really hope this is a mistake. Are there any Aussies on this forum who have heard of a similar date for Australia?


You're one of the first places in the world to receive sunlight even being a whole two hours before Australia, so automatically superior to most...

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I'm starting Prime in 2 weeks and Prime 2 straight after to build up for the third. I'd imagine I should get Prime done sometime on Sunday then I have a few days to play Prime 2 for the third.


Got it all sorted out :heh:


Though i'm trying to complete a bunch of games before I start Prime. Got 8 games to complete before the Primes and since I started i've only completed 2.

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Hmmm... i would do the same but last time i did that I found the new game to be a bit ordinary because I'd played so much of something so similar recently.


Exactly. I won't be playing any of the Primes so I don't have a Metroid Prime overload. Better to keep it fresh, since they are all similar.

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I've just about lost interest in this game entirely, unlike Galaxy and Brawl. Taken too long for Nintendo to release, is it still worth getting? (I've already seen the 100% ending though)...


With all the scanning and text its no surprise that its taking about a montha and a half. Can't believe some people are so impatient, that's actually quite fast for NoE you know?

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I've just about lost interest in this game entirely, unlike Galaxy and Brawl. Taken too long for Nintendo to release, is it still worth getting? (I've already seen the 100% ending though)...


Why would you want the ending spoiled? And we're getting Brawl next year and probably a bigger gap than MP3 relate date wise, you gonna lost interest in that?


Okay I know that's silly cause you can never lost interest in Smash Brothers :heh:


I though of MP3 being ordinary but the controls will freshen it up a bit. Or i'll play it both, have a gap from playing FPS then get Prime 3 hopefully early.


And Jambas right this is pretty fast. First Prime took 5 months to get released after the US but saying that Prime 2 was like 2 weeks of a difference.

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(I've already seen the 100% ending though)...


Why on earth would you want to spoil the ending for yourself even before the game is out here?


Nevertheless, ending or not, I bet this is still worth it. After all, you play a game for the game. The ending is just the cherry on the gaming pie. And I have to disagree that it has taken NoE very long. It's taken them 2 months after the US and within the first year of Wii's life, which is rather 'fast'. Granted, it could've been faster, but it's not too bad. You should have been around when the NES launched. One year after the US and a whopping 3 years after Japan. :heh: And don't get me started about WarioWare Twisted! NoE lives of gamers tears.


Speaking of spoilers, it was a sad day for me and Twilight Princess

I glanced on a website and I read Ganondorf would be in it, with picture and all. Not really a grand surprise, but when he first appeared in TP, it didn't have quite the impact, because I knew he would show up sooner or later. Dangerous place, this here internet...


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It won't have any bearing on the enjoyment of the game should I decide to purchase it, as I was literally in a "WTF" mindset when viewing it (the ending)...


I do dig First person games though, so regardless I think at the Nth hour, I will slap myself in the face and question the very reason for having second thoughts about getting this game in the first place...

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I feel your pain. I often say to myself I won't buy game X (like Super Smash Football or heavenly Sword), until I see it on the shelves and you read how great is on forums...


Oh, how I am weak...


And if you're still not sure about MP3 when it comes out, you can't go wrong with a rental. Just don't ask what it's like on this forum, because the consensus will more than likely be "Awesome!". :wink:

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I've just about lost interest in this game entirely, unlike Galaxy and Brawl. Taken too long for Nintendo to release, is it still worth getting? (I've already seen the 100% ending though)...


Wow, why would you do such a thing? This is madness! It's still a AAA title and I reckon it's a must own for any serious gamner who has a Wii. I know I usually pick a few small spoilers on forums and the like, but watching the 100% ending!!! No way!

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I haven't watch the 100% ending but it's probably just a generic Metroid ending with Samus returning in her spaceship after destroying the bad guy and removing her helmet/suit.

Then, there is probably a small tidbit concerning the next episode... but since it's the last of the trilogy made by Retro, it will probly be another little something not very important.


And I don't know why seeing the ending make the game less appealing, especially a Metroid game (a true one and not this awful thing that is Hunters).

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I don't get why you would watch the 100% ending. As for me I know almost nothing about the story/weapons/bosses which will make it even more fun to play. I was spoiled a lot with Prime 2, knowing about the last suit because it was leaked before the release and stuff like that, I don't want that to happen with Corruption.

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