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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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Metroid for Summer? Hmm. If Brawl gets pushed back to next year, I wont be happy:shakehead .

Of the Big Three, Brawl looks the least finished (no gameplay whatsoever), and even if it would be finished this year, Q3/Q4 is incredibly crowded with games. Nintendo will want to spread out these titles, preventing people from complaining about draughts again next year, so I expect SMG and MP3 to be the ones for Q4 and Brawl will be a huge hit in Q1 or possibly Q2 next year.


I don't see how that's a bad thing though, with the sheer amount of games coming our way.

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Of the Big Three, Brawl looks the least finished (no gameplay whatsoever), and even if it would be finished this year, Q3/Q4 is incredibly crowded with games. Nintendo will want to spread out these titles, preventing people from complaining about draughts again next year, so I expect SMG and MP3 to be the ones for Q4 and Brawl will be a huge hit in Q1 or possibly Q2 next year.


I don't see how that's a bad thing though, with the sheer amount of games coming our way.


Aye, it's also about extending the life of the Wii.


If you release 3 of the biggest titles in such a small period, they won't get the attention they deserve, and they'll just end up competing with each other.


I think it's good we still haven't heard of seen much about games like Disaster: Day of Crisis. It means that there's always something being worked on. At some point, hopefully, we should also see A new F zero, another Pikmin, hopefully more non-games, and hopefully more new franchises. And, with the guarantee that another Zelda is in the works.


Wii has a great future, imo.

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Just thinking back on metroid prime, you know everyone says about the atmosphere... I think part of it is down to having to do everything yourself without any assistance. people are right in saying that having other hunters that interact with you could be a bad thing, unless they bring good gameplay along. It could be cool teaming up with each other while taking out millions of enemies or one big enemy which wouldnt be possible without help.

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I'm with Atomic Boo, I think having the other hunters around is definitely something to be worried about as far as the general feeling of the game goes.


This game was meant to be launched within the Wii launch window originally but we've hardly heard anything of the title since the release itself. So why is it being held back? Your thoughts on this please....



My reasoning:

1) "The games just isn't finished yet" - My least favourite option. The later vids that we were seeing towards the end of 2006 suggested a pretty complete game engine. Content is relatively quick to produce, so a delay suggests problems.

2) Inclusion of online - I think this is the most likely option. Hopefully they are gonna take a good chunk of a year to create an online experience to be a really good flagship for Nintendo's online strategy. Lets just hope it doesnt blow like MP2 multiplayer.

3) DS connectivety - Quite unlikely but still an option. Maybe youcan use the DS like a rear-view mirror to see enemies behind you?! Or maybe it could be used for unlocking or hacking stuff (me like that a plenty). But hey I'm sure Ninty would come up with something a lot more original.


Any of these would be a possibility but I would like to hear more for you guys.

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I think it is because of online and I assume that they completely rework the graphics. Sure it looked good but there were so many titles around the Wii's launch and with Zelda as killer-app MP3 would only be in the way. It's far better to make it the first big online title - since FPS are very popular - and release it when there's a drought of good games.

I also figure that they'll extend the levels quite a bit and add in extra details. I think they'd also increase the interactivity with the other hunters.


Btw I think including other hunters is a good idea actually. I always wanted to know more about the Metroid Universe and by killing lots of bugs and the likes I can hardly imagine that. It's also quite strange for a bounty hunter not to encounter any other enemies.

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Wasn't MP3 originally slated for launch? A year delay (we're not really going to see it before November) must be to add something big into it... Online play. They said at E3 it wouldn't be in it, the fans cried out, now it's going to be in there.

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Wasn't MP3 originally slated for launch? A year delay (we're not really going to see it before November) must be to add something big into it... Online play. They said at E3 it wouldn't be in it, the fans cried out, now it's going to be in there.
We also cried every time they talked about friend codes, yet it's smelling bad in the kitchen.


But yeah, MP3 is gonna have online, hopefully without friend codes.

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I don't see why The new metroid should not have a split screen if it's going to have on-line. Or maybe give us a death match mode in one player with bots. One of the many thing that pissed me off about hunters was not been able to practice. You had to go on-line and get your ass kicked or play through the shity one player. Given the choices i'd rather get my ass kicked. i didn't give the game much time though so maybe i missed something

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I don't see why The new metroid should not have a split screen if it's going to have on-line. Or maybe give us a death match mode in one player with bots. One of the many thing that pissed me off about hunters was not been able to practice. You had to go on-line and get your ass kicked or play through the shity one player. Given the choices i'd rather get my ass kicked. i didn't give the game much time though so maybe i missed something


Oh man, you're going to kick yourself when I tell you this. :heh:


Not only could you play this on single-cart, but you could also play against bots...

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i mean like in one player without multiplayer? Can you play bots as well like that?


You can practice by yourself against the bots, if that's what you mean. You choose the map, the mode (so, deathmatch, for instance), kill limit, how many bots to play against, that sorta thing.


So, altogether:


You have the main singleplayer quest.

Battles by yourself against bots.

Battles with others who own the DS, but only one copy of the game (single card download play - note, you have less options for this)

Battles with others who own the DS AND the game (multicard)

And, of course, online play.

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co-op would be great, both online/offline. Plus an offline/online multiplayer with bots for offline.


AND just make it really atmospheric with cool locations etc..


It'll be the best Metroid, i reckon, and my guess is that it's out September. Talking about Brawl? I'm with DCK, this ain't going to be released this year, i reckon March 08.

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I think Nintendo and Retro are aware that MP2 did not sell as well as the original, arguably they're extremely similar games and this has on occasions been cited as a reason for the drop in sales (although in my opinion, more of a good thing can't be bad, can it?).


I've always been adement that Metroid should remain a single player experience, however, MPH proved me wrong (but at the expense of the main game).


Controls are probably an issue too. So far, no FPS has nailed a decent control system and Nintendo will want to get these spot on. Its a flagship franchise and needs to get it right.

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I think Nintendo and Retro are aware that MP2 did not sell as well as the original, arguably they're extremely similar games and this has on occasions been cited as a reason for the drop in sales (although in my opinion, more of a good thing can't be bad, can it?).


I've always been adement that Metroid should remain a single player experience, however, MPH proved me wrong (but at the expense of the main game).


Controls are probably an issue too. So far, no FPS has nailed a decent control system and Nintendo will want to get these spot on. Its a flagship franchise and needs to get it right.

Well apparently the controls are pretty solid so I dont think they would be the reason for stopping multiplayer/online.

As for me, i dont think it will be online, i think you will all be disappointed when it's announced that there will be no online.

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Well, nobody ever said it would be online for certain anyway, so it's not like they've implemented the modes and then taken it out! We wouldn't really have lost anything.


I think there's a number of possibilities why they might be holding this back. Could be tactical issues, where they hold it back and release it at a time where they can guarantee enough/more Wii Units. Or, it could be to improve the overall singleplayer experience, add that extra Nintendo polish. Could be to further improve and explore all controller possibilities. Maybe even a combination of all of the above.

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Well, nobody ever said it would be online for certain anyway, so it's not like they've implemented the modes and then taken it out! We wouldn't really have lost anything.


I think there's a number of possibilities why they might be holding this back. Could be tactical issues, where they hold it back and release it at a time where they can guarantee enough/more Wii Units. Or, it could be to improve the overall singleplayer experience, add that extra Nintendo polish. Could be to further improve and explore all controller possibilities. Maybe even a combination of all of the above.



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Haha,nice Boo,nice ;)


My opinion on why it isn't out yet is because there waiting for a lot of Wii's to get sold,build up the hype of the game my releasing news about(from E3 in July) and make it a seller,and with this time they can be polishing up the graphics,flattening out lots of bugs and controller issues,and the one I hope the most is adding multiplayer offline and online since they've completed the single player.

That would mean offline with bots(like MPH) and a great online experience and Nintendo using this game to test out VOIP and see how well it works.

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Haha,nice Boo,nice ;)


My opinion on why it isn't out yet is because there waiting for a lot of Wii's to get sold,build up the hype of the game my releasing news about(from E3 in July) and make it a seller,and with this time they can be polishing up the graphics,flattening out lots of bugs and controller issues,and the one I hope the most is adding multiplayer offline and online since they've completed the single player.

That would mean offline with bots(like MPH) and a great online experience and Nintendo using this game to test out VOIP and see how well it works.


that or they could be sitting in an office/home doing jack all. Reggie looks round the office and the retro studios team is asleep but leaves us the message 'they are working very hard on the game'. I bet they give us a pack of lives when they say that theyve been looking around at all the games and solid work is being done.

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