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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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I often wonder what actual force it would take to blow up a whole planet! It happens too foten for my liking!
According to some article I read a while back (I doubt I could find it again) done by some scientist. It would take the power of about 217 million nuclear warheads to destroy a planet the size of the earth.
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This looks like a much more intense and story driven Metroid and the action looks amazing.


I'm nearly done with my Metroid Prime 2 re-play. I'm at Emperor Ing with 96% Scans and 100% Items! Then onto the original. I'm saving the best till last!


EDIT: Just finished it, with both 100% totals. Great game, really comes into it's own later on, but I felt early on it seemed a lot more laboured than the first.


By the end of my second run through I appreciated it a lot more than I did the first time I played it, however I still didn't like the ammo system, very un-Metroid.


The light and dark world thing grew on me a lot the second play through and I enjoyed the story a lot lot more.


It's still second place compared to the first but ultimately a wonderful game. Now, to begin again on the original Prime which for me was the best game on any console from the last generation.

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EDIT: Just finished it, with both 100% totals. Great game, really comes into it's own later on, but I felt early on it seemed a lot more laboured than the first.


By the end of my second run through I appreciated it a lot more than I did the first time I played it, however I still didn't like the ammo system, very un-Metroid.


The light and dark world thing grew on me a lot the second play through and I enjoyed the story a lot lot more.


It's still second place compared to the first but ultimately a wonderful game. Now, to begin again on the original Prime which for me was the best game on any console from the last generation.


The ammo system grew on me during my replay. At first I barely used the other beams, but later on I started using the Light and Dark Beam a bit more. At first I only used the power beam which made every fight last for ages. I'm glad the ammo system is gone in part 3 though.


Have fun on the first part, I've already played it start to finish about six times and I never get bored. It's truly the best game of last gen and up there with OOT IMO.

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:) Cannot wait 'till this! Looks awesome, and I only have enough money for this or Super Paper Mario... whichever one comes out first.


Love the muic from all Prime games when you encounter pirates.... amazing.

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Metroid Prime 3 Demo Available Gamestop/EB games






I'd advise you read through it should be getting updated and any questions feel free to ask seems like a nice enough guy.


Some good stuff : peace:






The thing is, I don't even think it was an actual demo. I think it was the full game on display, as it had save points and save profiles and everything. Each save profile was linked to a Mii.


The controls were excellent. The cursor was incredibly smooth, and I immediately switched the controls over to advanced. The turning speed was just as I expected, which was pretty dang fast. It also allows you to reverse the buttons for shooting and jumping. The default was A for shooting and B for jumping, so I just left it at that. The only thing I didn't really like was the way you changed visors, by holding - and aiming at which visor you wanted. It made scanning more of a chore than it was in the past games, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.








Enjoy: peace:


ps. trying really hard not to watch it :p

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I'm not going to watch that.:heh: It'll be hard but I'll try not to get spoiled until I get the game.


Too late Dude I gave in. All I can say is this game is going to OWN.


Not too many spoilers actually BTW, go on watch it ;) you know you want to!:yay:


ps The similarities with Halo in that opening bit are uncanny! They have got to be Halo fans :p

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